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Everything posted by blacklordbl

  1. I have always had problems with load order on my skyrim install. At first a NMM version started creating duplicate skyrim.esm entries in plugins.txt (this is still happening many, many versions later). In order to fix the extra entries I would load up Wrye Bash disable all plugins and enable them again which would solve the issue. For a few weeks however Wrye Bash hasn't been working correctly either! It messes up the load order something fierce. NMMs' only flaw with was that it created 2 skyrim.esm entries, but I don't know what the f*** Wrye Bash is doing. Here is my load order after activating or deactivating a plugin with Wrye Bash: WATER DB.esp WATER Plants.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp SGHairPack02.esp SGHairPack05.esp MTOH.esp SGHairPack03.esp LovelyHairstylesLITE.esp Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp Artifact Disenchanting.esp EnhancedLightsandFX.esp UnreadBooksGlow.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp ELFX - Dawnguard.esp AddChoices01.esp 360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp tera bows.esp Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).esp isilNarsil.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp zz_GDRAHoods.esp Cloaks.esp WATER.esp wyldtats.esp SkyUI.esp RaceMenu.esp Footprints.esp People Have Torches.esp ORM-Arvak.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp Catsofskyrim.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp numenume Hair.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp Immersive Weapons.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp TSFemaleWarPaints.esp SGHairPack01.esp Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp Weapons and Armor fixes.esp SGHairPack04.esp Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp SGHairPack06.esp Better Dynamic Snow.esp Dogsofskyrim.esp Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ELFX - Exteriors.esp JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp OrientalRace.esp ELFXEnhancer.esp Auto Unequip Ammo.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp Brawl Bugs CE.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp The Ningheim.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack01.esp hdtHighHeel.esm SPIKE.esm The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp SkyMoMod.esm Headtracking.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp JSwords.esm RaceCompatibility.esm Crimson Tide - Blood.esp ApachiiHair.esm Dragonborn.esm Chesko_WearableLantern.esp HearthFires.esm Dawnguard.esm Update.esm Skyrim.esm Do you guys see this s***? It's like it's trying to sort the whole damn thing top to bottom. HARDCORE stuff right here. So anyone else run into this problem? Maybe someone can come up with a solution. Oh also boss doesn't seem to be creating a plugins.txt file or modifying an existing one. I don't know wth is going on.
  2. Well I've effectively spent more time fixing bugs than playing this game... It kind of makes you sad considering that all the patches + the unofficial patches fix a few thousand(?) bugs and still somehow the freaking game breaking ones are still there... Anyway to get to the point, my vampire feed animation stopped working. At first it stopped working when I installed Brehnim something something vampire mod and even after I uninstalled it it was still broken and somehow I managed to fix it by installing and uninstalling almost everything and now it stopped working again even though I avoided brehnim something something vampire mod completely. It starts working again if I disable dawnguard and stops if I enable it so it's somehow related to dawnguard or something I can't even begin to understand what it could be tied to since I completely disabled all mods made a clean save and deleted the meshes, scripts and textures folders and it still would not work. To clarify my character does feed but the animation does not play, my character just stands there doing nothing after which I regain control so it's not related to the other bugs I've read about searching for a fix. While the sleeping animation does not freeze up my char, feeding with vampires seduction does. Any help would be much appreciated. After cleaning out my save yet another time some functionality seems to have returned, animations play except in certain cases (ex: the sleep feed animation will not play in breezehome) and I no longer lose control of my character. But at this rate I will have to clean my save every time I want to play... Also in oblivion there were 2 animations for feeding off sleeping NPCs: Bed and bedroll, in Skyrim however the bedroll animation seems to be missing.
  3. Did you read this? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/786787-skyrim-compendium-of-fixes-for-the-truly-obsessive/page__pid__6301014#entry6301014
  4. I doubt it would have any issue. If it does you can use the other link i provided which has instructions on how to load with enb but like i said it causes hardcore screen tearing. It also does not require nvidia inspector as it has the render ahead feature built in. It is the easiest solution and works well but the tearing is bad and the fps limit is inconsistent.
  5. taken from uespwiki: After your vampire induction the other vampires in the castle will treat you as a mortal (This seems to happen because exiting the Vampire Lord form reverts the race of the player to what he was before being transformed, and you cannot revert back without using Revert Form, so there is no way around this bug!), and attack if you transform into a Vampire Lord in front of them (It is the act of transforming that seems to cause the other vampires to become hostile. You can still become a Vampire Lord at a distance and then approach the other vampires without them attacking you, but it does not solve the conversation "treated as mortal" issue). Since you cannot start conversations while in Vampire Lord form (same as with Beast Blood), it is thus impossible to start the next quest since you cannot talk to anyone to receive quests. The only way to progress is using the console command setstage dlc1vampirebaseintro [stage].
  6. Don't disable the game's vsync as it breaks almost everything in the game. What you need is a frame limiter, MSI Afterburner is the preferred choice (I for one despise it) or you can try this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34 (causes hardcore screen tearing). Get MSI AB and set the frame cap to 60 or 59 see which one works better. And for the "jumping ahead" stutter effect you need nvidia inspector and set frames to render ahead to 2.
  7. So for 2 days now I have been looking around forums for solutions to the kind of problems that a normal player might not even notice, but for me are game breaking. The problem is that these issues are so obscure that it's near to impossible to find a fix on the internetz. Some I found after hours of searching through google and others are the results of trial and error tweaking of the ini files. Lets start off with the oldest one: Lights will dim when you get near them. This is not noticeable during the day but during the night it makes my brain explode (me also being a vampire I usually lurk at night). Also this isn't the "eyes adjusting" or some other quick witted replies I've heard. The transition is instant and happens at exactly the same distance, also once dimmed the light will only brighten when the area is reloaded. The only fix I've found was posted on this forum (thank you whoever you are. you were on page 20+ of google so I don't remember who you are or what thread that was in) and is fixed by adding fFlickeringLightDistance=4096 (or higher or lower the default is 1024) to your skyrim.ini which increases the range at which the dimming takes place so you won't notice. This is not a "real" fix. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/ScreenShot8_zpsb4148129.jpghttp://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/ScreenShot9_zpsd30e6c30.jpg The next fix is the disappearing interior fog. It appears or disappears depending on the direction you are looking. I only noticed this in Vlindrel Hall but it seems like something that could occur in other places as well. The fix is to install this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/736. It removes all interior fog (including dungeons). I like the fog but issues like this make my brain explode. It might just happen in Vlindrel Hall so you could install a Vlindrel Hall mod that removes the fog (I've seen something like this). http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/ScreenShot12_zps19f2b698.jpghttp://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/ScreenShot13_zps3da54d18.jpg Next up is a modern issue which was introduced with the latest ENB. The lighting becomes inverted depending on your view angle. This is fixed by changing FixParallaxBugs=true to false. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/ScreenShot5_zpsb65592ba.jpghttp://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/ScreenShot4_zps397c9090.jpg This last issue "seems" to be ENB related as it's not noticeable without enb enabled. Shadows appear on structures as if you are in fog. You might actually be in fog but seeing as how without enb I was unable to notice this I say it's caused by ENB. The fix to this is to set bDeferredShadows=1 to 0. I don't know how this affects shadows since I don't pay much attention to them. If you know please share with the rest of us. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/TESV%202012-09-19%2019-36-57-05_zpsda2c6ecc.jpghttp://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/ihatenamehoggers/TESV%202012-09-19%2019-36-54-61_zpsceda6019.jpg This is about all I have found up to know but considering how obsessive I am you can expect me to add more as I find them. One more thing to add is that these are not before and after images, they are images taken from different angles in which the problems occur. This is my solution to not having to make many youtube videos.
  8. How can I get skyrim to use RAM rather than RAM and pagefile or at least favor RAM? My skyrim which is only slightly modded maxes out @ about 1.8GB of RAM and loads another 2GB or more to the pagefile. I want it to load @ around 2.5GB in ram and the rest in pagefile. Can this be done? One more thing to add is that 1.8 is my max VRAM (shared+dedicated) can skyrim only use VRAM? What I am hoping for is a decrease in stutters. Going over it in my mind everything I just said seems so incredibly stupid... But I'm still curios as to why the hell it uses so much pagefile when it could use RAM and decrease the time it takes to exchange data with the dedicated video memory. EDIT: a few ini tweaks got this solved.
  9. Well what I have tried so far and seems to at least decrease the incidence of these stutters is setting the frame cap to 60fps manually in ENB settings and disabling the ipresentinterval. I can only hope this does not desync my game as I know this has been the case when using FPS limiters, but since I limited it to the games default frame rate it technically should not desync. However I think it is stupid to have to resort to such cheap "fixes" yet because of the obscurity of this issue It is impossible to know who to blame. This also means that this issue actually is related to the old 64hz issues but they were "supposedly" fixed in a previous patch. This fix seems to make the stutters seem more like actual load stutters rather than jumps through time. While it can barely be called a "fix" It somehow makes it easier on the eyes this way. EDIT: After some more testing I can safely say that it's still unbearable. I will keeps searching for solutions. EDIT2: I have found the "true" fix to this issue: setting WaitBusyRenderer=true which does not allow the videocard to render ahead. This completely fixes the problem but comes at a high price, the fps drop being between 5-10 fps. <--- this is set from enbsettings.ini
  10. I'm thinking maybe a fresh reinstall of the video drivers but I doubt it will help since I only get this issue in skyrim, all other games work well.
  11. I just want to add some quick info that I discovered while searching for a way to improve performance on new and modern quad core machines: creating a bat file with this command: "start /affinity 9 /high obse_loader.exe" (or oblivion.exe if you don't use obse) should drastically improve performance. What it does is it runs oblivion on 2 cores instead of 4 which yields quite an improvement in performance. This may not work for everybody or may even be obsolete on new i5 and i7 cores but on my Q6600 it improved my performance substantially. @post below: The cores used have little to no effect on improvement, I just wanted them to be on separate sides of the CPU for thermal reasons, also at the time I was experimenting with this I had only a vague idea of what binary is and the affinity number was just a result of guess work. 5 would be much better because of diagonal cores and because most background programs will use core 0. My rational was that while oblivion is clearly poorly optimized for a large number of cores, It had to be atleast slightly optimized for dual-cores since in 2006 dual-cores where standard and quads where just coming out. I scourged the internet and could only find people who said they gained an improvement by setting the affinity to one core. I then expanded on this with my above idea and then created a way to automate the process rather than alt-tabbing every time you launch the game. The improvement is at least 30% for me.
  12. Hello nexus community! I decided to post here in hopes that someone might be able to help me with my issue. I have scoured the internetz endlessly for my issue but because of it's similarity to the old stutter problem in fps view that was caused by some weird 64hz bug or something, I was unable to find a solution. First lets go over my setup and specs: Q6600 AMD 6870 4GB DDR3 1600MHZ running at 1066 (fsb limitation waiting to upgrade to i5) 2 WD 320GB HDDS the one with windows has 8mb cache the one with skyrim 16mb well over 10GB pagefile on each drives Mods? somewhere between 20-50 didn't do the official count. This issue persist even with all mods disabled and fresh install. (not completely accurate I am about to explain) What causes this issue is ENB, ANY ENB from what I have noticed. Even the lowest settings enb causes my problem despite having 60 constant fps. And now after I probably made you think "OK just get to the fking point already", here it is: When in first person view, while moving my image stutters. It's like losing frames I can't explain it and it happens ONLY while moving (possibly caused by loading of textures but it happens in a already loaded area also). I can even look around while standing still and the game will run smooth as butter. If I disable ENB the problem >seems< to disappear, I can't be sure but it's much less noticeable in any case. I can't really pinpoint when this started happening or if it was always there but somehow I feel that this issue is related to the latest patches and possibly dawnguard. I haven't tried disabling dawnguard but I somehow doubt that is the issue.
  13. I have an amd 6870 and performance in oblivion is crap when NPCs are around. I get ~19 FPS. I've been searching for a fix for this problem for 2 months or so (never occurred to me to just make a post) and have not found a solution. There are lots of threads about this problem on the internet but they all end abruptly without any solution. I've installed, reinstalled and reinstalled again, with or without mods patches etc to no avail. I'm just thinking I can't be the only ATI user on these forums someone must have some insight into this. My specs are: Q6600 6870 4 GB ram
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