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  1. Yup sure did. And, of course, since my last post and adding those other mods the save issue popped up again. But I'm going to start a new game... should I run TO again ya think?
  2. Update: OK even tho I had to do it the hard way (adding mods via NMM, Steam) and using Wyre and AV. Things seem to be much better. There HAVE been some CTD's but not like it was. I was having the save load problem when I tried using a alternate start mod so I ditched that and have been fine so far. Only thing I'm concerned about now is there was some bad clipping stuffs going on with daggers at my hips/low back whatever so after reading I had to install a couple more things to get THAT to look right. But I also removed a couple things that were blah even tho they peaked my interest at 1st I decided I didn't want them much less NEED them. The cleaning process this time around was so much faster now that I know what I'm doing. I've even changed a mod with the CK to suit my tastes. Just arrow speed & distance but reduce the dmg by 8pts. This thread has been very helpful and man I tell ya... I never thought I'd dig this deep into this when a bit over a week ago I was just about done with trying to play the game period. Thanks again ya'll... if I every can help someone with some of this stuff I'll gladly offer and do the best I can!! (or you can try ripple... SERIOUSLY helpful person)
  3. Well for some reason I can't get Mod Organizer working so I went the old fashioned way with NMM & Wrye. There were a few mods that are on steam & not Nexus so those are thrown in too. I may need to take a break from this... it's really irritating now. I dropped about 30ish mods but I'm still at 190... but that includes the Automatic Variants mods... you'd think they'd all get put into one esp. So now I have to go through the cleaning process again and go from there. But only down to 35 unrecognized mods in BOSS so that's something.
  4. Ugh I Monster Mod & Monster Wars are ones I really wanted to play with too... say... what do ya think about The Lost Art of the Blacksmith, More Craftables, @ Complete Crafting Overhaul mods... I know those are pre-CK and my crafting lists have a LOT of duplicates. Do I still need those or are they obsolete now?
  5. Yeah I'm really "digging in deep" to what mods I REALLY want... do I really want that armor cuz it looks cool even tho I probably won't actually USE it as a stealth sniper assassin type? Probably not even tho with the dress up ring I can put it on whoever I want. That's a really cool mod btw hehe. But yeah the work continues.. I'm nervous about the MO thing but I'll give it a go. Sadly some mods already installed through the workshop but I'm not too worried..... yet.
  6. Install about complete... (had to run a few errands and forgot to start it). I don't want to start adding anything besides the DLC's and the Unofficial Patches until I get some advice as to really how to do this with this Mod Organizer thing. I have mods that I'm subscribed to in the Skyrim Workshop that will be installed I'm sure.. should I unsub to all of those? Damn this is hard... and I just remembered I'll have to clean the mods again. Oh well... nothing else going on tonight. If I can get it all done tonight and still be awake enough to try & play LOL.
  7. I've never heard this one (and I do it all the time). Are you sure you didn't mistake it with something like 'don't keep saving over the same save game slot'? Because that will contribute to corrupt saves. If the situation has not really improved that much, and you feel the CTDs are still too frequent for your taste, the last thing that can be explored is a complete reinstall of the game and (a more modest number of) mods. If you do this, I recommend you use a mod manger like the 'Mod Organizer', which won't install mods directly into the game data folder (so if, by chance, you ever need to do another 'full reinstall', you actually won't need to 'reinstall' the game because there will be no loose files in the game data folder, if you installed all your mods via the MO). You can list the mods you'd like to 'add back' to the new installation, and I am sure many users will drop by to let you know their own experiences with such mods. Aside from that, I can't think of anything else to try. So how will this work with NMM & Steam Workshop mods? I've never heard of this Mod Organizer before....
  8. I'm going to back up all the mods I have now, probably just copy the data folder somewhere, along with my .ini files and the NMM folder. Then... start fresh install. Please any suggestion like above about what mods to avoid etc that would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I also added all the Quest, Places, & Faction mods from the Steam Workshop... figured those were after CK. But if they're game breaking they're not worth it. Same with the Enhanced Gameplay mods: Enhanced Game Play - Wilderness Encounters and Enhanced Game Play - Randomized Leveled Objects, The ENB I'm using is the Goddess ENB... wasn't too sure about it at first but I like the DoF and how it's not so damn bright outside... I came out of the starting cave without it installed and about blinded myself! LOL If anyone know a better ENB out there please let me know... one thing I DON'T like about using ENB is how dark the dungeons get... I like immersion but I also like to see where I'm going.
  10. What do you think about the overhaul mods... specifically: Skyrim overhaul: Guilds and followers, Skyrim Overhaul: Enemies and Skyrim overhaul: Factions?
  11. So there's no avoiding a fresh install then... thank you for the insight on the Immersive patrols mods... I wasn't aware of the problems it can cause. Going forward... and I'm not sure how to tell.. I would like to only use mods that were created after the Creation Kit was released.
  12. Well this is overwhelming. I'm not getting CTD's per se but they may as well be... the game just locks up not responding... there's be several times since the cleaning that's I've had to go back a few saves when loading. I'm thinking the full install is what I need. I've never heard of or used Mod Manager... just NMM, Wyre, BOSS. If anyone can take a look at my mod list and let me know if there's know crap with it then I know what to exclude. Here's the list
  13. Well besides a few CTD's and having to back track a couple saves now & then its' running better overall. The CTD's don't happen anywhere near as much as they did before. And I read somwhere that if you save a game then quit right away that can create a corrupt save file. Man so much information overload and yeah still not completely resolved and some of the suggestions you awesome folks have made are WAY over my head. Guess I can just keep "plugin" away... see what I did there hehe
  14. Well got sidetracked into Oakwood and crashed after a few minutes in the Inn. I love this game so much and have already beaten it in Vanilla.. now I just want a pretty version so to speak along with the DLC's. Is that so much to ask?
  15. 64bit I've just started a new game and am about to head to Riverwood.... <shudders>
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