I miss the saber color editor from Fallen Order. I'm sure someone is working on one, right? I really liked being able to tweak my colors to how I preferred them (usually more saturated and vibrant). Also, I am getting killed a bit, because I like to turn off the UI to take screenshots and then forget to turn it back on when I get into combat. It would be awesome to see a mod/option to fade the UI out after X seconds without combat, and quick fade back when combat is initiated or damage is taken. I guess thirdly, a fantastic companion mod to the UI fades would be if the player could slowly regen health outside of combat. I like to go exploring, get into the occasional scrap, and then I have to eventually refill my stims because I used them up over 30 battle or whatever (probably 3 battles, lol). Typically when I get into combat, I don't use stims, or I use one stim, and I exit combat at half health. Now I gotta use another stim even though I wont be in combat again for a long while as I solve a puzzle or explore. It just seems weird to me, to be penalized for one fight because of a fight several minutes and miles away. It's the souls-like way the game was designed, I know, but I have never been a big souls fan (hold your ""git-gud scrub"s, please - we don't all like the same things and that's okay).