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  1. I got the doors to link (the elevator door I was trying to use apparently had some built-in scripts to it, so I went with a different door and worked like a charm)... and I think I've got a way to do what I want, except now the compiler is throwing an error about an invalid something or other. Need to look into the scripts, now that I know where they are located - I think I made an error setting up one variable, and it got "stuck" in the script and even though I'm now using it correctly, that earlier mistake is still clogging the works. If nothing else, the actual perks work when assigned by console command, so that 'stage' is at least functional. Certainly a lot more involved than I thought it would be, going in. But bit by bit, it's coming together. :)
  2. Aha, see, that's something I did not know. When I 'saved' my mod, it did not "save" the scripts WITH it. I assumed they were part OF the mod, since they're needed for it to, you know, work. But if they're separate... then I need to combine them with the ESP in the ZIP archive. That would make them 'loose', I assume. I've heard of BA2 archives, of course, but never really looked into how to make them or open them up and alter files and re-seal them, as I have seen some recommend. I've been doing more 'grunt work', tinkering in the CK with world building and what not. Created my new interior space, applied lighting, etc and -thought- I had linked the door to a door in the external world, but even though everything seems to be set up, the door remains static, with no activation. More investigation. I programmed a bit in Visual Basic and, like, Fortran and even some hexadecimal in electronics class... but that's like thirty years ago, so, yeh, I understand the general principles of functions and program design, etc. but it's been a while and everything old is new again. Thanks for the assist, folks!
  3. Quite the novice, here. I am sort of getting a handle on the building-blocks of the creation kit. I created a holotape in the world that has several dialog options, and I made a new item I placed in the world, and I made a perk that USED to be granted by the Featured Item, above, when picked up. I switched computers, and now I can only grant that perk by console command - the Featured Item no longer grants the perk. As I understand it, the Featured Item granted the perk by way of a script I had created (somehow). Which leads me to suspect that somehow when I created the ESP on my old computer, it did not include the script as part of the mod, so having the ESP on my new computer ~without~ the script, is what causes the Featured Item to not "work" as it used to do. I use a standardized naming scheme, so I can easily pull up all the things my mod changes, so I can see the Message that links to the featured item, and the terminal text that links to the 'physical' holotape, and the magic spells and so on that make up the perk. What I can't see, are SCRIPTS. Quests, of course, are basically just scripts, and while i often see references to quest stages, I'm not sure how to ~follow~ the course of events caused by scripts / quests running through their steps. IS there a way to view / follow scripts? The script name I had used for the Featured Item was listed in the perk's detailed window, but I could not EDIT it or view its properties or anything (possibly because switching to a new PC did not move the script over). I'm looking forward to having options in a holotape give varying perks with one "give them all" dialog option that grants all the perks at once, which should be a simple matter of the grant-a-perk script just running through all the options. I -think- I can make it so that the holotape only has ~functional~ options when the player character is seated in a specific medical chair that I'll place in the world. Somewhere I'm sure I can fit that 'condition' so that the perks will only be installed when the player chooses a perk from the holotape connecting their PipBoy to the surgical chair. Thanks for any assistance. Been watching YouTube videos but so far they haven't sunk in very deep (and at work, as I am, I cannot watch them now :>)
  4. Trying out Vortex this week, hope it goes well!
  5. In response to post #62541756. Sweet! If Vortex beta is as stable as NMM beta has been, I'll be glad to swap!
  6. I know "soon" means Soon , in other words, when it's ready.... but is there any ETA on a more public release of Vortex? 2018? 2020?
  7. Awesome! Not just once-a-month, then
  8. It occurs to me that I don't even know the keyboard shortcut to display the symbol for the English pound... hope I have cause to learn it when talking to my friends about this event. ;D
  9. Bit spoilery, but at some point the Brotherhood of Steel will wipe out the Railroad and I'd like to see a mod that basically prevents that from happening. The whole rationale behind the Brotherhood taking out the Railroad is flimsy at best --- they are a rag tag group of people who HATE the Institute. They think Synths are sentient and are rescuing them and scattering them about the Commonwealth, sure, but they aren't MAKING any. Once the Institute is ~dealt with~ by the Brotherhood, then the Railroad won't really have much reason for existing. Granted, the Brotherhood might want to hunt down rogue synths to destroy them... and the Railroad doesn't want that to happen... so they are not ~allies~, to be sure, but I don't see any need for the BoS to ~exterminate~ the Railroad. Now it could be as simple as NOT taking a mission that's provided by a BoS NPC (Kells?).... as long as I avoid talking to him, I never get the mission that triggers the attack, perhaps? If I can keep both Railroad and BoS alive and still finish the main quest, I'd like to do that. If the main questline gets ~blocked~ until I exterminate the Railroad, that's what I want to change with a mod. Perhaps even a mod that skips over the quest, and lets me lie to the Brotherhood,... so all their dialog will continue to talk about how I wiped out the Railroad but I ~didn't~ actually. I seem to recall reading that at some point P.A.M. will send you to kill the Brotherhood (which seems a rather ludicrously difficult task).... and I'd need some way to stop her from triggering THAT mission, too.
  10. I don't think the Interface folder has anything to do with textures ~unless~ they involve the UI (User Interface) somehow. The reason MY custom textures were not showing up, but my ESPs were "working", doing what functions they were supposed to do, was because I had eliminated the bInvalidateOlderFiles line from my Fallout4Custom.INI file in order to prevent crashing (which was caused by the interaction with the Interface folder, which had some junk in it apparently). In short, you need to make sure you have the bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 line (and I think one other?) in your Fallout4Custom INI file... can't remember the exact lines at the moment, but they should be easy enough to find --- that's how mods "used" to work back before Patch 1.5 confused things.
  11. NMM seems to work for me (ver 0.61.20) but I ~did~ have to clear out some "orphaned" files in my INTERFACE folder that were causing me to crash with the following change to the Fallout4Custom.ini file located in the ...MyDocuments/MyGames/Fallout4 folder: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= With those lines in place, textures and meshes from mods display properly. Those lines cause the game to crash, however, if ~some~ files are in the INTERFACE folder. I still don't know what files were left behind from an improperly un-installed mod, but when I deleted my Interface folder and the orphaned files in it, I no longer crashed, and the InvalidateOlderFiles, etc changes above let my meshes and textures work. I later installed a scope mod and a 1.5-patched Full Dialog Interface mod that added files to the INTERFACE folder, but they seem to be okay (so far).
  12. Well, I got my game back and it's annoyingly simple HOW. As many have noted, patching (or removing) the mod DEF_UI, I think it's called, fixed the problem of crashing with the bInvalidateOlderFiles flag in the Fallout4Custom.ini file. With the following change to the Fallout4Custom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= All my meshes and textures appear like they should. The reason I removed those lines was because "they" were causing me to crash. But it wasn't them, it was ~something~ in my INTERFACE folder. I still do not know what orphaned files caused the crash, but when I deleted the INTERFACE folder entirely, and restored the Fallout4Custom.ini file back to what it was pre-1.5 patch..... everything worked. I tried deleting the INTERFACE folder before, but I was still crashing, but that could have been caused by anything. So this may not be a cure-all, but if you have ~any~ INTERFACE folder with files in it, remove any mods you think may have put stuff there (like a scope mod or the full dialog mod) and delete the folder. You can later install mods that alter the UI (if they are properly patched to 1.5, apparently) but clearing out the "orphaned" files that cause you to be unable to use the InvalidateOlderFiles change to the INI might fix your problems. Sorry if this is rambling and long-winded --- this is my seventh hour tinkering with the game just to get things to work like they worked pre-patch. :P
  13. This is the proper thing to do --- add those lines to the Fallout4Custom.ini file --- but doing so causes crashes for some because of ~something~ in the Interface folder. Many people have cited DEF_UI, I believe it was, as a problem and noted that the patch to it (or removing it) fixed the issue. I still do not know what mod put some file in there, but there were several files in my Interface folder.... I deleted the folder (having un-installed all my mods --- or so I thought). With the Interface folder deleted, the InvalidateOlderFiles worked like it used to do before patch 1.5 and let my custom textures show through like normal. The problem was those "orphan" files in the INTERFACE folder. With them gone, I no longer crashed with the InvalidateOlderFiles change to Fallout4Custom.ini, and with that INI change, the textures work fine again.
  14. Thing is, I'm having the same issue --- some costumes make my body invisible, others give me the purple skin effect --- but I have installed the costumes exactly as I always have through NMM (most current version 0.61.20). In a similar vein, I have a settlement menu option for Better Stores and OCDecorator, but all their options are ~invisible~. I can place them (ka-CHOONK!) but they are invisible and intangible and obviously cannot be interacted with. Somehow, Fallout 4 is not properly loading meshes and textures from mods. The mods FUNCTION just fine... it's just the meshes and textures aren't being loaded properly. And for the life of me I cannot figure out why. It's vexing. I even just now spent two hours re-installing Fallout 4 after deleting all the local content. Then one by one I re-installed my mods. A possible clue to the problem may be that when I moved one mod in the Load Order using the in-game Mods page, the game said they would re-install my mods... but the game crashed instead. I have heard that you "just" have to activate the mods in the MODS page and let the game load them that way and it'll be fine.... but if the game crashes when it tries to do that... /shrug
  15. Used to be, we altered our ini and Fallout 4 knew to use the modded meshes and textures just fine.... but now, we have to strip that line (bArchiveInvalidation) out of our ini files or the game will crash.... I tried using the Reset Archive Invalidation feature of the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) but whatever that used to do, doesn't work any more, either, it seems. It looks like we may just have to wait until brighter minds figure out a way to slap some sense into the Fallout engine and make it see the changes we want made.
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