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Nexus Mods Profile

About Stycks

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Morrowind 2011
  • Favourite Game
    RPG's and Everything Else
  1. Still waiting on mine. I got another 8 hours til its midnight. CURSE THE MIDWEST!
  2. I'm not seeing it, because seat belts and airbags are obvious technological improvements for cars while the lack of backstory in a TES game is a design choice. Agreed. It would be safe to assume the general population that has played TES games would agree that starting an RPG at a clean start and to be free to do your choices is not a setback, nor outdated.
  3. have fun waiting. easily fixable problems will not stop me from playing the game.
  4. So Skyrim doesn't live up to the hype because it doesn't look as pretty as you thought it would and that you start off in the game with a complete slate? That's how all Elder Scrolls games start out as. Solve your problem by plugging in a damn 360 controller and stop complaining.
  5. To the Australians and pirates who have the game right now.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsLjw3zv5ys
  6. Already posted my stuff on another thread but ill do it again. Intel Core i7 930 (OC to 3.4 GHZ) 12 GB DDR3 1333 MHz NVidia GTX 470 1280 MB GDDR5 (OC'ed) Windows 7 Premium 64 bit It does support 3-way SLI but I don't need new cards yet. I also have 3 of the 4 Hard drive slots filled. 1.5 TB 7500 RPM 500 GB (Backup Drive) 500 GB (Slave Drive) http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a157/Stycky/46958_1513804772827_1465664028_31340564_3193476_n.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a157/Stycky/46958_1513804732826_1465664028_31340563_3492700_n.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a157/Stycky/46958_1513804652824_1465664028_31340561_6976908_n.jpg http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a157/Stycky/IMAG0067.jpg
  7. I wanted to look at this video to check out the animations, then when I clicked about one minute into the video I closed it immediately. Forget that, I am not gonna get fed a bunch of spoilers. I recommend not to watch this.
  8. I will probably completely and utterly go into shock. no lie
  9. Were you able to upload your pics to photobucket? EDIT: IF so, just copy/paste the links into your reply and people can just click them to see it the old fashioned way.
  10. 100% chance your comp will run better than console settings
  11. If this said, "BILL" passes. They better start hiring a newly discovered humanoid race (100% chance extra terrestrials) to work for our law enforcement, because the entire world will have to be arrested. What a joke dude.
  12. My play style with the TES games have always been stealthy oriented. Skyrim will be no different. I will probably play out the thieves guild first, then seek the Dark Brotherhood afterwards.
  13. I am getting the map. But that's not why I am excited. All I care about is having the game in my hands at midnight on release.
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