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Everything posted by murphysboro

  1. Never posted my characters before; this is my Altmer artificer, Alrendil. Other than eyelashes, HGEC, and apachii wigs, she's vanilla. Took me forever to get her face right!
  2. So it looks like the cheese above is from MTC Expanded Villages and is called Pell's Gate Cheese. However, this is still not the cheese I am looking for, unfortunately, because I remember the cheese wheels having unique labels that on their textures that said where they were from (Skingrad, Chorrol, etc). I also looked through the Under the Sign of the Dragon - Tamriel Resource Pack and couldn't find the cheese in there either. Again, any help would be appreciated!
  3. I know this is probably a long shot, but does anyone remember a mod that added a bunch of different types of cheeses (and I'm sure many other items, I just remember the cheeses the most), such as a red cheese wheel from Skingrad, etc? I was very new to modding when I downloaded it and now I can't seem to find it anywhere. It could have been a house mod or a quest mod, I can't remember. I tried to look for screenshots but I can't find any, unfortunately. It's not COBL though, because I've looked through the COBL meshes and can't find it (I've also looked through Settlements of Cyrodiil and Cyrodiil Upgrade Resources esm files, and no luck). The attached screenshot is as close as I could get to finding it (it's not an example of the cheese wheel itself, but I'm pretty sure it's a wedge of the same red cheese). For context, I'm pretty sure the cheese and wine are on a stool in the Wawnett Inn. Any help would be great, thank you!
  4. No prob, it's not a huge deal. Just made me feel like I was going crazy for a few minutes. Glad to know it's not just me.
  5. That's so weird. Thanks for the info though. Yeah I can search mods and find them with the search bar, but if I try to browse individual categories it won't let me and says zero files.
  6. For some reason, every time I click on any mod category today, Nexus says there zero mods in every category. However, I can see all the mods when browsing the "browse all" tab. Is the site undergoing maintenance or something?
  7. Hey!! So I've been struggling with this exact topic for a long time, I've been trying to use the XXYYYYYY formula (wherein XX represents load order in hexadecimal format given by TES4edit) and YYYYYY represents formID (given by TES4edit or Construction Set, since they're the same number). It NEVER worked for me. Rather, it only worked for me for items from my mods up until load order # 09; when I tried to add items from my mods from load order # 0A and beyond it would NOT work. SO I finally found a mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/16704 called Find FormID (you'll need OBSE for this to work properly) and FINALLY the items from mods display using the CORRECT mod load order. For example, for one of my mods TES4edit gave the load order as A7. I would type in player.additem A7YYYYYY (YYYYYY being the form ID) into the console and an error message would always pop up saying the item couldn't be added. I enabled the above mod and when I click on it in the world, it has the mod load order number of A3!! Wtf?! Not sure why this happens, but the correct load order always seems to be a LITTLE off compared to load orders shown in TES4edit. So if you're looking to add an item from a mod that, let's say, you can't find in the world (maybe due to conflicts or whatever, I'm not a modder so I'm definitely not going into TES4edit and trying to alter stuff on my own), download and install the above mod. Then, if you have another item from the mod (from which you want to add an item) in your inventory just drop the item, press alt and then right click on it, and a scroll will pop up with the CORRECT objectID number. Type in player.additem then the correct objectID number given by the FormID Finder mod, and the number of the item in question that you want to have. Example: "player.additem A300315f 20" Voila! Anyway, I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to most modding jargon, I just love Oblivion and love playing with mods, so finding this mod was a godsend for me. I hope this helps someone else!
  8. So this method seems to only work with mods that have load orders up until 0A, when the hexadecimal format kicks in for the first time in the load order. Since my COBL esm file is #09 in the load order, adding items from COBL seems to work. However, after 09 the load order + 6 digit formid formula doesnt not work.
  9. These methods do not work. I am trying to figure out a systematic method of adding modded items via the player.additem "objectID" console cheat. Thus far, most resources I have utilized seem to recommend the above formula for objectID parameters, ie XXYYYYYY (wherein XX represents load number in hexadecimal format and YYYYYY represents formID given via CS or TES4edit, etc). I have used both Construction Set and TES4edit to find the load order of my mods (in hexademical format via TES4edit) and the form IDs (the six digits after the hexadecimal load order numbers, via both CS and TES4edit since they both show the same numbers). This method DOES NOT WORK.
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