Long time lurker and quiet downloader I felt I must add my voice to the choir here.
As so many others have commented I HATE the new UI with the burning passion of 1000 suns. The image sizes are too small and why the hell do I want to read the description, when half of them are total meme nonsense or even foreign language? The old UI was PEAK, and you just had to "improve it" by ruining it. It's like you had the perfect cheesecake and then decided that there weren't enough pickles and onions mixed in there and now no one wants it. I checked your beta announcement page and either you are lying or you had utter sycophant yes men populating your surveys because everywhere I look there are people complaining about the UI and it's clear and objective inferiority to the previous UI. DO BETTER PLEASE...bad enough you're censoring perfectly fine and normal mods for political reasons, but this is just going to drive more people away, rather than bring them here.