There's so much wasted space.
I want to see more than three items at once when scrolling, the search bar expanding to cover most of the screen simultaneously distracts me by suddenly blowing up to be way bigger than it should be and also doesn't show enough results at once (similar to the main page, but worse because it's a search function that doesn't show me search results), and the filter bar needs to be expandable to fit the landscape orientation of most users' screens.
The filters are just more readable and easier to navigate in a landscape orientation, and having to scroll up and down repeatedly to use the filters is just kinda irritating.
The popular collections on the landing page? Sure, fine. Put them lower down, though. I come to Nexus mods to either find something specific or browse through what's new since I last checked the site, and the "view all" button to go to browsing is way too small and too out-of-the-way. The collections should be lower down than the "more mods" section, which should really be the "latest mods" section, since those seem like the most used elements for the vast majority of people I've ever spoken to about the site. Y'know, like it used to be.
Furthermore... I just really hate how it looks.
Lifeless. Soulless. Corporate.
Forgive the crass imagery, but I really can't think of a better way to describe my distaste for the new visual style beyond "sticky". The tech-bro wet dream idea of "'sleek' = good". It's ugly as sin.
The old design may not have been the prettiest, but it was a million times more functional, and a lot more cozy. Now it smacks of overpriced nylon suits and labour law violations.