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  1. Hi. I was hoping someone could help me locate this follower. I had her on a few years ago and unfortunately forgot to endorse her so now that I've re-rolled the game I'd like to find her again. I scowered the follower mods but came up empty, no doubt because of the new way the advanced search works. The old one was way simpler. Anyway thanks for your help and happy hunting.
  2. There is a mod out there that allows you to hide your identity. I think it's called 'Gray Fox's Cowl' But it always made me wonder why it was so restrictive. If the mechanics are there, why not expand it to any cowl, hood or mask. I can see why it would be a bit odd to do for helmets though again it wouldn't necessarily be thematically inappropriate. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or know of a mod that does this? Would anyone be willing to make a mod like this if one doesn't already exist? Would you make it compatible with other mods? And how the hell does this not already exist if it doesn't? So many questions...
  3. Is there a pushing and shoving mod out there that I'm not aware of? Pretty sure I've seen it here and there on youtube but can't seem to find it. Pretty basic. I don't want it to be a spell, I just would like to be able to push my way through a crowd or just past a person that's in the way Assassin's Creed style. Knock them over or out of the way when I'm running. Honestly am I missing something here?
  4. Could you do a Frasier and Niles Crane? Think it would be so funny to see them running around in their nice suits trying to avoid fighting while spouting some of their lines from the show. Especially if they could address each other if you were using UFO. Bandits would attack then suddenly you could hear Frasier shout, 'Don't engage him physically Niles! The whole thing would just look to weird!'
  5. Imagine them singing in the bee and barb. "Well some boys go to college, but we think they're all wussies. Cuz' they get all the knowledge, but we get all the da da da da da..."
  6. Excellent! Thank you! Nexus needs to work on their little search bar. Before coming here I actually typed the word 'season' in their keyword search and still didn't see that. Also tried 'no snow', 'less snow', and 'summer'. Not sure whats going on there, but thanks! It looks like exactly what I was searching for.
  7. Or going through a bandit hole or a tomb and you suddenly hear "Last night I had a dream that they kidnapped my flower sack and they started sending me muffins in the mail."
  8. Why is it that everyone an their dog has made a tropical overhaul mod that goes to ridiculous lengths to replace literally everything in the game, but I can't find a simple snow removal mod that would... wait for it... REMOVE JUST THE SNOW? At least from everything but the mountain tops? Winter is coming, it's come, it's gone, it needs to be over. I always felt cheated in a way considering skyrim's immense, and STILL groundbreaking beauty is half buried in snow. a little over half of it is covered with bleak, pallid snow, robbing it of the immersion of seasons and the beauty you see in places like falkreath or around riften. Supposedly there was one that did that but it seems to have been removed. If anyone has or is working on one, or could at least give me a console command to remove objects like snow drifts I would be very greatful for it. Thnx!
  9. A bit of a silly one, but could anyone whip up a Frasier and Niles Crane? I think it would be hilarious to wander around with Frasier or Niles in their nice suits, maybe overcoats that they would auto euip in colder weather as they cower and run around spouting their lines form the show. Just a thought, though if anyone could pull it off, I and at least a good handful of others would be very greatfull.
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