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  1. Skyes666, What fails? Do you not have an option to feed or ... ? -MM
  2. I found the answer from MrJack of Bethesda Forums "SKSE's GetMappedKeyfunction is probably what you want. "
  3. I want to be able to tell key bindings via script. i.e. so that I don't have to rely on the user. What will happen in my case is I want to know what key the jump key is bound too. I'll then use RegisterForKey using the appropriate key. The next time they jump it will trigger event keydown and I will measure the timespan until keyup. If greater than a certain amount, cast a spell. Any help? I'm familiar with the scripting but I've been out of the game since October and having a hard time nailing down whether this can be done. Alternatively, I'm open to ideas on how to read in the Key Bindings some other way, even if manually entered by the user but I am strict to only using Papyrus and SKSE. Thanks! -MM
  4. Gorignak, If you have it in the script to add them at each stage, but it's still not working, chances are good that you didn't update the properies on the quest script so that it links the proper abilities/spells to the properties on the script. Find the PlayerVampireQuest in the CK, open it and go to the scripts. Find the PlayerVampireQuest script, right click on it, select Properties and find your entries. Chances are they point to <DEFAULT>. If you used the exact same name of the spells in the script you can just click on Auto Fill and all unresolved properties that match will link automatically, otherwise you'll need to do it by hand. -MM
  5. Then I will do without it. Thanks. Gulogulo - What if you hooked into the special actors that can become werewolves and account for them uniquely at the top of your smell script, or put them in a forms list. Of course it's a hack job so it wouldn't work real well for custom content, but.... just a thought. Edit: I'm not aware of any other NPCs that actually do shape shift into werewolves except the companions and the one quest NPC for Hircine. Just add them to a forms list. Look at the CompanionsLeaders forms list for a list of the companion leaders that are werewolves. Thanks fot the tip. I will consider it but as you have mentioned it will not work for custom content. As a side note I think I have figured out how to make a decent evasion ability. You know the one that slows time when something is attacking you. I will implement it in the next version of my mod so that it will automatically trigger adrenaline surge when something is attacking me. It works quiet well now. For example if I attack Faendal in Riverwood the slow motion triggers when an arrow is fired in my general direction by Faendal so I have a smal time window to react and escape it. Thats for ranged attacks. For melee attacks I implement the old cloak method and I simply check whether the target is closer to me than say 300 units. I will test it futher to see how it works in other combat situations. That sounds great! What did you do for the ranged attack?
  6. Hey Buds42! Yeah, you are correct Vampire Overhaul substituted the lockpicking tree for a Vampire Perk tree by combining it with Sneak. There's a new perktree available to us right now through the VampirePerks ActorValue released in 1.6.89 Skyrim/CK. I haven't actually tried hooking it up. It's got 5 blank perk slots in it. -MM
  7. I can't wait to integrate BSR with Dawnguard's content. The extra animations, creatures, re-work the new perk trees, etc,. This is going to be great. -MM
  8. Actually they created new perk trees for DG and new actor values rather than take the quite destructive approach of combining skills to free up a slot. VampirePerks and WerewolfPerks are the new actor values and the perk trees have been enabled on them but they simply aren't populated. I'm refraining from using them right now because I don't want to introduce imcompatibilities with DGs release. I'm going to wait until DG is released and then we'll be adding new points into the Perk Tree.
  9. I am currently watching some video play throughs of DG and I'm really impressed with what they've done, but even more stoked about what type of things they've given to us. Standing Vampire animations in regular Vampire Form, the Bat's animation when teleporting, some new NPC creature types (I like those hounds in the castle), the more sunken and sullen vampire look (hopefully customizable) and more. I can't wait to literally sink my teeth into it. Thank you very much for the kind words. I hope together with DG and BSR we can make it even more of an enjoyable experience being a vampire in Skyrim. -MM
  10. Berry2012, If you want a really extensive vampire mod, I might suggest Belua Sanguinare Revisited. I'm a little biased though. Right now, however, we simply don't know how compatible we'll be with DG because it's not out on PC and the knowledge of how they implement it is unknown to us until they release it and, hopefully, the CK updates. Belua Sanguinare Revisited. -MM
  11. Use Weather overrides. There's a weather formid that actually turns it almost pitch black. I wish I could remember the one.... I plan on putting it into BSR at some point. -MM
  12. Then I will do without it. Thanks. Gulogulo - What if you hooked into the special actors that can become werewolves and account for them uniquely at the top of your smell script, or put them in a forms list. Of course it's a hack job so it wouldn't work real well for custom content, but.... just a thought. Edit: I'm not aware of any other NPCs that actually do shape shift into werewolves except the companions and the one quest NPC for Hircine. Just add them to a forms list. Look at the CompanionsLeaders forms list for a list of the companion leaders that are werewolves.
  13. Cherubaddon - Removing the item via console didn't work? Were you unable to remove it or it just didn't fix the problem? Want to send me a save game? I will check into it.
  14. Just updating the threads... Build 1.3.2 Beta 4 now has support for custom races, such as Ashen and Drow and anyone that follow's Expired's Race method along with a slew of other little tweaks and fixes. -MM
  15. Weird, must have had another mod then. Psycho45, There's a vampire perk tree exposed in the EDITOR now, but we haven't implemented one in BSR, and some people have combined certain skill perktree together to free up a perk tree slot. I'm so glad we didn't do that, now that there will be a Perk tree for vampire's modded into Skyrim with the Dawnguard Release. Userper!!! Long time no see. I hope you are doing well. We'll have to see how Vampire Lord actually plays out. They actually have a Vampire Lord archetype built into magic effects right now. Seems to be used, quite literally, for shapeshifting into other races...but it doesn't quite work yet... I've been....messing with it. As for Dawnguard, we're kind of waiting on what it provides before doing too much coding work into our next phase, but Jakisthe has been planning away on the Clans and potential quest lines, rewards, etc, while I keep working on the main mod to iron out bugs and tweaking out the experience...and occassionally a new feature (such as Absorbing Racial Abilities when feeding). Be safe!!! -MM
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