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Everything posted by Werepire
I am planning my next playthrough, for when my computer is fixed and I wanted to populate Skyrim. I did google and browse the mods and couldn't find what I was looking for, which is simply more animal spawns, but I don't want non vanilla animals or change in behaviour (I want the vanilla experience, just more). Aside from animals, I am also looking for an increase in monsters and humanoid (both hostile and friendly. Still vanilla ones) population and encounters, though admittedly I haven't searched for these yet as I got stuck on searching for more animal spawns mods, but I'd still appreciate advice on mods.
Thank you, Novem
I am about to learn modding by doing and wondered, if I make, let's say a house, an npc and a quest, all at seperate times. How would I make these three files into one?
I am interested in how to lower or heighten perk gain per level or out right removing it, I have tried in the past with no success, so I come here to ask. How would I do it?
I want to replicate the glass bow of the stag prince effect and doing just that should\t be too hard, just replicate the same things and stick it to a different weapon but I want to in game have a weapon that improves in damage done after killing X amount of enemies, the hardest art is probably the script. I found the script within "dlc2MerchEnchWeapBowOfTheStagPrince", this is what it said Scriptname dlc2MerchBowOfStagPrinceIncSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect GLOBALVARIABLE PROPERTY animalsKilled AUTO KEYWORD PROPERTY animalType AUTO OBJECTREFERENCE victim EVENT OnEffectStart(ACTOR target, ACTOR caster) victim = target ENDEVENT EVENT OnDying(ACTOR killer) if(victim.HasKeyword(animalType)) animalsKilled.SetValue(animalsKilled.GetValue() + 1) endIf ENDEVENT My first idea was to change animalIsKilled to PeopleKilled but I wonder if CreaturesKilled includes all enemies, rather then just the people. However I got stumped on HasKeyword AnimalType, I have no clue what to replace that with, Sorry for bothering y'all, I am not too good with scripts.
Thank you so much
Alright, thanx, I\ll do that, though blade of woe uses Steel Smithing and there are other unique daggers that also uses that, like Bloodthorn and Rundi's Dagger
I want to understand the CK better and as such I have a project I want to do as I learn bet from doing and exerimenting but I think I have gotten to a halt https://i.imgur.com/TKzPS6x.png What conditions should I use to single out blade of woe? I think I am doing this correct, but I am not quite sure, so far I think I am singling out every unique daggers, but there are more then 1 unique dagger and the unique condition wouldn't let me choose a specific weapon (parameter was grayed out, making it unable to click, browse and choose something)
I want to skip intro, without downloading additional mods like live another life. I have tried adding sIntroSequence= or sIntroSequence=0 or sIntroSequence=DISABLED.BIK To the [General] tab in skyrim ini I have tried to Rename BGS_Logo.bik Delete BGS_Logo.bik I have tried a number of variations of the methods written above So far not a single thing seemed to have had an effect Then I tried to outright delete the main quest, didn't let me so I went into MQ101 and deleted up to and including quest stage 10 All that did was to stop me halfway into a new game, stuck with a black screen with Bethesda logo and music. So to the question, how do I skip the intro? Edit) I want to start somewhere else, I want to create a mod but the two things that I don't know how to do is how to skip intro and having a new character appear somewhere else then Helgen.
I want to skip intro, without downloading additional mods like live another life. I have tried adding sIntroSequence= or sIntroSequence=0 or sIntroSequence=DISABLED.BIK To the [General] tab in skyrim ini I have tried to Rename BGS_Logo.bik Delete BGS_Logo.bik I have tried a number of variations of the methods written above So far not a single thing seemed to have had an effect Then I tried to outright delete the main quest, didn't let me so I went into MQ101 and deleted up to and including quest stage 10 All that did was to stop me halfway into a new game, stuck with a black screen with Bethesda logo and music. So to the question, how do I skip the intro?
Still interested in this
Thank you
I prefer my mouthpiece over the default, I just extracted the textures and made the change with Gimp. I like the desaturated mouthpiece and the new spots on it. As for the rest well I just didn't want to settle with the mouthpiece. I will look up the terms you have provided as well as look up some Nifscope tutorials to see if it is for me. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to give directions, thank you.
I have no prior experience with retexturing and was hoping to get some feedback, I wan't to hear what you think. I am not fond of the default red/brown color so I changed that, at first I tried a more bloody red but it stuck out, a lot. So I simply desaturated it and played a bit with the texture in general. It is just the Shrouded Cowl for now, the Dark Brotherhood hoodie for females (Male won't have the red/brown part that cover the mouth, unless you mod it) http://i.imgur.com/4eGglpm.png
I am not quite sure where to put this, so I am sorry if it is in the wrong place. I got an idea for my next playthrough and I haven't played Skyrim for ages so I booted up Skyrim and was overwhelmed by all the different character creation mods and I tried a few of them but in the end it didn't turn out as I had hoped. I will be making an Orc male and a Dark Elf gender undecided as of now, then I have always liked the beast races because they look nothing like a human, well except that they have a human shape, though so far I haven't looked into how to make pretty beasts as my Orc and Dark Elf comes first. I have used a few mods in the past but these where more to aid my gameplay, like quest markers for bareness quest or unofficial patches. So all I could do was grab a few character creation mods here and there and hope it would work as I have no way to know which mods to take. What I am getting to is that I want you to see me as someone who just found out about modding and want to make pretty characters and I am asking if there is any tips/advice or general directions.
SSE [Mod Request] Real Racial Skill Bonuses
Werepire replied to Werepire's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I hope you are wrong but if you aren't I still have my second request in the OP, which is basically what you just said. I will do that and if you find out please return the favor. -
I would like to hear your thoughts and/or feedback on the subject, whether it be by a post or pm. -- I have some thoughts for improving racial skill points 1) I would like to firstly remove skill bonus, this alone I could do however there is more to this request. Instead of having slightly more skill points into a skill based on race I would love to see a cap exceeding the natural 100 points in any given skill, allow me to demonstrate: Example (vanilla race skill bonus) Khajiit * 10 more skill points in Sneak * 5 more skill points in Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket and One-handed Example (If my mod where to be made real) Khajiit * They would start without the extra skill points * They would be able to cap Sneak at 110 skill points * They would be able to cap Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket and One-handed at 105 2) Again I would start with removing the bonus skill points, instead of added skill points I would like to see faster skill progression. for instant Sneak could be 10% faster to learn and Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket and One-handed 5% faster to learn. It doesn't need to be percentage and my numbers are likely not realistisk, however I would like to feel the difference in game without it being to fast.
When I mention racial passive along the words skill book I really mean I want to make a skill book with skill points which don't get retested when you legendary a skill. Is there any way of doing this? And if so, can any kind soul help me out and point me in the right direction?
awesome, thank you so much. I did a few searches before posting, guess I should have been more through.
Anyone please help There is one trap in the korcari wilds which drives me crazy, I can't click it so I can't disarm it and ignoring it is wrong, at least in my mind so not ignoring it yet not being able to do something about it..
I want to add something to the character creation but how do I add a slider? And how do I connect the slider with the racial part of the mod that I feel fairly certain able to do.
Is this something you would be interested in? Deadly dragons http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3829/? Deadly Monsters http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10377/? Dangerous animals http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9836/?
As it is now we do all our leather-working by burning it in a smelter and hammering it... What if we had a leather working station. I know there are some stations besides the smelter that can deal with leather however I want to go out in the wild kill an animal and make its had into a helmet or its fur a rug or cloak and such things. Maybe hollow out claws from an animal to make claws befitting a Khajit, Indians in real life, back in the day as I don't know about today, didn't leave any remains of a killed animal, the meat was to feed only what they needed, the bones where made accessories and fur rugs and other clothing. Everywhere in the game I see the same mentality, there are countless NPC:s who use leather and some who uses tooth necklaces so why not make it a thing. What about wood working?, we could craft our own furniture to our homes, along with the aforementioned rugs, this would be awesome.
1) Legendary skill What if we got 5 skills per legendary reset and a cap on 20 legendary resets? On the last reset you would have maxed it. Or maybe 19 resets, just so that you have to fill in the last 5 skills yourself. 2) Legendary perk For every odd legendary reset gain one perk in that skill, This could be used as either a combo with the first idea or a standalone. It wouldn't give all the perks just 10 - 15 max 3) Backup plan If you don't think the work is worth the effort but you know how to do this, please tell me how to modify the legendary skill in the CK.
I would like to add more options in the character creation menu, i have made a mod request however if someone would be kind enough to give me pointers, enough so that i can get started ill see if i can't make the mod myself, i am a little familiar to the Creation Kit as i have played around with it from time to time.