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Posts posted by Evilslayer

  1. I'm doing Legacy of the Dragonborn and I've had the quest to get the Staff of Indarys for a while, and I'm finally ready to start Moonpath to Elsweyr, but I can't get it to start. The caravan is nowhere to be found in Falkreath. I don't have Beyond Skyrim. I do have the Unofficial Moonpath Patch. I'm not above using console commands at this point, but I can't find the commands to start the quest.

  2. No. At least not the way drugs or smoking is addictive. Technically you can get addicted to video games, but the few who are are an exception, not a rule. Most video game addiction is caused by something else, like loot boxes, or it's specifically online addiction. I wouldn't class either as video game addiction. When I'm addicted to a game the addiction is usually satisfied after a few days of intense playing. That's the opposite of how drug addiction works.

  3. Ever since I recruited the Swamp Knight from the Interesting NPCs mod I've been having an issue where if I tell her or the other follower I have from Interesting NPCs, Rumarin, to wait for me they'll say they'll wait but continue following me regardless. The same thing happens if I try to dismiss them. It's aggrevating because they're both awful at stealth (I'm playing a cloak and dagger character). Inigo, on the other hand, does as he's told, so it doesn't seem to go beyond followers added by Interesting NPCs. I also picked up two vanilla followers in Morthal (Benor and the housecarl). They left when I dismissed them after assigning the museum (Legacy of the Dragonborn) as their new home.


    Have anyone experienced a similar problem? Do you know how to fix it? I'm not above using console commands at this point.

  4. Delvin and Vex won't give me any jobs in Windhelm. I'm done with all the other cities, but I've not gotten a single job in Windhelm. I quicksave before talking to Delvin and Vex, and then reload and reload over and over. But still they won't give me any jobs in Windhelm. Anyone else have this problem? Is there anything I can do? If not, is there a mod that can help?

  5. Funny thing...




    3) There seems to be a conflict with Mages Guild Quests (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39591) and Fighters Guild Quests (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41012) for some of the starts, namely the 'Ranger in a distant camp' and both options for 'Immigrated to Cyrodiil' (don't know if any of the others are affected, though the 'Secluded vampire' start seems to work alright). What happens it I spawn into the location as normal, but as soon as I'm there, a window pops-up saying "There's no reason to go there, I better turn back", and it teleports me back to the mod's original cell.


    Those are the two starts I tried when I was testing the game. As for the mod list:


    Knights of the White Stallion 4dot4

    AFK_Weye Version 2_32

    All Compatibility Versions (Combined Download)

    Alternative Beginnings


    Bank of Cyrodiil

    Better Cities v6.0.13

    BHC Expanded 1_2

    Blades Faction Mod V3 Final

    Blockhead 11.0

    Book Placement v2 en


    Consistent Beggar Voices 1.2 (Audio Quality Fix)

    Creature Diversity 1.14

    Daedric Lord Armor v110

    Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Oblivion

    Elven Map Redux

    Elven Weaponry 375 full final

    EngineBugFixes v2.22

    Fighters Guild Quests 1_8

    Gold Horse Courier 1.2.3

    Guild Advancement v1_7

    Idle Dialogue - Version 1-3

    Immersive Weapons 2

    Improved Trees and Flora

    Knights of the Nine Revelation 1_3_7 Full Install

    Kvatch Rebuilt 3.0 RC3

    Loading Screens

    Loading ScreensSI

    Losing My Religion Full 1_43

    Mages Guild Quests 1_9

    Mark and Recall V2.1


    NAO - Natural and Atmospheric Oblivion

    Oblivion Character Overhaul - Unofficial Patch 1.2

    Oblivion Character Overhaul v203

    Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul 136b - OOO 136 Complete BSA Installer EXE

    Phinix Portable Tent

    Populated Prisons 12

    Quest Award Leveller

    Quest Log Manager 1_3_2b (disabled)

    Real Sleep Extended 2_5

    Red Ring Road Signs


    Retextured Caves and Mines Doors - Doors

    Ruined Tail's Tale RTT_3_0

    SB Inventory Gold

    Skooma Deals - Buying-Selling-Having Others do it for you - Skooma Deals

    Stirk 1_3

    Sutch Village

    Thievery in the Imperial City

    Thieves Arsenal - TA_Odd_Jobs_Complete_v1_5

    Town of Alnwick - Alnwick V2.0 - Town Expansion

    Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches

    Unofficial Oblivion Patch

    Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch


    Vampire Hunting OVB 3_2

    Vaults of Cyrodiil


    Verona House Bloodlines - BloodlinesV12Complete

    Weapons of Morrowind


    I just realised that I've got a lot of thieving mods, yet I have no intention of doing thief stuff on my first character on my new computer. Anyway, the list is a WIP as I still plan to add more mods, but I'd rather fix the current issue I'm having before continuing. But I want some advice. I'm thinking of adding Unique Landscapes. What patches should I look for?

  6. I just started a new game after downloading a bunch of mods. I'm using Arthmoor's alternate start mod, but every time I spawn in the world I get a text box with the message you get when you reach the border of the world, and I'm sent back where I created my character. First I thought it was Better Cities that caused the issue, but the problem persisted even after I de-activated the mod. Then I deactivated Alternate Beginnings and got Alternate Start - Arrival by Ship, but still I get the error message.

  7. So, I just got Oblivion off of Steam. I installed it, then opened Vortex to start modding the game. However, it says that it can't find the game and I have to set it manually. So, I opened the My Games folder, then the Oblivion folder, and it's empty. But I have the game. I can go to steam and press play and the game plays just fine.

  8. I've been building a new load order, and I'm trying to get JK's Skyrim, Dawn of Skyrim, The Great Cities and Cities of the North to work together. I've downloaded all the necessary patches, but I'm getting a Missing Masters notification saying, 'JKs Skyrim_Dawn of Skyrim_Patch.esp depends on Blues Skyrim.esp.' Well, I searched for Blues Skyrim on the Nexus, but came up empty.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  9. I've got this problem where every time I try to exit Snapleg Cave, where I last saved, I get a never-ending load screen. I tried to load an earlier save, and the game crashed immedietly. I checked Vortex, and I get this error message:


    Last time you ran the game, one or more script extender plugins failed to load. This normally happens when you try to load mods which are not compatible with the installed version of the script extender. To fix this problem you can check for an update on the mod page of the failed plugin or disable the mod until it is updated.


    Error(s) reported:

    -"PapyrusUtil.dll" (Campfire - Complete Camping System (Supports Skyrim VR) - Campfire 1.12.1SEVR Release): Reported as incompatible during query.


    I tried to deactivate Campfire, but the error message is still there.

  10. I have this issue in Skyrim SE on PC where when I try to mount a horse the game delays for up to a minute. I'm pretty sure Convenient Horses is responsible because of the text box that appears when I try to mount the horse where I can mount the horse, check the storage, change the horse's equipment, etc. I have no idea how to fix this issue without removing the mod, and I don't know of any other mods that allow me to give my companions horses. I can live without any of the other features if I have to, but I really need to be able to give my companions horses.


    The only companion mod I know of that comes with her own horse is Sofia. The others that I'm using, Inigo, Vilja and Lucien, I'm unsure of. Do anyone know of a fix, or if not some other mod that allows me to give my companions horses? If anyone can make one that would be swell too. I'd also like to hear some suggestions of companion mods with horses.


    Edit: Could storage be a problem? I have very little storage left on my PC. I previously had a similar problem with Campfire.


    Because face it, when you have THOUSANDS of folks coming en masse to our borders, that is not immigration, that is Invasion. Treat them just like any other enemy combatant. Shoot first, ask questions later. They are in the midst of committing a crime, the slap on the wrist they are getting now, simply is not a deterrent.

    Yep, that's pretty callous. But, I bet we wouldn't have to resort to that for very long before folks got the hint..... and we would see FAR fewer folks trying to cross illegally.


    Did that work in East Berlin? No. No, it did not.

  12. So, I got the Master of Disguise mod for Skyrim SE for increased immersion. I just started a new character, an Altmer summoner who uses light armour. My intention with this character, as far as his equipment goes, is to eventually get a complete set of glass armour. But, obviously, I had to start with a somewhat lower tiered armour. I went directly from the Thalmor Embassy to Solitude, where I made myself a set of leather armour from Beyond Skyrim: Bruma. I specifically chose that type because it have sleeves, and I simply like it more than vanilla leather armour.


    Anyway, I started the Legacy of the Dragonborn questline, and the first quest sends you to Riften. I took the boat to Windhelm, because of the malachite mine in Kynesgrove. That's where I ran into a problem. Once I entered Windhelm all the guards turned hostile. I loaded an earlier save, and bought some regular clothes in Solitude before going back to Windhelm. Same thing happened. I unequipped all of my leather gear, but they attacked me simply for having it in my inventory. Is that supposed to happen? Will the same thing happen if I show up in elven armour, or glass? I really don't want to have to do the civil war questline just so I can visit Windhelm, especially as my character is an Aldmeri loyalist.

  13. I was unable to download the necessary files so I ended up uninstalling Mod Organiser. It fixed the issues I was having, but now I'm getting an error message saying that it detects and older version of Frostfall (which I don't have) that is incompatible with Campfire. So I decided to go the easy route: download Frostfall (the message repeats, so ignoring it is not an option). However, when I did the pop-up message that appeared said, Open URL:NXM Protocol, and the mod doesn't start downloading in the Nexus Mod Manager when I click 'Open*. The same happens when I try downloading any other mod as well.


    I think it's because of something I did when I used Mod Organiser, and I have no idea how to fix it.

  14. The only reason I have Skyrim SE on PC is because of a mistake. I'd just gotten my PC back from repairs and I had to reinstall everything. I didn't look properly on the screen and thought I was installing SKSE. If not for that mistake I wouldn't have dreamed of getting SE on PC. There are probably a lot of others like me who wouldn't even consider getting it because the only change is an unoticeable increase in graphics. So why shouldn't modders continue to support the original? Besides, it has a lot more mods.


    I'm glad I got it, though. For some reason it plays smoother. It doesn't stutter like the original version does on my PC.




    The "J takes to main menu not Journal" f*#@up is a reason alone to not use SSE.


    I use a controller while playing SSE.

  15. I'm having some crashing issues at the Moorside Inn, Morthal in Skyrim SE. I've looked it up at the Mod Organiser and it says I need three plug-ins or the game will crash. The plug-ins are: BS DLC patch, Better Cities Solitude and Settlements Expanded. Well, I have no idea what the first one is. I looked it up, but there were no search results. The second I have, but it's deactivated because it collides with other mods I have that changes Solitude. The last one I have, and it's activated. So I don't know why it says I need it.

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