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Everything posted by LazyAltmer

  1. I wanted to like it - I've tried to give it some time to adjust to it, but I really dislike the new design. - It seems less efficient click-wise & scroll-wise. - Stylistically its as sterile and cold as a Soviet-era apartment complex painted over to look as generically trendy as possible. - Its so intent on trying to present features and options and things to click to the user that the result is noisy, intrusive, and feels one half-step away from popup autoplay videos On the plus side, the Tracking Center and user profiles look cleaner. Overall, there is not enough really 'better' about it, aside from using more of my screen width, to compensate for its negatives. Sorry.
  2. Oh Vey! First off - the only way that I found that "strips followers" using UFO is to actually TELL IT TO !! It doesn't do it automatically! You use the "You can dress better" command so that you can remove the basic (and stuck) clothes that the mod author of the follower created for it. Like the UFO site says about "you can dress better": "Converts unmovable, invisible outfit follower has to regular gear that can be removed so followers will wear whatever player places in their inventory" Sure - if you remove all the clothes after using that command then - yes - the follower will be naked. But if nudity offends you then you just give the follower whatever YOU want them to wear and they do. I'm not sure how this is "crappy" to you. And I have many different follower mods and - I repeat - do NOT have any problems. Either I'm extremely lucky or someone else isn't. :ermm: Same here. I do not have these supposed issues with UFO, in nearly 2000 hrs combined of LE and SE. I also run Immersive Citizens and Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, numerous add-on follower mods (several of my my own and by others) alongside UFO.
  3. I heard about this as well and have tried the other follower mods like AFT and EFF and gladly went back to UFO. Have had no issues whatsoever with using UFO and the commands are much more easier to use. That being said, I'm sure others may have not quite the same good luck with UFO than I have had. UFO works fine for me too.
  4. You can port it yourself for your own use. It takes a bit of work, but its quite doable: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/633542-ufo-ultimate-follower-overhaul/?p=44429430
  5. 1) A significant issue with Bethesda making changes to the base game is that it could have a lot of repercussions for the existing mods. If the Bethesda changes are to gameplay, quests, sequences of events, land spaces, NPCs, available items, etc. then it could conflict with numerous existing mods, causing mod authors to be rather upset at Bethesda, as well as mod users who now have broken games until the mods are updated. 2) If such Bethesda game changes were mandatory updates, then many users in the middle of a game would end up forced to start over to properly incorporate the changes. OTOH, if such Bethesda game changes were optional updates, then mod authors work would be multiplied as they might have to create separate versions for multiple game configurations, depending on which Bethesda updates were added. Essentially, the game would start being forked into multiple versions. No one would be happy. 3) If such changes had been incorporated into the SE release, the only effect would be to have mod porting slowed down and/or reduced, as mod compatibility issues would multiply. That detriment isn't offset by the supposed value add of baking in a handful of "best" mods into the base game. 4) How is it decided what are the "best" mods to incorporate? By # of downloads? Most lore-friendly? Most hard-core? No matter which ones Bethesda might choose, a good fraction of the user base will think its a bad selection because it either incorporates the "wrong" mods, or it is missing "better" mods. It is thus a no-win situation for Bethesda to make gameplay changes that could affect mod compatibility. Mod authors and users would both be up in arms, and people would leave the game in droves from frustration. The comparison with WoW is invalid. WoW has control of all the gameplay code. There are no gameplay mods by users. The only mods users have are the GUI mods, and even those occasionally break and require updating after WoW changes. I think the maxim: "Don't mess with the mod ecosystem" is rule #1 for the TES game community to continue to thrive.
  6. Tried Run as Administrator in case it was a UAC issue (Win10 Pro). No change. :( Uninstalled CK & reinstalled CK. No change. :(
  7. SE CK v1.1.51.0. CK > Data > select Skyrim.esm. (No mods) Once it loads, open any vanilla NPC for edit. Then click on "Head" to view the NPC. Error box pop up immediately with "TEXTURES: Malehead.nif: MaleHeadIMF is missing a facegen tint map." Clicking past that error gets more errors: "TEXTURES: Malehead.nif: MaleHeadIMF is missing a facegen detail map." "TEXTURES: Should have been converted offline." Same errors as this person: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5acjho/sse_megathread_5_read_this/d9i3o6z/ Tried editing CreationKit.ini with no effect: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 (under [General]) SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa, Skyrim - Textures2.bsa, Skyrim - Textures3.bsa, Skyrim - Textures4.bsa, Skyrim - Textures5.bsa, Skyrim - Textures6.bsa, Skyrim - Textures7.bsa, Skyrim - Textures8.bsa, Skyrim - Patch.bsa, Update.bsa, DawnGuard.bsa, HearthFires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa bUseArchives=1 (same errors whether this is 0 or 1)
  8. There is no "meshes>actors>characters>facegendata>facegeom>skyrim.esm" folder? When my mod was saved and facegen was created it was ONLY "facegeom>modname.esp" Am I just blind? Edit: Was this issue fixed? If so, does that mean I need to re-port my old mods using the creation kit again so that it's done correctly? Do I need to include "facegeom>modname.esp" files? You are right, the skyrim.esm folder is not there by default. So, when packaging up mods that affect an existing NPC in Skyrim, just manually create the skyrim.esm folders for meshes and textures and move the NPC files created by the CK (except any TGA files, of course) from modname.esp folder to skyrim.esm folder. If all your mod does is modify an existing NPC, there is no need to include the modname.esp folders in the packaged mod.
  9. If you have already met Lydia in the savegame you are loading, the savegame NPC properties may still be in effect (even though her name has changed). With your mod loaded and while facing Lydia, go into the console and click on her. Her ID# should appear on the screen. Type: isessential. The response should be 1 for essential and 0 for not essential. if not esssential then: Type: disable. She should disappear. Then type: enable. She should reappear. Type: isessential to see if she is updated. Exit console. Another way to do this without requiring a mod is to use a console command to set her as essential. In the console, type: setessential 000A2C8E 1 (where 000A2C8E is her BaseID - this is different than the RefID that is shown when you click on her) Again, use isessential to verify she is now essential. See: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Lydia
  10. To download the Special Edition CK: 1) Join bethesda.net (if you haven't already): https://account.bethesda.net/en/join 2) Go to a page (News/Mods/Community) where Launcher is shown in the upper right-hand corner of screen 3) Download and install the Launcher. 4) The Creation Kit:Skyrim for SE will be one of the downloads available on the left-hand menu of the Launcher. Its ~70MB in size.
  11. Some assorted links regarding Skyrim SE. Bethesda Skyrim SE Workshop (mods) https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/skyrim Bethesda Skyrim SE Forums https://beta-community.bethesda.net/category/82/skyrim http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/117-v-skyrim-skyrim-special-edition/ Steam Skyrim SE page http://store.steampowered.com/app/489830/ Nexus Skyrim SE mods http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/? Nexus Skyrim SE Forums https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4021-skyrim-special-edition/ General Reviews of Skyrim SE FYI: https://bethesda.net/en/article/42QH1pTNpKSYIcgKK2C4wW/bethesda-and-game-reviews https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/10/28/skyrim-special-edition-pc-changes/ http://www.pcgamesn.com/skyrim-special-edition-2016/skyrim-special-edition-pc-port-review-mods http://www.gamespot.com/articles/should-you-buy-skyrim-special-edition/1100-6444913/ http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-special-edition www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6EjcESYIXk Comments on Graphics Textures in SE https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/59va9l/skyrim_se_texture_report/ Comments on Audio Quality in SE Upcoming patch: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/59u0iw/the_skyrim_special_edition_features_a_significant/d9btgdu/ https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/59u0iw/the_skyrim_special_edition_features_a_significant/ Creation Kit for SE To download the Special Edition CK: 1) Join bethesda.net (if you haven't already): https://account.bethesda.net/en/join 2) Go to a page (News/Mods/Community) where Launcher is shown in the upper right-hand corner of screen 3) Download and install the Launcher. 4) The Creation Kit for SE will be one of the downloads available on the left-hand menu of the Launcher. Its ~70MB in size. Bethesda Modding Guidelines for SE https://bethesda.net/en/devnote/xxPlwl42Z2cseekMQwOUy/bethesda-net-modding-guidelines-for-skyrim-special-edition-and-fallout-4 Considerations for Converting Mods from Skyrim to SE http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-things-to-know-when-converting-standard-mods-to-sse/page-1 www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqhd375zf1E Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266/? http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/forum/351-unofficial-skyrim-special-edition-patches/ SKSE Conversion to SE Status http://skse.silverlock.org/ https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5a1bh8/pc_official_skse64_thread/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4979480-skse/page-2&do=findComment&comment=43651245 SkyUI for SE Status https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/499516-skyui/page-1754&do=findComment&comment=42274600 https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5a0l55/sse_megathread_4_no_really_read_it/d9culxi/ SSEEdit (i.e. TES5Edit for SE) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/164/?
  12. (moved to its own thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4996965-skyrim-se-assorted-links/)
  13. It seems the mentality of the paid/curated mods model is the app model for mobile devices: looking at mods as "apps" in some kind of "app store". Thus we see the leveraging of Steam as akin to Google Play. Steam Workshop is an abysmal platform for this, as so many have noted. With game mods, however, there is the further complication of theft due to mods being unsigned and uncompiled (aside from scripts), and thus easily stolen/copied. But aside from the mechanics of this kind of app + appstore model, the collegial dynamics of the mod community would suffer greatly, IMHO. If someone figures out how to get a feature to work and their mod succeeds and they are raking in the dough, there is no incentive for them to share this with the community and thereby potentially dilute the niche for that type of mod and reduce their income. If Beth did go with this kind of model I think it would be a disaster. It would destroy a lineage and following that they have cultivated for so long. If they want to monetize Steam Workshop, then let it be by microtransaction, whereby the mods are free, but downloads (i.e., access to a specific mod on your Steam account) costs 5-25 cents (just for example) apiece. This will incentivize 1) Steam Workshop to become a halfway-decent platform with real functionality and utility in order to compete with other mod sites such as Nexus, 2) Beth will work to get more mods on the Workshop and to keep the new mods flowing even years after a game's release, 3) allows the mod makers to focus on providing free mods while using donations to make some kind of money if they so choose. I think keeping Beth/Steam monetization (via microtransaction) uncoupled from mod monetization (via donation) is the only way to prevent a hellish result from monetizing mods. Otherwise, mod makers will need to have the ability to uniquely sign and compile mods to prevent piracy, and it will no longer be an open community - it will be a staid developer forum. Further, let us not forget mods such as SKSE, which are not mods in the usual sense, but add functionality that supersede the game's innate functionality, and are an enabling technology for thousands of other mods. Would SKSE-like programs be part of a curated model? TES5Edit? etc. I think not. What the open modding community has done, let not Bethesda/Steam sunder. Long live the Nexus. :)
  14. Can anyone tell me what armor mod this is from? http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/6525328-1393607266.jpg
  15. LOL, I went to the second page of comments and got "WE HAVE TAKEN DOWN THIS SITE WHILE WE PERFORM SOME MAINTENANCE. WE'LL BE BACK SOON SO PLEASE BE PATIENT". In any case, thanks for the hard work. As an IT guy, I know how it can suck. And thank you, thank you in advance for: "I want to overhaul many aspects of the Image Share section...and removing those horrible image pages some users make that scroll on and on into infinity as the author has added their entire back catalogue in to the image description."
  16. So, came back to Skyrim recently and looking around at new mods, I noticed that there was a Followers file category. Hmm, I thought, I don't recall that category from before. Sure enough, the companion mods I had made way back when were under the category Companions-Other, so I updated my mods to be under Followers. But it appears that newer follower mods are still sometimes under Companions-Other. Is there any consensus for the use of these two categories?
  17. I've been getting this issue intermittently as well, roughly since the server move to the cloud. Browsers are Chrome (latest) or IE9. As I say, it is intermittent; typically more frequent from midday thru evening (EST timezone). No Javascript blocker in use. Refreshing usually fixes it, but it may take multiple page refreshes; sometimes closing the tab and calling the page again fixes it.
  18. Unofficial patches: Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19 Dawnguard: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23491 Hearthfire: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25127 Dragonborn: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31083 Hi-Res Texture Pack: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31255
  19. Ver 0.46.0 "Get missing mod info" feature results in the "Edit mod information" window with "Nexus is unavailable" as the text in the lefthand pane.
  20. Also getting the GO FASTER GO PREMIUM notice at the bottom of NMM.
  21. Just FYI. I'm getting 404 errors on skyrim.nexusmods.com, when clicking on Skyrim from nexusmods.com. Was there perchance a DNS change with that Skyrim URL that needs to propagate?
  22. Thank goodness for this thread! I just had this happen today and never would have figured this out. In my case, there were two Skyrim.esm entries in plugins.txt.
  23. Were these preference additions announced in a news item somewhere??? Had I not read to the last page of this thread, I'd not have been aware of these options.
  24. SkyrimNexus - three items: 1) Warning mesg on image upload to a mod 2) Broken link on your SIte Error page 3) "Verify Humanity" image broken on Contact Form 1) After uploading an image to a mod (NPC Editor), the results screen says that the upload succeeded, however it also gives the following Warning message: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/skyrim/public_html/includes/sdk/index.php on line 157 When I tried to "Manage the Image", I got a Site Error page saying "You do not have the required permissions to perform this action." (presumably because I had uploaded the image to someone else's mod??). 2) However, on that Site Error page, I noticed there was a link to a Contact Form, which is incorrect (results in "File does not exist"). The link is to: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/contact.php When it seems it should be (as in the footers of your pages): http://www.skyrimnexus.com/content/contact.php 3) When I do go to the working Contact Form, the "Verify Humanity" image is a broken link, so I cannot successfully submit the form. Tried with IE9 and Chrome.
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