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  1. Bump. I have tried cleaning it via both TES5Edit and Wyre Brush and ran it through BOSS but it is still causing a CTD
  2. So I created a new simple mod which allows you to buy 2 new spell tomes, one which allows you to turn into a werewolf as often as you like and one which allows you to turn into a vampire lord (with skill trees) and it does work to a degree, however I have ran into a few issues that I need help with. 1: The main one - This mod seems to cause random CTD especially when you are a werewolf (even when it is the only mod loaded). I am guessing it is a conflict or something but I have no idea how to tell or even how to fix it if it is. 2. Werewolf form does not revert back to human by itself (or in my case Argonian), the only way to change back is to use "wait". Any help you could offer would be appreciated and I will even send anyone the ESP file to look over and try and fix, along with a Co-Creator listing when and if the mod is posted Oh and no new papyrus scripts were used in the creation of this mod
  3. To use a door you need 2 (autoload or manual), one for the entrance and one in the cave cell and one in the other cell / worldspace (depending where you would like to emerge) First make sure you have markers showing by pressing "M" hen either double left click or right click and press "edit" (both open the same menu) on one of the two doors to open the "REFERENCE" menu and look for the tab marked "TELEPORT" (it should be the first one) tick the box marked "Teleport" and leave the menu open as you do the next part. Find the second door, the one you wish the first to be linked to. Now back on that menu you should have open select "Select Reference in Render Window" and your cursor should turn into a target. Move it over the door so it turns "white" and double click to select. Press "OK" on the menu. Now if you have markers turned on a yellow box should have appeared either next to the door or sometimes half in half out. That is where your character (or any NPC) will emerge, facing whatever way the arrow head is pointing. Position it where you think is best (exactly the same way you position any object) Double clicking on that yellow marker will ask you if you want to go to the door it is linked to. Press ok / yes and you will find yourself at the other door. Again position the marker as you see fit. There you go, a fully working door. Of course to get followers and other NPCs to use it you have to make sure everything is navmeshed properly so that they can reach the door and use the marker.
  4. Yet another update to showcase the ever growing "Everweyr" first up some ruins located near the heart of the city http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/ScreenShot73_zps74e0726d.jpg next the new Market Area where at the moment you can buy food, jewellery and books / spell tomes http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/ScreenShot78_zps61b71d95.jpg A small camp spot near the ruins of a ship http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/ScreenShot75_zpsf7f32d66.jpg Everweyr Farm http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/ScreenShot79_zpsdcd93c3e.jpg Some frozen warrior http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/ScreenShot77_zps26920f93.jpg The frozen remains of a long dead dragon http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/ScreenShot76_zpsd186fd11.jpg
  5. he just stands still. When the time comes for him to stop patrolling he no longer moves at all until it is time to patrol again or I commit a crime my follower will happily follow me up to and inside the barracks and around the beds so I doubt it is a navmesh issue but i shall take another look at it just to make sure
  6. currently 31 but that is bound to change at some point :wink:
  7. So I have my guard patrolling around the interior of my Inn keeping the piece from 9am - 8pm, but after that he just stands around like a statue doing nothing (unless I commit a crime). What I want is for him to leave the Inn and walk to the barracks, sit down at his desk to do his paperwork and then go to bed but I can't work out how to do it. I tried adding an AI package that told him to sleep at a certain time and aimed him at one of the beds in the barracks but he just ignores it. Any help would be appreciated
  8. Here is a small video tour of a small part of Everweyr. Oh and I apologize for the frame rate / freezing as I was using free software to record the footage so it was the best I could do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2zKcHB3xHs
  9. Here are some new screenshots showing the growth of Everweyr City First up is Everweyr Castle which is built into the side of the local moutain http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/everweyr-castle_zpsa06a5ee0.jpg Next we have what will be the Player House when it is complete. It is named "Kaazkah Hall" (Khajiit Pride / Pride of the Khajiit) http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/main-house_zps033fa036.jpg Just opposite of Kaazkah Hall is the long abandoned Everweyr Hotel http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Everweyr-Hotel_zpsd837cdcd.jpg Finally one of the small housing districts that can be found in Everweyr City with a view of the rear of Kaazkah Hall http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Street-amp-Main-Hourse_zpse9b7661e.jpg
  10. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Everweyr-Hall_zps75d5d027.jpg WELCOME TO EVERWEYR Everweyr City is a content mod that adds not just a new city to the existing world of Skyrim but also a small to medium sized new world with dungeons to explore and quests to complete. Everweyr City also acts as a portal to all the major areas of both Skyrim and Solstheim making questing that much easier. I have even thrown in a little easter egg for fans of a certain 80's horror flick (I am not saying what as to not spoil the surprise) STATUS Everweyr City is still under development and not yet close to finished. Currently players can have a quick look around some of the land and see where some of the buildings are, they can even enter some. They can also use 2 rooms in the hall of Doors for fast travel to various areas, there are plans for 2 more rooms which will add doors to areas in Solstheim and to various large ruins but they are still under development. I am also expanding the landmass so I can increase the size and scope of the city as well as to accommodate the addition of the ruins and dungeons I mentioned earlier. When I have finished building the land I shall probably start looking for people to help me bring some life to the city by helping to create NPCs (traders, guards etc) which will mostly be Khajiit and Argonians, as well as making things such as shop and street signs. In the meantime If you would like to look around what I have done so far and give me feedback / reporting bugs, please check out the mod here ABOUT The City of Everweyr is based on a mod I created for the Steam Workshop which was a large house called "Everweyr" that you could access in any of the major cities of Skyrim as well as High Hrothgar. I decided to take that concept and make Everweyr an entire city that exists in another dimension. Everweyr City was created by a group of Khajiit and Argonian mages who wanted to escape the oppression and hatred they felt was aimed towards their races and so decided to make a new home where they could not be disturbed. However they did not wish to totally cut themselves off from the friends and family who chose to stay behind and thus they created the "Hall of Doors" which allows residents of Everweyr access in and out of the city at various locations throughout Skyrim and Solstheim. Despite this the people of Everweyr became more and more distant from the regular world until they pretty much cut themselves off completely. Nobody knows what happened to them but, when after two thousand years the entrance to Everweyr City was reopened by a group of Argonians, they had simply vanished and the city was left in ruins. Deciding it would still make a good refuge for the Argonians and Khajiit who had originally created it, they invited the downtrodden and abandoned of those races to come with them to Everweyr and to help rebuild it. Screenshots http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Hall-of-Doors-Exterior_zps4bb7bda6.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Street_zps630ffa2e.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Graveyard_zpsa322afe3.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Everweyr-Cathedral_zpsbfc2614a.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b209/darkwriter/Skyrim%20Creation%20Kit/Hall-of-Doors--Holds_zps9e72a054.jpg
  11. I side with the Imperials simply because I don't like how Ulfric and his Stormcloaks treat my favorite races, the Argonians and the Khajiit. Sure the game starts with the Imperials about to behead you, but at least they aren't a bunch of self centred racists.
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