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About TedKuruk

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    United States

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  1. I miss the saber color editor from Fallen Order. I'm sure someone is working on one, right? I really liked being able to tweak my colors to how I preferred them (usually more saturated and vibrant). Also, I am getting killed a bit, because I like to turn off the UI to take screenshots and then forget to turn it back on when I get into combat. It would be awesome to see a mod/option to fade the UI out after X seconds without combat, and quick fade back when combat is initiated or damage is taken. I guess thirdly, a fantastic companion mod to the UI fades would be if the player could slowly regen health outside of combat. I like to go exploring, get into the occasional scrap, and then I have to eventually refill my stims because I used them up over 30 battle or whatever (probably 3 battles, lol). Typically when I get into combat, I don't use stims, or I use one stim, and I exit combat at half health. Now I gotta use another stim even though I wont be in combat again for a long while as I solve a puzzle or explore. It just seems weird to me, to be penalized for one fight because of a fight several minutes and miles away. It's the souls-like way the game was designed, I know, but I have never been a big souls fan (hold your ""git-gud scrub"s, please - we don't all like the same things and that's okay).
  2. I understand why Katanas exist in Night City, but I find it hard to believe that no other swords exist. I would love to see some European style swords and specifically my 15th Century Hand and a Half Sword which is available in Skyrim. I'm unable to mod anymore, at least for the foreseeable future, due to chronic nonsense nobody needs to read about, so I would very much appreciate if someone can help me out with this. Ideally, I think it would be cool to have two styles; one traditional in appearance and maybe a cyberpunked version, either as a texture or slightly altered model with glowy laser blade edges or something. Anyone else think this is a cool idea?
  3. I have the same issue. Have you solved this?
  4. Sweet! Thanks you for this tip. Maybe I'll do more with it. I actually discovered that the Advanced Armors mod does what I need, but I would love to expand into more color options and stuff. This is going to be great!
  5. I'm looking for some help tempering the sleeveless Dawnguard armors. It would be cool to make them craftable too, but so far I have consoled them in, but I can't temper the sleeveless versions. My creation Kit will not open Dawngard.esp, so is there anyone willing to help me out on this?
  6. I got My HUD working with the beta survival optional file. I don't have Automotron, but there is an update for that, too.
  7. In response to post #37129720. #37133590 is also a reply to the same post. Re-importing and re-enabling seem to have me running. Wow, I forgot how enormous the vanilla UI is.. Good tip, Nostalgiaheart.
  8. In response to post #37129720. I am getting the CTD after game load, too. I turned off "My HUD" and the game loaded, but it appears many of my mods aren't truly active. I'm re-importing my profile load order and re-enabling everything to see if that helps.
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