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About Rayne72

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    EVE, STO, Skyrim

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  1. Am holding off on returning to my modded Skyrim, waiting to see How this new version handles. I use Mod organizer which is not 64 bit yet, So MY mods will not transfer correctly over to the new skyrim unless MO gets updated Not to mention i need 64bit skySExtender So honeslyI might be waiting for around 4 months after the Free remastered version pops up in my stream. enough time to let The modders update their stuff if its needed. Thing with me, am not willing to play skyrim unlesss my current modded version can be recreated on the 64bit version :D Mean time I will just play FAllout 4
  2. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/75588/? Is there any-mod like this? to become a were-dragon?
  3. Id love a custom red-guard face-morph for Nilin from the game Remember me. There are already other famous people/game people follower mods with a custom race All i ask is a Face Morph :D but follower be cool too :D p.s finally almost a reason for me to play a redguard https://www.google.ca/search?q=nilin&client=firefox-a&hs=7De&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ywm-UfTdBIjI0gGIyoCIDA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=967#imgrc=_ ^Google search for nilin
  4. Id die if someone made this for CBBE +bodyslide ....and in combo with my mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30330 its perfect :biggrin: http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l158/Snowarc/1-1_zpsaf8dc8a1.jpg
  5. Id love this aswell ....my fav character is shyvanna!! the half dragon!! Id totally would like to make a half-dragon race with SHyvanna as the guide lines In Game should would use fists (Skyrim redone allows this well) There is a mod already for Battle Claws that could be used But it all comes down too ..she needs her armor assets there are mods that allow turning into a dragon Oh and we dont even NEED pictures http://www.lolking.n...pion=102&skin=0 < LoL Model VIEWER :D http://lolwp.com/wp-content/uploads/Classic-Shyvana-Chinese.jpg http://lolwp.com/wp-content/uploads/Shyvana_Splash_1-450x265.jpg This is my Fav http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/298/f/8/shyvana__the_half_dragon_by_longlei-d5ie2m3.jpg http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/071/b/6/iron_scale_shyvana_1_by_admidus-d4skmm8.jpg
  6. i would really like a nine tail fox race, its in oblivion how about skyrim now? :D http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ahri/SkinsTrivia because it be so cool!!!
  7. http://images2.wikia...ale_Shyvana.jpg Shyvana from lol with the ability to turn into a dragon when she gets pissed off enuogh!!! also her armor and gauntlets! Shyvana the HALF DRAGON! http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Shyvana
  8. http://images2.wikia...ale_Shyvana.jpg Ironscale Shyvana for skyrim ? having this armor plus gauntlets would be kick ass! CBBE would be the body mod of choice but the armor covers everything so it dont even matter really
  9. So With Dragonborn coming out and "cross fingers" dragon flying The modding community May actually be able to make Flawless flyable dragons. Which would be a KEY part in Making a Mod which is my request http://leagueoflegen...om/wiki/Shyvana Shyvana the half-dragon from league of legends My world would be complete if there was a Race mod Plus Armor Plus ability to turn into a dragon (some exists but are buggy and fly *dragonborn dlc may fix all dragon flying mod issues So what does everyone else think? am willing to assist in anyway possible
  10. Of you are waiting for Skyrim then to start modding again for Oblivion? in my case i had a new computer upgrade and new Hard drive So i decided rather then redoing oblivion again id just wait for ..Skyrim ....
  11. Ok I have this Hair Mesh thats Hair for Oblivion i want to mash it together with a Wearable item *which is also hair but as a hat* My Issue is that this Hair Mesh that i have does not have NiSkinInstance NiSkinData or NISkinParatition So i add those all in Copy the Ni-node layout now when i go to Make All Skin Partitions i get the Bad NiSkinData- Some Vertices have no weights at all is there somthing in blender i have to do if so what? and how
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