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About ModellerBrit

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
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    Maya 2013, modding.
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

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  1. Might be necro post, but I guess I am back from the dead! After almost no work due to exams and [insert other excuse here] I've resumed work, and am making lots of steady progress. I'm looking for some help to do with the GECK work, as I am inexperienced with it and without that all these models are useless. Here are all of the finished(so far) guns in a wall: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AR0J92N35oc/Up6fsZPyB4I/AAAAAAAAAEE/he73kt7XZ2g/s1600/THE+WALL.png
  2. It's a silenced bolt-action rifle chambered in a pistol cartridge. The British used them rarely during WW2. Nice! I'm going to do a personal mod for the desile that replaces the varmint rifle, (Don't worry, I won't release it,) I can't wait for this to come out! have you guys got a release date? Sounds awesome. Go ahead and release it if you want, we can't exactly kick up a fuss over more guns now can we! If you want anything, like the model and textures, just ask and I'll send you them. Release date is hopefully by the end of the month, but more likely end of November. Does anyone who's experienced in G.E.C.K. know how to manipulate iron sights? For several of our models the front sight is lower than the rear sight on the actual gun, so I was wondering if there's a way we can angle the view to make them line up properly?
  3. These will be available in a secret chest all in one, and dispersed throughout the Mojave. You will see NPC's carrying them. As for the energy weapons, right now we are focusing on firearms. After this mod is complete we will likely be making a similar mod for energy weapons, and maybe melee weapons.
  4. It's a silenced bolt-action rifle chambered in a pistol cartridge. The British used them rarely during WW2.
  5. Hey there, first time modding for FO:NV, but have had experience in modding, and am fluent in multiple 3d moselling programmes! I'm the project lead for this mod, I also handle all of the 3d modelling. Our aim is to introduce an expansive arsenal mod for Fallout: New Vegas, filled with guns that are typically under-represented in videogames. And when we say expansive, we mean expansive: http://i.imgur.com/giCydsQ.jpg We already have a multitude of guns finished and most are in some stage of development. [HP] means the high-polygon model is completed and we are working of the low-polygon. [LP] means that the low-polygon model is completed, and we are working on the textures. [DONE] means the modelling itself is fully completed. [FLAV] means we have rendered the flavour image, just a nice rendering of the gun to show it off, like this: http://i.imgur.com/0PoociE.jpg What we want from you: Ideas! If there's a gun you desperately want to see in the game, then tell us! We're always looking to expand the list Resources: If you can provide 3d models of any weapons that we don't already have, then we can take more time to make more! Although we can make everything ourselves, the process would be a lot quicker if we had available resources! We also have a blog, the URL of which is at the top of every flavour render, www.arsenalbybrit.blogspot.com We're going to keep this up to date with our progress so if you could give it a visit and maybe follow it that would be great! Feedback, constructive criticism, suggestions, and requests are not only welcome but requested!
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