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Everything posted by Caravan45

  1. I get ctds usually when I fast travel used LOOT to sort my load order but did nothing may I be able to fix this problem without starting a new game here is my load order Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm AAF.esm ArmorKeywords.esm four_play_resources.esm Homemaker.esm CRP - Community Restraints Pack.esm TortureDevices.esm VideoMaster.esm Devious Devices.esm Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp CBBE.esp The Bath of Venus Mass Effect Part 2 MARS.esp StarlightDriveInVideos.esp NewIslandSettlement.esp Elizabeth_Companion.esp Vault Meat Paintings.esp AA Lets Dance - NPC Version.esp BetterSettlers.esp BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp 2pacSkimpy.esp DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp Vinfamy_CP.esp FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp Secretary.esp Conquest.esp four_play.esp FP_Violate.esp F4SS.esp VotW_PWP_Vault69.esp Hailey.esp Samantha.esp FP_Prostitution.esp LooksMenu.esp Dongs_Of_Fallout.esp ZennaOutfits.esp SpecialVideos.esp VotW plugin - Zetan Files.esp Votw plugin - Vault 69 Reels.esp GattiReina.esp Farelle_Animations.espAAF_debug_on.esp UniquePlayer.esp AAF_UniquePlayer_Patch.esp SuitDreams(1.Very Light).esp SuitDreams(2. Light).esp SuitDreams(3.Average).esp SuitDreams(4.Heavy).esp SuitDreams(5.Very Heavy).esp GloriousMissionMilitary-PhilippinePSG.esp FPESuperMutantAddon.esp FPEDogAddon.esp FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp MonnoBikini.esp GloriousMissionMilitary-PhilippinePSG-ArmorsmithExtendedV2.esp
  2. NPC walk for like 3 seconds then just float even when they sit down and some npc heads rotate. Anyway to fix this without re installing the game
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