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  1. Shadow quality is by far the single most resource intensive since it is offloaded to the cpu and the game is already cpu bound.
  2. I am at a loss, basically ran out of things for you to try. But I guess there is one more...chances of it working is quite low since it is basically the same thing as sexchange. Try using the showracemenu command and not changing anything, go ahead and accept and try saving and loading. If that doesn't work, Try just experimenting by changing your race completely to another race and again saving - loading...on the off chance that works you will notice a couple problems this actually created, first of is you are no longer the same race so simply open the showracemenu again change back to whatever race you were, this does mean redo-ing your facial features (yeah not fun). The other problem you will notice is your health, stamina, mana have all be evenly distributed you can also solve this by writing down your health stam mana and changing it back using more console commands. player.setav <attribute> <amount> - This also works attributes such as health, stamina, magicka, meleedamage, and carryweight. Note that certain attributes (such as carryweight) may revert to their original values upon loading a game. so something like player.setav health 180 to change your health to 180 etc... goodluck I hope this shot in the dark works :(.
  3. This is normal, it's supposed to be an over the shoulder type view, ala' gears of war or resident evil 4-5. The reason why it centers when you pull out your weapon is to make combat less awkward. Theres a way to adjust the camera position but I think it may only be for first-person, I can't seem to find the thread for it anywhere anyway, sorry.
  4. You can delete your ini's if you want to reset them. The striped shadows is a bug across the entire pc platform and is on every computer regardless of build, it is actually a problem with the game engine but only shows up with a few lightsources. (breezehome, solitude, dwarven ruins etc)
  5. I was afraid of that, you probably have to create a profile specifically for Skyrim for your driver settings to come into effect. I have never bothered to do this but there are guides online.
  6. Ah that is called texture crawl, it seems by default Skyrim has the mipmaps pushed back a little more than normal. This is by design because it makes the textures appear to be a little sharper. You can try enabling Anisotropic filtering to atleast 8x Turning on AA won't do anything because it's only for the edges but FXAA will reduce the shimmer to a degree, (it's in the advanced options) If that is not enough and you have a Nvidia card you can find something called "Texture filtering - Negative LOD Bias" and change the setting to Clamped read aboot it here if you want http://www.tweakguides.com/NVFORCE_6.html Having the lod bias clamped along with Anisotropic filtering set to 8x or more will probably result in the highest quality texture with the least amount of shimmering. If you are an ATI user you need to download RadeonPro to enable the texture lod bias (manual - http://www.radeonpro.info/en-US/Manual/29/The-Advanced-tab)
  7. I can't watch the video you uploaded, 205mb is just too big. Is it the same thing as this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgAEBYwtIkQ .....I dunno, you can try checking the usual culprits, remove your mods first then delete your skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini in your mygames folder.
  8. Btw you need a third party tool to truly disable v-sync like fps limiter...but it's not even worth it there is so much tearing.
  9. It only disables your steam achievements during the same session that you used the console command. So just do the console commands, save, exit the game, come back and achievements will work again...tested this myself before I even knew console commands disabled achievements.
  10. You should probably run a driver cleaner to remove the remnants of your previous drivers, Driver reinstall guide - http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=169555 It sounds like its either that or another system driver or process conflicting with your display driver. You can check if something is interfering with it by starting your computer in safemode and running Skyrim like that to see if the same glitches occur.
  11. Maybe it attached itself to you as a decal?, which patch version are you using?. Try opening up the console with the ~ key and typing sexchange 2x...unless you fancy the bearded lady look. Are you the Mike Hall that lives in the same wintery hellhole as me?...ah theres probably a 10,000 mike halls :D.
  12. It looks like what happens when the LOD's switch out, It is regularly seen at extreme distances though... Hmm check to see if anything is forced on in your Catalyst Control Center, other than that I can't think of anything else.
  13. I assume you turned the sensitivity to the max already?, and wth are you doing playing a first person game with a trackpad. You can try increasing your fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0400 value in your skyrimprefs.ini* file higher *should be somewhere around here - "C:\Users\*username*\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini" You can also disable mouse acceleration in the same spot bMouseAcceleration=0 0=off 1=on
  14. did you mess around with your skyrimprefs.ini file at all?, any mods installed? Try disabling fxaa if you have it on.
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