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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Played Max Payne 3 and hated it there already. It's nothing but bad game design. This also happens during any and all missions. Many times you are left with nothing but revolvers against a horde of enemies while your best weapons are on your horse and cannot be obtained. Having no saddle is a choice worth trying though. It's weird how a 2 year old game still has not received any mod, let alone progress info or official update, regarding this plain dumb gameplay design element.
  2. Is a mod like this possible at all? Forced loadout changes are among the most annoying design choices in games.
  3. Sorry for reviving this but I'm having the exact same issue. Problem is, on my game it even occurs without mods installed. Also ran the FNIS exe through MO and launched the game with and without SKSE but the scene is as described by the TC here. PS: Does uninstalling animation mods also include unticking them in MO?
  4. Does anyone know a mod that adds a player home like Bathing Suite but which is also compatible to Flora Overhaul, AFT and other mods that alter landscape or follower related stuff?
  5. I'm talking about this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34100/? It's basically just Killer Keos set for CBBE but made for the UNPB body and I'd like to have it as a standalone instead of replacer because I already use a big armor replacer package for UNP and UNPB with several different styles. I don't plan to release the standalone myself, it's just for private use.
  6. Hi. Anyone knows a way to convert the named mod from replacer to standalone? I want to use it with other armor mods like fgems mod.
  7. Ok. And what do I need to do to replace a follower design? Alternative designs for Lydia and Serana usually add esp-files that modify their appearance but I'd like to overwrite their morphs to avoid bugs when using other body textures and to have less esp-files that increase loading times.
  8. Is there a mod that collects NPCs for all available voices in a closed cell to help people selecting voices for their followers? It's really hard to pick the desired voice if I dont how they sound
  9. And what do I need to keep in mind for the combat style values? The higher they are, the more likely my follower will use that attacks?
  10. Hi, I'm currently messing around with the CK and wanna ask the experienced people around here for some help. I would like to create a follower with its own combat style (e.g. switching between certain techniques on ranged and melee combat) and edit the appearance on Lydia and Serana as they are my common followers in the game. On Serana, I just want to increase the weight because I don't like perky teen breasts and on Lydia I want to edit her face morphs to get other lips and remove all the make-up. And is there a way to change her animation set from male to female? I have never created a mod with the CK but as long as I get the information I need for that three tasks and know what to click, I have no problems. I also tried the NPC editor already but it still leaves Lydias cheek make-up, does not apply the change of her stance from male to female and does not load Dawnguard data, even if Dawnguard.esm is selected in the "Plugins to load" section.
  11. Is it me or does anyone else have problems with trying to download SkyUI too?
  12. Hi, I'm getting a CTD while trying to enter Volkihar Keep. Seranas speech about shutting up gets triggered, the guard notices her and opens the gate but as soon as I press E to open the main door, I get a CTD a few seconds after the loading screen. Also, Serana did not talk to the guard and the queststage kept being on 6.00 which means taking her home. I'm using an absolutely clean installation with no mods or any tweaks, everything is vanilla. My specs are: CPU: AMD FX8150 Graphics: Nvidia GTX580 RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance OS: Windows 7 Prof. 64bit Any suggestions for this? Edit: I tested all of the cells using coc codes. Only the DLC1VampireCastleGuildHall cell causes the CTD, every other cell works fine.
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