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    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

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  1. Is there a way to make shields usable while they're sheathed?, its really pissing me off that you have to ready your weapons (2 seconds at the least) to block and incoming attack... you already have your shield in your arm dammit, just block it!! >.< I think in Oblivion the blocking system worked like that.
  2. Delete the 0Sexywalk01.kf file from ...\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\ and/or ...\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\specialanims\ Those sexy walk animations are VERY SLOW even the faster versions xD EDIT: Also delete the walkforward.kf if it exists there, that will restore the vanilla animation. EDIT2: Disable SW01Plus.esp and/or SW01.esp from the mod list if you didn't already. EDIT3: Disable SexyPlOneHand.esp and delete onehandforward.kf if you installed the one hand weapon version.
  3. Also try moving the INI files from ...\My Documents\My Games folder to any other location and see if that fixes the problem. If not then the problem is directly related to an ESP/ESM or any mod that creates or modify the ...\Fallout 3\Data\Menus folder, you can delete this folder if you're not using nor interested in mods that change interface settings like compass position/waypoints, shown messages, HP bar, HUD scale, etc or delete it and reinstall those interface mods that you know that worked fine before.
  4. Maybe you're under a curse or poison effect that damaged your willpower. You can edit your stats through console commands if it's a bug. EDIT Other thing that sometimes happen is that you level up with skills that raise other stats. As an example, if you gain enough experience to level up using other major skills AND THEN use Willpower skills while you have the level up icon on screen you have to reach the next level to get your willpower bonus. Example: Level 10 - You use other skills not related to Willpower and gain enough experience to level up - You don't rest but keep training Willpower related skills - When you rest you don't receive Willpower bonus Level 11 - Your previous bonus that you didn't get before (Willpower) is "stored" - When you reach enough experience to level up and rest you get the "stored" bonus from Willpower and other new bonus With this tweak if you never rest you can get many levels "stored" while your character is still level 1, then you can rest 20 times and receive their corresponding bonuses xD
  5. The player of course... YOU do all the suicide missions. You don't even know why the @#!$% you were in prison and have to save the asses of all those "sitting on the throne from 9AM to 8PM" guys <.< xD
  6. Ops... Sorry, my mistake. That command is from Morrowind, I forgot that Bethesda didn't put it in Oblivion xD (I don't know why, it is very useful)
  7. That's the command xP Reset Actors or RA
  8. I didn't find any Valkyrie Profile mod but there's an armor pack of similar style. AT2 01-Shiki Armor Set AT2 02-Shiki Armor Set You should try searching for anime mods through: www.google.co.jp (Japan) www.google.co.kr (Korea) www.google.cn (China)
  9. A bigger map, with more encounters, towns, camps, adventures and quests. I didn't like the thing of being in an Empire of 2Km radious <.<
  10. Did you tried the command RA (Reset Actors)?
  11. 1) The Daedric armor is the best heavy armor (ugly looking <.<) of the game. If for some reason you can't use your prefered set then this is a good spell. 2) Melee spells (touch) are normally stronger than ranged ones, so in a way they're better than hitting your enemy with your weapon if your magic skills surpasses your combat skills. You can cast spells while holding down block, that makes you cast faster while you have some chances to block attacks on melee combat. Of course while you're blocking you can't run unless you're casting.
  12. They're in the Oblivion BSA file so they're untouchable unless you edit the BSA file with a BSA editor, so you only have to delete (or move) the files placed by any texture replacer mod.
  13. I take Image Package 2 - DONE! loana, Fredie, LHammonds, herosinger, leeus, Walko, SnowyOwlet and tyreil829 already restored many of them.
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