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Everything posted by Deleted77474873User

  1. The tree model (TreeBlastedForestFungalSmall01 [sTAT:0013C379]) from your video definitely lacks any kind of LOD mesh when looked at in xEdit. I went there at the same spot as in your video and noticed the same effect with reference xxa4b3db, etc. It seems that you either have to manually hunt down objects that miss LOD meshes and create them yourself or try to find LOD related mods that already add those and hope that the respective author grants permission to add those meshes to your mod. Some of the truck, car, boxcar and similar meshes you heavily use in The Zone seem to suffer from the same problem, since Bethesda obviously didn't care much about these items being used in their LOD. After exploring your mod for some time now and after playing around with my fallout4.ini, it seems that The Zone is at the moment best played with 9 uGrids and an increased tree LOD distance, similar like this: Fallout4.ini [General] uGridsToLoad=9 uExterior Cell Buffer=100 iGrassCellRadius=4 ;this is needed to avoid empty patches of grass Fallout4Prefs.ini [Display] fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=5000.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=7000.0000 Funnily enough I installed the GoG version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. a while ago and noticed that the grass visibility there is also a fairly short distance even on maxed out settings. In some ways you are actually quite true to the original when played with 5 uGrids. :laugh: As mentioned in my post on your mod page, using such a large loaded area will significantly decrease game performance on older machines, script heavy load orders and interfere negatively with large and overbuilt settlements, since the player will often (partially) load those settlement areas just by passing by them. @niston What are your quality settings for LOD4/8/16/32? Personally I run with a fairly aggressive 4/8/12/16 which seems to create very nice meshes for people who like to use scoped rifles.
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