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Posts posted by BioEthereal

  1. Hi All

    Its me Ethereal Nature


    Look I have some great ideas but first,

    my thanks to Bethesda for making such a great series of games as the Elder Scrolls

    and thanks to all those modders out there who are taking the time to make all these changes to an already great game.

    now what I would love to see added to the game, and hopefully the oblivion expansion that HAS to come out:


    - Cloaks, seperate from the normal armour set-up we have.

    - Expanded Territory, like being able to enter the realm of Valenwood.

    - MORE CONTENT, I myself am an ex-morrowinder, and i have yet to finish that game. but there is so less amount of content available in Oblivion, i have finished playing Oblivion already, there needs to be more Guilds and Factions, Many Many more Quests and some better kind of conclusion rather than a pat-on-the-back-and-now-get-out-of-the-palace-you-whoreson.

    - more variation in the armors, aka you get fur armor at lvl one and as your level increases so does the type of armor, so you get leather etc, but i rekon that the different types of armor should be equiped with different atributes, like glass isnt very strong (not good AC) yet it should be way more manouverable, or mithril lightweight, daedric should have some sort of damage reflection to it, ebony should be the tank warriors armor, elven great for prestege, and helps with archery or sumthing, fur and iron should do diddly squat as they are the starting armor, and mab small change for leather and steel, chan should have an archers penetration (like it has less resistance on penetration yet better resistance for slashing and bludgoning), and dwarvern should be <insert idea here> no....i rekon mab it chould hav a chance of disarming opponents with all the extra things it has on it, and orcish more suited for a barbarian char, there chould also be more verietys of armor and not every single piece should be exactly the same, so there may be more than one kind of model for a steel helmet.


    thanks for listening and hey e-mail me if you have any inquires or ideas on mine, or want to actually mod something

    Ethereal Nature.

  2. My Goodness that is one of the best laughs in AGES for me!


    i don't know whether to say you all rule for not participating in a guard-citizen fight

    and leaving them all to die for your own amusement


    you all suck for whimping out of the best sort of fights in the game.


    but speaking of guards i have the BEST storys about my lvl 30 mage char

    (for all you who want to see her on OBLIVIONplayers.com its danielle)

    i have downloaded toaster's 'toster says share' mod which gives you the ability

    to recrut companions if thier disposition is over 80. (which means guards, peasents and immortals)

    [aka quest specific] and i would make a group of 15ish ppl (with Immortals in there somwhere)

    give them all wierd armor (like heavy/light ppl, some missing bits [like pants] all light 'skirmishers' or heavy 'tanks') give them an array of good weaponry from my large stock and dump them in the IC arboretum or in front of the IC palace. then id command one to attack a guard. then *CHAOS*

    every one of mine draws thier weapon and attacks the poor singled-out guard and lay into him, if i have enough ppl then not everyone can fit around him, but of course his mates hear the massive murder of the guard and run out draw blades and lay into my mottely group of peasents and rejects. the pesants die quikly but my immortals keep getting up and so there are all these guards dieing and my survivors keep getting up (there are a couple of well armored but weak immortals i had and a guard takes them out in 1 hit. funny as to either watch or join, once you run out of guards (you will eventually, i ran out of guards turned myself in, resisted arrest and they poped into existance again, and you can allways resurrect your old companionsand have the neverending guard battle. one tip though if you command a companion to attack in stead of whaking a guard yourself you aren't held guilty and they ignore you) [if they attack you and you have a bounty of 0 then yield to a guard by holding block and activating them and they will leave you allone] just re-load


    very funny stuff. i hope to be back tomorrow with more funny storys.


    also if you know toaster ar are toster reply or et him to reply and tell me how to get the generals, there is no quest topic to have him join you.


    have fun and keep giving me...us these wonderful storys. till then.

    Ethereal Nature

  3. hi all,

    Ethereal Nature here.


    im trying to download mod's for morrowind (no expansions) and every time i just get a white page with gibberish on it after i click on download what do i do to get the mods.


    and where can i get a cape i SOOOO want one for my thief


    Plz Reply Soon.


    Bye from


    Ethereal Nature


    (P.S. how do i get a signiture?)

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