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About Traven73

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  1. After playing around with the incredibly brilliant Dynamic Things mod by dominoid (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32448/?), I fell in love with the actually useful training dummies. You see, I play with Requiem: Hard Times, RND, Frostfall, and I'm playing a pure mage, so at low levels, leveling is REALLY REALLY HARD. So I had this idea: How about making trainers give you a temporary (~3 game hours or so) skill leveling speed increase? That way, you'd pay for training, then go out and train. I realize the application to more passive skills like speechcraft or to the crafting skills would be more difficult, but I figured I would put this out there for somebody to attempt.
  2. On beginning a new game (In virtualized Windows XP, although I doubt that's the problem; it worked fine before installing all of the mods) Oblivion crashes to desktop half-way through the loading screen. Mod Load Order (From BASH): Everything was installed via BAIN, so I'll have no problems trying out any suggestions. I haven't yet tried to reinstall everything (takes a bloody long time), but if there is some incompatibility that BOSS+BASH missed that I am unaware of, that would make this easier. I'm also using Darnified UI. I've tried reinstalling DARN a few times now, and it always crashes. Is there some incompatibility that I am missing? Also, aside from the CTD, when playing without Darnified, Potions, Gems, and Gold coins show up as missing meshes. I've tried reinstalling the OOO resources, the MMM resources, and the Cobl resources to no avail. Thanks, Traven 73
  3. So here's my problem. I press play on the game and it looks like it's going to work. Then the screen goes black for a second and my computer sais it stopped working. I've already tried re-installing the game. Please help! CPU Specs above. Edit: BTW sometimes the game works. Like 1 out of 100...
  4. Please use this as a resource. My question is: Is my HP Pavillion Elite with windows 7 compatible with oblivion? 8G of RAM, 4350 Adion graphics card, 750G Hard Drive.
  5. So it's me and im here with my third released mod. Im having problems and I hope someone can help me. First off let me tell you what the mod hopes to accomplish. We all know that one of the most important quest's of medieval alchemists was to turn things into gold. Well that's what I hope to do in oblivion. However I haven't found any function to tell me the base cost ofallthe items in a container or any way to accomplish this :wallbash: . Any help or anyone who wants to help on the project is welcomed. :thanks:
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