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  1. Does not work for sound effect in "Packages" folder. Tried to play those .wav sounds in wmp,mhp and even audition (which pretty familiar with .wav) - does not open.
  2. Well, I've inverted whole image and besides normal map look like casual normal map now(blue) , it made no difference, so it still like on last picture posted. Then I tried different variation with a channels like - invert red and then invert whole image, same with green and vise versa. I did even tried to flip image lol, but that was just desperate trial. Iooks like promblem is deeper than just invert ,but it looks better than without it anyway. I feel shame to upload work in that kinda state, but still gonna use it for myself (cause can't stand oversized weapons). Thank you for involvment, it still helped somehow.
  3. I did follow the guide you link me to, completely and partially. It's just ends up with different kind of mess. I have quite fresh photoshop and plugins (nvidia.intel), I have tried both. Normal map looks like combined red and green channels in PH and blue channel is blank black. I guess its loaded correctly, because I have not find any difference between preview in Mod Maker and in PH, exept in PH its gold instead of blue. So I tried different settings in plugins, amongt them - I did even add blue color through Nvidia plugin save screen, so it look like the one on the preview in Mod Maker. Another thing is that Mod Maker does not accept it's genuvine format BC5(ati2n). I was able to import only BC3 and BC1.
  4. Thank you for the reply. I did try this method - looks better but still not as the original: I have a guess that not whole normal map must be inverted, but selective part of it. Gonna try it. I did the same method with specular map, but it appears overbrighted or awkward, depending on channel inverted.
  5. Hi there. Im workin on mod to scale down greatswords to somewhat realistic proportions, but stumbled on some lighting reflection issue: I did even tried to export and import without any edits and repeat process in older versions of daimm, but result the same. Any Guru's here who know how to solve it , if thats even possible?
  6. I have AFT installed and it has tweaks/dgsupport folders in clothes section, but I put there my nif's and overrwrite. I tried to make this modification before AFT installed and had the same result and ofcourse I tried to turn AFT off via skyrim SE ModManager and coc to cell, taking armor,puting it on, sexchange to have a look, still nothing.
  7. I tried that: 1. coc from main menu 2. add armor through console 3. sexchange to have a look Result the same
  8. I did nothing with CK, I'm always using loosefiles and it works, except this particular part of this particular mesh..maybe I was not clear in explaination so this exactly what I did in steps: 1. Unpack files(both ..._0 &.._1) into original folder, using BSABrowser 2. Open in NifScope 3. Highlight ''breast gap'' part 4. Choose texture assign image (flower kinda) 5. Assign the same texture (which was preveously unpacked, using method I mentioned above), but with a patch of tissue, placed exactly on the area, where was the bare part before.
  9. Correct, editing alpha channel of original cloth texture(not the one added by me), shows visible effect in game, what proves that. As you may see on picture, there's only one texture reassigned (which is highlighted) and that it, no other changes at all.
  10. Firstly - thanks for reply. I just wanted to make a replacer with a breast gap cover, for what I used original mesh, without any change, accept assigning new texture to open skin part (highlighted on left part of screenshot), which is basically female skin texture with textile patch on breast part. And that's all, I leave the rest of a mesh untagged. I did similar kind of things many times and Im not new in modding, but on that,I kinda stambled, so I posted here maybe I'll be lucky and someone here faced the same an figure out somehow.
  11. Hi there. I tried to assign textile texture to a breast gap of female royal vampire armor, while looking good in nifscope, it seems no effect in actual game. Any help please.
  12. Thanks for reply, but I have already edited a lot of models that way, apparently some of the models DO NOT ALLOW TO EDIT them, changing value simply did nothing (vertices don't move at all). So the question still - HOW TO UNLOCK THEM? and IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE through nifscope?
  13. Considering its on top of search for '' how to unlock vertices in nifscope'' maybe someone knows how to do it and if it's even possible? I have problems with 3ds max export so I just want use nifscope for minor edits, but not all of the models allow to do that.
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