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Everything posted by kylebraden

  1. I just wanted to check how active this forum was
  2. no they have no ability to produce sound at all like at the begining of the game Juib the guy who talks to you doesnt say anything and all the people in the beging dont talk and it doesnt play the intro video at all and even the normal npc dont talk when you click on them ( yes they usually say one liners from time to time)
  3. Okay so I got a version of morrowind it's not goty its the original for pc and I use xp so I had to get a special thing to fix the audio problems and then when I started a new game I noticed that none of the npc talked or made any sound and I was wondering if I was missing a file or somthing for there sound or if there is anyway to fix it at all if you know anything about how to get them to talk again please post somthing.
  4. well there are a couple of ways you could go with an bosomer then beef up his skills but the best way to do it is to get the tower as the birth sign then go unlock doors lv50 at lvl 1
  5. my guy was put in jail for starting a website called 4chan then he got moved for punching drailen dreth in the face for being a douche so then they put him on a boat with someguy then he stole his name and told the gaurds his name was juib and stole his face and we all no that juib never got his freedom because they killed him after you go inside true story
  6. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: well 4 thouse who know about the boots of blinding speed there is now a way 2 use them without the blindness when u r about 2 put them on turn up brightness on tv or mon then change it back after u put them on the effect should only leave u with a darkend screen
  7. i play morrowind as a matter of the fact i just killed everyone in ginisis srry about the spelling with umbra and also morrowind is a sh!! load bigger
  8. i play morrowind as a matter of the fact i just killed everyone in ginisis srry about the spelling with umbra and also morrowind is a sh!! load bigger
  9. i play morrowind as a matter of the fact i just killed everyone in ginisis srry about the spelling with umbra and also morrowind is a sh!! load bigger
  10. :wallbash: Hey guys Im having a little trubble you see im the lead in this play and you have to make this selection of choices of what to say and I wrote down all of the answers that are right but when I get to this point it says that it would be funny if said with sarcaism but I have picked all of the possible answers and I still cannot finish the play because this guy in the crowed keeps killing me and though im lvl 24 I can barley put a dent in him.
  11. My scariest moment was when i encountered my shadow self in the grove of reflection in SI. Imagine my suprise when i enter a room with strange foliage, and a dark version of myself in black madness armour attacks me with a huge claymore and a summoned flesh atronach and kills me in one hit! I was level 32, and when i checked, my difficulty was all the way up. Oooops! anyway, i kept that part as a permanant save, and it still scares me a little to this day.
  12. Jiub, the dumner prisoner you meet at the beginning of the game, went on to become "saint jiub" sometime after the timeset of morrowind. apparently, he drove many corprus infected creatures from portions of vvarvndel. (dont quote me on that part. im pretty sure it was corprus, but it was a log time ago when i heard this.) but i overheard 2 guards speaking of this on oblivion.
  13. For me the scariest monster (creature? person? god?) has to be dagoth ur> i wasnt doing the main quest at the time, so it came as a total suprise when i was exploring a facility in the red mountain region when i entered a room and found a man (god?) with a creepy mask speaking to me in articulate words, saying things like "you havent come prepared" and "raise a weapon against me and be striken down". So naturally, i rose a weapon against him. the fight lasted about 15 seconds (i was level 7 at the time) before all my stats were down and i was dead. sorry for the rambling its m first post. but yeah, my scariest had to be dagoth ur.
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