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Everything posted by reapthesystem

  1. Update: I disabled a few script-intensive mods OK. More than a few. After running LOOT and rebuilding the bashed patch and the Dual Sheath Redux patch, the game is now mostly stable. It only CTDs when I try to take armor or clothing off of a dead body. I still would appreciate advice on how to eliminate this issue.
  2. Hi. As the title says, I'm getting CTD's a lot- every few minutes or so. My computer is more than capable of running the game (I run RealVision ENB with several texture mods at 60 fps), so that's not the issue. Here's what I've done in terms of troubleshooting: -Ran LOOT -Cleaned mods with TES5Edit -Verified game cache with Steam -Disabled a few mods that were spamming Papyrus -Ran LOOT again Any ideas? My papyrus log: My mod order: Anyone willing to read that wall of text and help is greatly appreciated. I use Mod Organizer, if that helps, Mods not listed because they aren't ESPs or ESMs are: Yeah. I have a lot of texture replacers. Again, any help appreciated.
  3. Try disabling Deadly Mutilation. The rule of thumb is that if one single mod is causing a bunch of papyrus spamming, then that mod is probably the issue. That said, I have no idea about anything having to do with papyrus, and I'm currently getting CTD's galore.
  4. So, basically Helgen Reborn but for an Orc stronghold? I like it. Also, maybe some additional books scattered throughout Skyrim to start the quest, talking about a bandit-infested stronghold that forced the Orcs to abandon it... possibly have a prominent Orc in the game (Urag?) talk about it... this is a great idea.
  5. Basically, I want something that will do everything that Better Vampires by Brehannin does, but with some mechanics of Belua Sanguinare Revisited thrown in. I don't know if this is even possible. Anyway, the things I think are cool from BSR: -Shrines do damage when near -Burning effects while in sunlight- Better Vampires does this, but not nearly as well as BSR in my opinion -Trespassing damage (ideally configurable via MCM) -Debuffs if you fail to feed, e.g. penalties to various skills or even dropping a Vampiric level -Running on water if sprinting I think if these two fantastic mods were somehow merged (unfortunately they conflict on several things right now), then the best vampirism overhaul on the Nexus could be created.
  6. Try using showracemenu. Just don't change anything about your character or ALL of your stats will reset, but that should force the game to basically reset any script running on your character without changing any basic stats.
  7. Also, some mods just suck. If all else fails, check with NMM if all of the mods are up-to-date. Then, read the comments- if a mod breaks someone's game, they will tell you. Usually this would result in a CTD immediately after the Bethesda logo, but you never know... maybe you'll get lucky there.
  8. None of those crash my game. I don't really know what to suggest, but perhaps the SKSE logs will help. If you set EnableLogging=1 in one of your .ini files (I can't remember which one- either SKSE, Skyrim, or SkyrimPrefs). When the game crashes, the last script to run should be in the log file... maybe. Another possibility is that you're running out of processing power. Try finding some application (there are several out there for free) to unpark your CPU, allowing all of your processing power to be available all of the time instead of some cores being "parked" or shut off when they're not needed. Finally, if you have something that requires a SkyProc patch, run the patch- it will tell you if you're missing a master for some mod, even if LOOT won't.
  9. Hey, cut maikeruurashima some slack. That mod idea sounds really cool, and I'd really love to see it. From a programming standpoint, it shouldn't be too difficult to do... though I say that as someone who has created exactly one really crappy mod in the CK.
  10. I've tried Better Vampires, and I must say, it's fantastic. You can use "reverse progression" so that you get more powerful as you become more fed- instead of vanilla, which made no sense to me. You can also customize if you're hated all the time, at stage one, at stage four, or never. You can also harvest blood potions, like from Dawnguard. You also get sun damage. However, you don't get things like damage near garlic or animations for sunlight. It's also being constantly updated, so there's that. I haven't tried Belua, but I will. EDIT: Belua is great. I really like the use of shrines and trespassing mechanics. Overall, more mods are compatible with Better Vampires because it's updated more often. However, I think Belua is the way to go... for now.
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