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Everything posted by Xavon1990

  1. Hello. Recently, when i using the Epic Loot mod, I was reminded the times of old MMO games where there was an item improvement system. With each level, the item we upgraded got a glow. This glow increased as the level of the item got higher. Looking at the "Draugr fang", I missed such a system in Valheim. I'm not very good at modding, but maybe one of you can, or give me some tips on how to do it? Regards :smile: I was thinking about something like this: https://forum.prologicflyff.com/uploads/monthly_2018_03/glowchanger1.gif.fdcc5869bc6f3c5252d25bb769cb4173.gif https://eu-mds.4game.com/images/patchnoteimages/original/3b4dc922-8434-48ed-8e95-1fb013bb3d43.i4g
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