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About Rawesyn

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  1. Looking for this armor, what is it? http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/15494-1-1336778650.jpg
  2. I know these are the Dread Knight Weapons, but what armor is this player using? http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/15494-1-1336778650.jpg
  3. That's not it, but thanks, it was a reskin of this one I believe. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25709 But it could of just been the helmet...
  4. I downloaded Andragorns Armor set (which is awesome by the wya, you should get it if you don't) and I there are sheathes on the back for 2 handed weapons. I was wondering if it is possible to get rid of the sheathes? I had one mroe question as well, for the DMC Stylish mod, is it possible just to get the stance (2 handed blade over the shoulder) and not have the attack animations? Thanks.
  5. Looking for a mod that looked like a retexture of the Royal Guard armor made for Oblivion from Morrowind. It was either a dark blue, or a black, does anyone know if it is on the nexus?
  6. What I mean is, Lets say I have both a Steel Claymore and Longsowrd. Is there a mod that shows both of them on me at once? Maybe not "equipped" but still shows it on my character? That would look cool.
  7. I downloaded the Magical Enchanted Items 2.0 mod: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2320 But when I use the enchants, they are seen through the body/armor of my character, any way to not have that happen?
  8. Whatever really, I'm finding this very challenging, does OOO get mroe rewarding later on? WHat is the best build to play OOO?
  9. I installed the patch, and now I am trying to install WME but it says textures will be overwritten, what process should I follow?
  10. Like, I see all these mods that have scabbards for the 2H swords on the back. BUt I don't like how the 2H sword is lifted off the back by defualt. Is there a way that pulls it out of the scabbard?
  11. Besides that one. I'm looking for a specific one but wondering if you guys can tell me other mods that have closed helmets.
  12. Besides Divine Paladin Armor, Closed Steel Helmet, and Royal Guard Helmet.
  13. Like, go to a wanted poster, or talk to someone, and set off to get the enemy?
  14. http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34683 I realise the armor is the armor but what about the silencer and laser on the pistol? Can you do this for other weapons?
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