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  1. So since someone figured out how to edit the normal maps enough to create "Geralt on Steroids" ... ... I'm requesting a "stronger" normal map for female body. Nothing outrageous … something along lines of Cross-fit gals … Christmas Abbott, Lauren Drain or marine gal 'Shannon Ihrke'. Just thought I'd ask :)
  2. looking for min/max setting range on the SSSSS setting … anyone?
  3. yup ... I guess since last patch ... can't load saved games ... ... started new ones ... save ... exit game entirely ... wont load ... crashes .... no mods ... all mods ...dont matter. Really thought I was doin something wrong ... but seeing the comments now here on this forum ... looks to be game. ><
  4. someone please convert 'victoria's high heel walk' mod from skyrim... gracias http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13272/?
  5. someone please convert 'victoria's high heel walk' mod from skyrim... gracias http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13272/?
  6. this simply originates with the "avatar body" and how its built ... sadly looking like a plastic doll avatar in EQ2! ... really seriously? we've taken 2 steps back from Skyrim? texture modders like "oni" and "nuclear nude" authors to name a few try their best to overcome the limitations but the result is the same ... plastick garbage! /sigh ... so this post is for all the great modders out there ... and the all the great skin modders in Skryim ... that have given up on Fallout 4 due to the change in how the avatar is rendered (who knows if I'm sayin this right.. i don't ...sorry) ... so my standards or expectations too high??? NO! ... fact is ... a new MMO like Black Desert can release and wipe Fallout 4 off the dance floor like its 1999 again. /oi I get it if Bethesda cut corners expecting Modders to fill the gaps ... but frankly they failed to give modders the tools they needed to deliver ... and modders like Krista just didn't even bother due to the FACT that the quality would never materialize in game. I mean someone in Bethesda realizes the "GIFT" they have been given by opening Skryim to modders ... and a sign of this is the upgrading of the engine later this month. but if you supposedly GET this long-term value ... WTF or who the frak made the decision on Fallout 4? /facepalm So this post .. however futile ... is to reach out to a Bethesda Dev who might be browsing to say ... if you want Skryim long-term success with Fallout 4 ... correct the "avatar body" mesh problem ... asap! Talk to krista and so many others that mod for Skryim but who pass on Fallout 4 as to why ... if this message has not been made clear before to you .. bethesda! I like so many who love "customization" ... simply can't look at a Fallout 4 avatar any longer! Love the game setting ... but can't stand to look at it any longer! /peace and love from a wee island
  7. I think it is because of the misconception that modders save games and free political prisoners. Let me put the relationship between mods and the game into a metaphore: Bethesda creates a marble statue of supreme detail and spends years of work on it. Then some modder climbs on top of it and puts a folded paper hat on it and claims he fixed the game. This then snowballs into the public opinion that game developers only code "hello world" applications and modders are supposedly doing all the hard work saving the company and keeping the game alive. A game is only kept alive by the built-in replay value. And mods simply attach themselves to the tail of it. 99% of a game is made by the developers. Mods are recycling content mostly and provide welcome additions to it. But they can only do so because the base game was built to allow it. So all the Bethesda haters should say thank you for Fallout 4. Because it is the most replayable and dynamic Bethesda game to date. *Gives TimeLadyKatie a big hugs* last point on value of embracing modding is sooooooooo on-point and its truly stunning few have dipped toes in these waters. Steamworks has brought more along but Bethesda needs to fully embrace modding even more to build on its competitive advantage! ... the step to updgrading the Skyrim engine is a great first step!
  8. aight ... all Fallout 4 fans know how we've been screwed by Bethesda as it pertains to how "avatar" bodies are created and shown in-game. I mean really ... are we gonna stand for this EQ2 crappy style s#*&#33;!!! How does a company go backwards in time ... Skryim bodies etc look so much better... is it really so hard for a company dependent on the modder community ... as Bethesda is ... to not address this issue? Now to be fair to Bethesda and proving they are not "tone death" ... putting forth the effort on the Updated Skyrim engine is ... just masterful and will provide returns for years to come. So in that vain ... I suggest YOU ... BETHESDA ... address the limitations YOU created in FO4 ... allow modders to create what you were not able to ... layered and detailed textures! The days of "plastic" skins are history and should be left there! ... lastly if this has been vented / ranted on before ... I apologize ... however for this community it should never be left unsaid nor repeated until resolved!
  9. welp ... my discovery was that if you leave the "mouse icon" in say ... the change name location ... the keyboard will not work when exiting the vault. if you move it from the name area .. keyboard works.
  10. as title says ... I'm putting out the call for some Saints Row 4 - style in Fallout 4 :smile: personally love the female walk animations etc .. just a bit of sassy! and clearly a better selection and variety of tattoos is needed. we all thank the efforts in advance! *toast*
  11. just wondering if anyone has heard chatter on the missing .sk files in FO4 ... compared to Skyrim for example. I know Krista (the skyrim Lady Body creater) has said she not doing FO4 due to this problem. so anyone heard anything? has anyone asked Bethesda to add this back to FO4? cheers
  12. ... welp just have to ask ... I never got the twist in the story I was hoping for ... regarding who Ciri's father really is ... ... l never played the previous 2 Witcher games beyond a bit of the early #2 ... so not sure if her father is a clear cut issue ... but I really thought a twist would be introduced ... ... anyone else feel same?
  13. welp don't see these listed (apologies if I missed em) ... a Racemenu (aka: showracemenu like Skyrim) ... which would allow for change of your avatar between the various main npc's ... so that you could at least have full clothing options, skills etc no matter which look you choose. giving voice type option would be the "holy grail" of gravy for this. ... companion mod that would allow the addition of the various main npc's *at least* ... thus forming a group of followers huge world ... just needs some Skryim type mod love :) cheers
  14. hopefully someone out there willing to replicate this sassy walk :)
  15. ... mesh has issues under arms and lats mainly ... secondarily nipples alignment with UNP anyone interested in taking on this challenge? :) please PM if interested ... cheers
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