Hi, everyone, so I actually made a post a while ago about how I was making a holotape that can spawn NPCs and I wanted to make it like braden's mod. I contacted him, but he doesn't reply, so I am kind of on my own over here. I apologize if it might seem obvious, but I do not how to make a papyrus fragment that would make the NPC spawn at the player. Kind of like Player.placeatme 0000007 (this would spawn a player clone at you). I searched throughout the Creation Kit for scripts, but I came out empty-handed as it just says (0 succeeded, 1 failed). The goal is to spawn a custom NPC I made (I spawned him using console commands in the game), using a holotape, and the reason it is for the holotape is so that I can soon upload it to the Xbox One. So in the holotape (the menu works fine, as I tested the holotape in the game, so I just need to make a papyrus fragment that spawns the NPC I want once the person clicks on it). I used actorbase, but I also hear that to spawn an NPC, you need to set the conditions to ObjectReference. I made a property to ObjectReference, but my NPC or any NPCs do not pop up in the menu. I used an ActorBase and I found my NPC that way. Maybe I am also wrong on the conditions part? Again, I apologize if the answers are easy, but I used a lot of player.placeatme scripts that I found on the Creation Kit reference. Thank you for reading and for any assistance on this! I really do appreciate it.