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Everything posted by Faust327
I have decided that I would like to actually start working on this mod! Therefore, I will be making a new thread in the Mod Talk area to make the "Official Post" as I'm hoping to leave from the "idea" phase of the mod. I will be mentioning this on the new thread, but I will obviously not be able to do this all by myself and get it out in a reasonable amount of time. So, to put it simply, I am asking for help in the following area's if anyone is interested (Which, unfortunately, is somewhat a lot of help due to my in-experience with modding :( ): Cell Creation (Essentially all fronts, although I am hoping to learn when the CK is released.) Minimal Texturing Modeling I believe I can script to a decent extent although may need some help with the more advanced stuff. And finally Voices! Don't know if I will fully Voice Act this, but for now that is what I'm aiming for until my dreams get grounded. If you are interested in helping with any of these things then, please, don't hesitate to email or pm me.
I was leaning more towards the assassination anyway, but I do see your point. Maybe "invasion" was not the bets word to describe what the Thalmor, potentially, could do. I think they would use the words "forced occupation of heathen lands to ensure order and peace". Adding invasion of loser of civil war is obviously possible, but due to plot constraints the Thalmor intervention is necessary... for the most part. I like those ideas! Would probably be "end-game" features, but possible nonetheless.
Talent: Storytelling (Quest/Dialog + Writing); Voice Acting (Obivously I have my own strengths and weaknesses.) Skill level: Really depends on what your asking for, but for most stuff involving writing I would say high. As for VA I would say I would probably be a medium depending on what I'm being asked to do. Contact method: Email:Brodyf327@gmail.com additional infomation: An example of a short quest I came up with should be attached...
As far as populating the town with freed prisoners of war, I doubt the imperial Jarl would take kindly to harboring "fugitive" Stormcloak. The Thalmor prisoners are much more likely, but I imagine that it would be better to have more of a... "connection", so to speak, with the villagers. For instance having actual names and backgrounds. I do like the idea of having factions play apart in it, but, lore-wise, none of those factions would have anything to gain by funding a charter in Helgen, or Falkreath Hold for that matter. Technically wise, there would be too many variables and not enough space for the faction buildings, villagers, fort, and eventual player building. Plus, the actual "plot" I have planned doesn't merge well with any factions really. Nonetheless thank you for your comment and advice :).
Plot Outline: *Warning! Entering Spoiler Territory to not only this mod, but the main quest as well. If you hold surprise close to your heart then skip this post!* Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 So far that is the plot outline for now. Obviously it is subject to change.
Planned Features: An epic and engrossing questline to follow A lore-friendly (new) town An extensive upgrade system for the town of Helgen A new player owned home New radiant quests such as Tax Collection, duels, and more! A steady income system Finally give Ysolda that inn she's always wanted! Choose what Helgen Exports and Imports And other thing's I have yet to think of... Now, I know some of these things are un-realistic, technically wise, but these are the things that would give this mod life. Will add more as I think of them.
Why Helgen? I wanted to have a town mod that was lore-friendly, so my first obvious plan of action was to find a way to integrate a "need" for a town mod. This also involved placement in the the over-arching story-line of Skyrim itself. Going in I knew that the quests to get the settlement would begin after the "Dragon Crisis" was done and over. However, I thought to myself, "What if someone wanted to play my mod and didn't want to play through the main story line?" Skyrim is a game about no boundaries, so I instead looked at another feasible story line. The Civil-War. As my one-track mind couldn't process back then, I ran into the same dilemma. "What if I don't WANT to play through the Civil-War quest-line?" And so I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. In my head I HAVE to place the mod quests after one of these storylines. Having it randomly pop up in the middle of them wont make any sense, freedom vs. logic. In all honesty, the choice between which one is still up in the air. With these two starting points in mind, the next step is to choose a location to rebuild. I looked through EVERY fort and town and found that the one with no other quests (Other than one, but w/e) was the settlement of Helgen which just happened to be the starting point of the game. I went into Helgen, in-game, and found it was occupied with a few bandits... that's it. OH! And some randomly generated chest at the top of the tower (spoiler?). The layout, lore-wise, was kind of perfect in the regard that it was abandon. Now, one of the flaws of the Helgen area are when you inevitably want to upgrade the hamlet. The area around Helgen is rocky and packed together. The only area outside the walls that aren't already taken up by rocks or mountains are the roads that run along it. This can be overlooked for the time being. With Helgen location pretty much official, I went to the next step, which would be researching Helgen itself. I found, to my surprise, that Helgen was actually part of Falkereath hold, instead of the presumed Whiterun hold. During the Civil-War, Falkereath is a Imperial owned hold, lead by the Jarl Siddgeir. Looking into him and his quests I found that he was a corrupt man that relied on others, like his steward, to do things for him while he reaped the benefits. A perfect set up, IMO. Now with the background, for the most part, out of the way I had one more thing to look towards and that was the NPC's that would occupy the rebuilt town. This was also a very small, but crucial detail as I find it odd in most town rebuild's, that the NPC's seem to come out of nowhere and are pretty much random. I realized I may have to stray to that path as all the NPC's that originally were in Helgen (at the start of the game) were deceased or simply gone. After an attack by a dragon is to be expected I guess. However, this also means that those NPC's also had no quests or importance in game if they did not exist. Now with the reasons I choose the area of Helgen out of the way, I will move onto the Planned Features.
Introduction: With the strange letter still in your possession, you enter “The Bannered Mare” in search of the warmth of some Nord Mead before you continue on to Riverwood. As you head to the bar, you hear a cry from behind you. “Dovahkiin!” The patrons of the bar spin their heads curiously towards you. You turn around to face the crier as he strolls up to you. Have my actions already spread through the land, you think to yourself. You fill with pride as the noticeable courier pants in front of you. “You sure don’t waste time,” his speech marred with gasps for air, “I tried to catch you at Morthal, but they said you didn’t even stop there to rest.” The patrons had lost interest and you loosened your shoulders, realizing they had been stiff from all the attention. You gave the courier an expectant gaze, ordering him to continue. “Yes, well, anyway I have a very important message for you.” Oh great... Another message. I swear if something else is being held for ransom… You take the note that he pulls out of his satchel and begin to read. “Dear Dovahkiin, I have great need of assistance. I have a task that needs complete, one that, if you act now, will become very profitable for you in the future. There is a note hidden in a hollowed out tree-stump south of Riverwood. You will get your next instructions there. I hope to meet you soon. Sincerely, Dacien Aventus” Looking up from the letter, you find that the courier was gone. With a sigh you slip the note into your pouch. Great. Another idiot who can’t solve their own problems… Overview: Many people have been calling out for a town/castle/city they can build and govern. While these cries will be heard and acted upon, unfortunately many will be overpowered or will feel like it is obvious you are playing a mod. This seamless incorporation with the game world is one of the hardest thing for any modder to be able to do and can make a great mod idea stumble on itself or make a small mod a much more enjoyable experience. These city mods end up, to my dismay, being overpowered. They end up, simply put, handing you a full city or town where you most likely get free services of some sort or some uber-powerful weapon that you "earned". If I wanted a cheat mod, or some uber-weapon there are plenty of other mods out there. If you like that sort of stuff that's fine and if that's so then you may want to stop reading because this will probably not be what your looking for. Now with that fairly long pre-introduction out of the way, I will move on to my idea for the mod. As you have probably already figured out this is going to be an idea for a city/town/castle mod. In this case, for now, we will go with town. As I stated above, I like to see mods that flow with the rest of the game. I also like to be able to govern and "build" a city. For awhile, after the announcement of the CK (Construction Kit), I sat there hoping someone would put my idea into motion without me having to do what I'm doing now. I realized if I wanted something like this, I had better at least pitch the idea into the community. And so, here we are. After some careful thinking, which I will explain later, I decided on a mod surrounding the rebuilding and improving of the town of Helgen. You know, that town form the beginning that got turned into a smoldering ruin? Yes, that one. My plans for the small ruined town are large (well large enough.). So, now that this overview is done I can get right into explaining in full detail my idea. *P.S. If someone has already thought of this mod, then please inform me.