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About Wolfpack49

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    Skyrim Special Edition

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Community Answers

  1. Overall the look of the new design looks good. That said, the two things I would give serious consideration to (desktop view): The tile dimensions in general are too large, especially the news tiles, which end up looking horsey and hard to scan. I'd recommend using the existing tile dimensions. The space between tiles is too large, which also makes things look horsey and hard to scan. I'd recommend returning to the existing space between tiles. I noted that the space on the Nexus home page is different than the spacing on the individual game pages. The home page spacing is more reasonable. I'd also second the search tool simply being a dropdown instead of the large modal window -- the dropdown is handy and unobtrusive searching for a mod and isn't as jarring as the modal taking over the page. Oh, one other item -- I note that you're using fixed width on the main container on the desktop. It would be really nice if the page were responsive reacted to the browser width, such that the number of tiles shown across the page would grow or reduce based on screen resolution. You could still have some margin for aesthetic purposes, but if you have a larger screen, it seems like a lot of wasted space to retain that narrow, fixed-width center container.
  2. I would think the total file size of all main files would be the best number to show.
  3. I think the news items card are inordinately large. You could easily fit 4 on a row for these. I almost think they should just be the same dimensions as the mod cards.
  4. I see Tracked Content Updates was moved to the main Nexus page and is no longer on the main game page. That's fine, thanks for keeping it. It could actually go to the "Tracking Centre" I suppose too, the main thing is that we don't lose this functionality.
  5. So I've been doing some testing with the hearthfire mills, and although the crafting menu is coming up when entering ("sitting"), it does not seem to be getting detected as furniture, even though xedit has it clearly categorized as such. Workbenches and everything else seem to be getting detected just fine -- does anyone happen to know if there was something different about the way mills were created?
  6. Okay, really weird -- I checked my EngineFixes.toml settings and somehow they got reverted to the defaults. I restored the correct settings and all is working again. It's strange, because I didn't think I touched EF, but in any case, all is fixed.
  7. Well, I foolishly went on a mod updating spree, and I am of course now paying the price with a CTD on loading a save,,,, (yes, I know better!) I've been going through the crash logs and a few lines that keep showing up periodically are these, and I seem to remember seeing these before one time when I was crashing. Do these give any clear pointers to mods that might be an issue -- I know for certain USSEP isn't at fault, but maybe something is trying to reference it? I removed the reference from Synthesis.esp but it still shows up as being triggered by Skyrim.esm so I don't think that Synthesis is at fault either. [RSP+818 ] 0x1C0608C2E80 (EffectSetting*) File: "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp" Modified by: Skyrim.esm -> Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp Flags: 0x00000009 kDestructible | kInitialized Name: "Fortify Armor Rating" FormID: 0x00017120 FormType: MagicEffect (18) GetFullName: "Fortify Armor Rating" [RSP+820 ] 0x1BFC0DA6100 (BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine*) [RSP+828 ] 0x1AC193F810 (void*) [RSP+830 ] 0x7FF648CF60EE (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+01560EE mov ebp, eax) [RSP+838 ] 0x1C06FF0FA70 (void*) [RSP+840 ] 0x1C06054A080 (PlayerCharacter*) Flags: 0x00000408 Name: "Prisoner" FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) Flags: 0x00000408 Name: "Prisoner" FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) Object Reference: File: "Synthesis.esp" Modified by: Skyrim.esm -> Synthesis.esp Flags: 0x00000009 kDestructible | kInitialized Name: "Prisoner" FormID: 0x00000007 FormType: NPC (43) Flags: 0x00000408 kInitialized FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) Attached the whole log if it helps. Thanks for any pointers..urg. Going now methodically back through my installs and reverting to see if i can find the culprit.
  8. Ah, wait, you have a lod issue. Are you using xlodgen? If so, adjust brightness when you run until you find the sweet spot. Landscapes that have lod terrain already included don't have this issue, but landscapes that don't include will need to be generated.
  9. So I came across an odd situation where if an animation is playing in the background (such as Crafting), you enter a search in the SkyUI Crafting filter, and then close out of the menu, the animation gets stuck and doesn't return control to the player. I tried using: Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "IdleForceDefaultState") Game.EnablePlayerControls() While that snaps the character out of the crafting animation, it still keeps the character frozen in place with no movement control. Has anyone come across anything similar? It's very specific to using the Filter search in SkyUI. Thanks -- any insight is appreciated!
  10. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyui_Skse64_installation_guide
  11. You should check this mod and read the description carefully: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57643
  12. I actually think polling the skill levels is going to end up being better in this particular case -- I need those values anyway to do some calculating, so if I go with Game.getPlayer().getActorValue(skill), I can figure out both which skill was trained as well as the value it increased by. Doing this with the OnMenuOpen/Close Events. Thanks everyone, got me pointed in the right direction.
  13. Yeah its looking like checking whether a skill has incremented is the way to go. Too bad Ill need to poll all the skill values but seems like the only way.
  14. Is it possible to capture the type of training an instructor is doing either by string or ID? I am looking at the set of string in the ActorValueList but not seeing a way to capture the values: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Actor_Value_List Basically I want to check whether a particular type of training is being done, and then use that string or ID to do some other stuff, so basically .GetSkillName(), or .GetSkillID()....
  15. Here you go: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyui_Skse64_installation_guide
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