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Nexus Mods Profile

About PlaysLittle

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  1. Fingers crossed for one of these saints to help us all. Bethesda's complete lack of follow through in almost every aspect is hilarious.
  2. Looking for way to change the skin on PSALM 11:6. I'm not even trying to do anything tricky, like never before seen skins. Simply other skins seen on the D5 Copperhead. Would I have to do this my self by editing a file? Looking for any mod or tutorial on how to do this myself if required.
  3. I can't believe they don't have a to organize ship parts by class, mass, max power, fire rate, damage... there's literally nothing. Any way to mod this? Is it even possible?
  4. I have no idea how this would be done, but if Bethesda is gonna take 6 months to a year or more to add walls at outposts, then here is my request from looking at other mods. Make Storage-Solid able to connect from all four sides. This way, players don't need to spend time making the corners butt up perfectly. If that's even possible. We definitely need something to make building walls easier.
  5. Couldn't find the mod so I'm putting up a request. We need a mod the brings the first person view for driving closer to the front and slightly higher so the road is more visible. This game has quit literally the worst first person view for driving I've ever seen.
  6. I know nothing about creating mods, so this might be a dumb suggestion. I want the DATABASE to be updated after the questline of a character is fully finished. For example; After Royce is killed, add an update saying he's dead, "Killed by a customer he tried to cheat." or "Still running Maelstrom to this day..." etc. Something to help keep track and/or put all the information about a character in one place. Two reasons for a mod/update; The first is I don't have the memory to peace together the entire story of most of the characters due to the pieces slowing being fed to us in game. Second, is I want to increase immersion and immersion is weakened when I'm forced to go online and Google the answer. Maybe this is not possible, maybe it could only be done through a patch. But I can still dream...
  7. If I wanted to restart a mission I played earlier in the game, is there anyway to simply reset the mission? Some file edit, etc? Without losing levels, perks, items?
  8. I'm trying to find ideas modders can use to create a NewGam+. Wondering if it's possible to reset all missions and still keep the levels, items, etc... This way if you desire a NewGame+ and simply want to relive some of the stories, only with all your cool gear, you can.
  9. I'd love for a talented modder to find a way to save a players attributes, guns, clothes, etc... so that they can start the game over with all their stuff and continue leveling. Potentially to max all stats.
  10. Is there a workaround to the auto-save feature. I want to save the game when I want. For example, before interacting with an NPC, I like to have fun and battle that NPC. But this ruins the whole playthrough. Is there any mod or way to save at certain points to achieve multiple saves so I can screw around without tanking the game?
  11. Any why to mod Odin's Ravens to be red, or have a louder sound. Something to give them away so you don't have to search as hard or look online?
  12. I'm suggesting people start working on God Of War 4 mods, lol. My first idea is to have different color Odin crows. Instead of green, red to make them more visible!
  13. Is there a mod that automatically turns on all lights at night? If not, any way to make a mod to do this?
  14. Ok, so I have this AutoLoot mod and I want to add infinite carry, but I can't seem to get it to work. Anyone know a fix?
  15. If I wasn't concerned with online play, and I only wanted to solo... Are mods allowed to modify the game? I've read some players get banned for using mods, but I'm assuming that's for online play. Anyways, I'm looking for a mod that saves any items lost via death. Does one exist, because I didn't see it in the mods section?
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