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About Tren909

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    United States

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  1. Oh, I see! So you look at the vanilla game's events and such and how they work? Like vanilla quests, how caps are given, etc...
  2. Interesting! This one worked for me! Thank you so much because this finally resolved an issue that I had for almost a year already! Just like Zorkaz, I'd like to request if you could tell me how you find your information as when I look on the Creation Kit website looking for something, I get confused on if I need to find the ObjectReference or the Actorbase. I'd also like to know how you got educated on modding as I look on YouTube tutorials and not all of them have what I am looking for. Thank you so much!
  3. Hello, thank you for your response! I was actually looking for a papyrus fragment, but I will keep this noted for future reference. One last thing, can you tell me how you would know what to look for in the Creation Kit? Like for information like that, as I get confused if I need to look for an ObjectReference or an ActorBase. Sorry if that doesn't make sense! Haha! Thank you!
  4. Seddon's tutorial has also been effective for me, but he does not show a way to spawn an NPC once you click on the option in your holotape using the Papyrus fragment yet. Thank you!
  5. Hi, everyone, so I actually made a post a while ago about how I was making a holotape that can spawn NPCs and I wanted to make it like braden's mod. I contacted him, but he doesn't reply, so I am kind of on my own over here. I apologize if it might seem obvious, but I do not how to make a papyrus fragment that would make the NPC spawn at the player. Kind of like Player.placeatme 0000007 (this would spawn a player clone at you). I searched throughout the Creation Kit for scripts, but I came out empty-handed as it just says (0 succeeded, 1 failed). The goal is to spawn a custom NPC I made (I spawned him using console commands in the game), using a holotape, and the reason it is for the holotape is so that I can soon upload it to the Xbox One. So in the holotape (the menu works fine, as I tested the holotape in the game, so I just need to make a papyrus fragment that spawns the NPC I want once the person clicks on it). I used actorbase, but I also hear that to spawn an NPC, you need to set the conditions to ObjectReference. I made a property to ObjectReference, but my NPC or any NPCs do not pop up in the menu. I used an ActorBase and I found my NPC that way. Maybe I am also wrong on the conditions part? Again, I apologize if the answers are easy, but I used a lot of player.placeatme scripts that I found on the Creation Kit reference. Thank you for reading and for any assistance on this! I really do appreciate it.
  6. Thank you for the response! I am actually attempting to recreate the mod and add more to it and hopefully use it for personal use as I would not like to copy Braden's work and take it for credit. It is difficult as I do not know how to make a script to spawn the NPCs. I have been successful in creating the menu, but I would really like to learn how to spawn NPCs as soon as you click the option, but the Papyrus scripting seems like it'll take a while to do each and every NPC.
  7. Hi, everyone, I was looking for a mod for the PC where you can spawn NPCs using a holotape. I really loved this mod from Bradenm60 (not sure if thats his correct username) and he had a mod that does just this on the Xbox One called (WIP) Spawn NPCs. He had sections that were divided into friendly NPCs and default NPCs (friendlies will automatically come to your aid be it Super Mutants, Raiders, etc) and even had the Companions (not the exact Companions) and clones! I really loved that mod, but he did not port it for PC use. I would really love to see something like that as I believe a mod like that would make things more fun and easier instead of always having to use the console. I apologize if I made any errors in this forum as I'm new to Nexus. Thank you for any help offered and I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and New Years (if you had it yet in your country), Tren909
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