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Posts posted by nopuc77

  1. After playing with her for a while I only have one complaint. With her and a few of the other mods I have installed Ed-E has a glitch. Lorenzo will offer to upgrade him but at the end of his message where the followers break in and offer a different option I get a moment of screen glitch and no message from the followers. I didn't notice this on my first play with Willow but I installed her mid game and had already chose my Ed-E upgrade. When playing a new game with her installed I found the glitch. Now I don't know if it is the Willow mod or Jacobstown Expanded mod or the Perk at every level mod that did it but it was one of those 3 or a combo of 2 or all of them but it messed up my Ed-E upgrade choices. :mad: did disable of all but willow and used a save before Knight Lorenzo talks through Ed-E with no luck. Willow is the last mod I have to take out and see if it fixes it. But I'm not going to on this play through. I'll remove her on my next game and see if Ed-E choices revert to normal. So I guess ether I need a mod to beef up Ed-E's weapons or go with the brotherhood enhanced armor Ed -E. If I were playing hard core or survival or whatever it is called I'd go with brotherhood upgrade but I normally play regular mode so I like him to have better weapons. So, if Willow is the cause of this glitch I might not reinstall her till after getting Ed-E upgraded. On my next run I will take her out and leave the other 2 mods in. If that fixes it then great. I just don't install willow mod till after I get Ed where I want him. If not then I need to apologize to willow lol and keep searching for what it is I did to muff up the game. :ohmy:

  2. Ah yes back when he played Dago Red aka Father Mulcahy in the MASH movie. You know it actually took me a couple of years after DS9 went off the air to recognize that Odo and Movie Mulcahy were played by the same actor. Then I am a slow zombie who just lost his arm and favorite balloon so tis to be expected the old brain duhn't work so guud.

  3. Sorry for the disjointedness of this but I am a dyslexic buzzed on scotch on a Saturday morning. So I hope it is understandable.


    I've played all the factions and the NCR good ending seems to be the best all around from a Logical, Economical and quality of life standpoint. True Mr. House ending secures New Vegas but like the Legion it hinges on destroying or disbanding too many other minor factions: brotherhood Kings Followers and so on all get the shaft under House and Legion. Yes Man just lets the rest of Nevada descend into chaos while the strip is run by robots and rather poorly. NCR doesn't fix all the problems but siding with them done the right way brings the most stable and mostly good ending. Brotherhood helps patrol the roads, everyone has electricity the Kahn's move away and rebuild the Kings and Followers of the Apoc. stay in Freeside and work with each other and the NCR to bring a modicum of stability to the surrounding suburbs of the strip. Trade commerce relative stability.


    ... OK there is the taxes from the NCR that get imposed but a few taxes for all and relative stability and freedom for all vs Casar's death and slavery for all who don't fall in line.


    House's stability for the strip and to hell with the rest of Nevada, California and surrounding area till he has his space rockets for colonization?!?!?


    Yes Man's Terminator ruled waist lands... Do you really think his going off line to reprogram himself to be more assertive is going to be a good thing?


    Of the 4 the NCR is the least evil choice followed by House... then gods forgive me... Legion at least it is run by people and people over generations can change. But the worst choice is the passive aggressive oh so helpful Yes Man. A soulless program that is self aware and has the capability to become "more assertive" AGGRESSIVE in it's decisions on how to treat and rule people. What's to stop Yes Man from coming back on line and going full skynet on the world? No one alive understood House's tech the way he did except for Yes Man and that is because it is House Tec itself. But with no morals no Asimov 3 laws no human oversight. Humanity's greatest strengths are dreams, aspirations, compassion and hope.

    Now House was barely human anymore but still human. He wanted economic growth and change with hopes and dreams for the future. And he could rain in his robots when need be. But Yes Man is just a machine with a flawed personality program that is going to attempt to "fix" itself.


    So, my picks for the Mojave

    1. NCR Relative stability for all in the short term with a slow progression to a better future hopefully for all.

    2. House Great stability for the Rich. Bone the rest of the world till he can get his plans up and running and then maybe a better future for all ... or Some.

    3. Legion Screw everyone into the dark ages with indentured servants, slaves and constant warfare in the foreseeable future. With a slim hope of change in the far off future.

    4. Yes Man ...screw everybody except Courier 6. The most selfish irresponsible and most dangerous choice. Give up humanity's choices to a machine that can be anywhere and can build more of itself. And can turn on you the Courier if it wakes up before you die of old age.

  4. I actually just started playing with Willow. From a game play standpoint Boone is my Number 1 draft pick always will be. Him me and Ed-E is my favorite combo. But Willow and JT are great when you have Veronica working with you. I have yet to use her with Cass or any other companions. Nor have I progressed far enough with her to choose the romance or just friends option yet. Just wandering around blasting radscorpions and Deathclaws so far. Hell I haven't even completed GI Blues on this play-through yet so that should tell you how far along in the game I am. Just goofing around and trying new mods. Relatively new to modding the game actually. I've played the vanilla game off and on for a few years with and without the DLC's. But here a few months ago I installed it on my current computer via steam and started tinkering around again. I find her to be fun and upbeat. She is like the DLC's. A new wrinkle to the game that just keeps the story engaging and fun. Oh.... By the By.. 1802hrs Dec 31, 2019. Have a happy New Year everyone!

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