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About ElGuano

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  1. Okay... first off let me say that I previously only played Skyrim on the Xbox, I recently got a PC and wanted to have a completely new experience. I got lots of mods and through lots and lots of painful trial and error I got them all to work! (About 120 in my load order) I then realized that Skyrim Redone required the Reproccer run as a separate program in order to get all modded armor and weapons to have the same stats required for Skyre. I watched vids, read guides, and have been reading troubleshooting forums but I can't seem to be able to diagnose my problem. Here it is. The game runs perfectly, (No CTDs or Lag) but after I loaded the Reproccer patches and qofsafan's All in One compatibility patches all of the weapons and armors have been given the exact opposite values I wanted. All the weapons and armors now have vanilla stats and are missing some of the special abilities previously given to them by Skyre. What the hell happened? I now can't even go back to how it was before. If anyone has a special guide for Mod Organizer for Reproccer and Skyre (preferably for dummies) that worked for you please share or if you have any personal theories please enlighten me. I am getting so tired of getting this game to work I am about to give up on PC gaming entirely and buy a PS4.
  2. I'm thinking it might have had to do with Interesting NPCs now...
  3. When playing Skyrim, randomly (not always in the same places, sometimes it is gone) NPC dialogue will cut out for a word or two then come back in. It almost sounds like it is being censored... Any ideas of how to find the cause of this? I have checked my mods for conflicts but all I can think of is that COT and SoS might be interacting strangely even though I have the patch. Thoughts?
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