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About Peppa96

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Is the server code going to be publicly available? Is there going to be one central server everybody will connect to? Or will players run their own servers? 1)Nope as it is encrypted and only the server owner can access the DB (but since the lobby and sessiond IDS are encrypted they are useless) Sorry i misread yeah I can make it public for sure 2)As for now there is only one server
  2. Guys can you give me your thoughts about this new feature that I'm working on
  3. I have published the mod to NexusMod here and started a new article
  4. There is an option inside Config.json, under "MonsterWidget", named "IncludeStatusEffectGroupIdRegex" with the dafault value of ".*". Just change tha value to "nope" of whatever you want
  5. I reverted back to the original configuration
  6. This is very strange as the mod don't write anything in the chat. (You can check the source code if you don't trust me)
  7. For me, the DPS meter wasn't working as well. I simply restarted like 2 times and worked.Now I'm missing the buff timers only (the most important). The buff timer is not working right now :/
  8. The damage meter should be visible, if you didnât mess up with your Config.json. Also note that that widget in not working in guilding lands (and expeditions)
  9. Then try to create a new folder that contains only the new exe (from my repo) and the .dll. This hopefully will work ;)
  10. Thanks for the report, as for 12 I've already added that. Are you sure about number 10 as I've already labelled number 9 with FLASH? Anyway will label both 9 and 10 to flash if you'll find whats is Flash now just report it back :wink:
  11. Yep, unfortunately in expeditions (also guilding lands) damage is not stored anywere so there's no way of getting it (also other meters can't provide this measure inside those modes).
  12. Yeah it definitely lower your FPS if you CPU can't handle both MHW and the overlay. There is an option inside Config.json with the key "UpdatesPerSecond" set to 20 by default, you can try to lower that value.
  13. They are autogenerated from the application itself if they are not in the same directory (this is done by the base application, i didn’t write that part (files are under SmartHunter.Game.Configs))
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