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Posts posted by 0kamikaze

  1. I've made my scripts mirror yours, which links to a script that modifies carry weight to 500 and a condition my character already has (haggling20). I'm not seeing any effects and I'm wondering if this is because of all the mods I have installed. Is there some way to save your current mod load order so I can run Skyrim barebones with only it and my mod? Anything to make this process less frustrating and convoluted.
  2. I've looked into the failed compiled script, which mentions line 12, 9 is not a function. Here is the line.


    SRPstart kmyQuest = __temp as SRPstart


    I guess whatever problem is happening is linked to kmyquest, full script below.


    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment


    Scriptname QF_SRPquest_02004E38 Extends Quest Hidden


    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_7

    Function Fragment_7()


    Quest __temp = self as Quest

    SRPstart kmyQuest = __temp as SRPstart








    ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

  3. Still having troubling getting this all working. I've gotten the script in 'edit source' to save without a hitch by changing 'spell property' into 'perk property'. However, when compiling the script I still get an error.




    Scriptname SRPstart extends Quest


    Perk Property Az_SRP_Z1_Testperk1 Auto


    Event OnInit()




    ===ERROR REPORT===


    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

    Compiling "QF_SRPquest_02004E38"...

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_SRPquest_02004E38.psc(12,9): Init is not a function or does not exist

    No output generated for QF_SRPquest_02004E38, compilation failed.


    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

    Failed on QF_SRPquest_02004E38


    UPDATE (2): Changed Event OnInit() to Function Init(). Compiling scripts brought up no box at all, so I have no idea if its actually compiled or inert. Quest activated, no effect.


    @FiftyTifty I tried your changes and I still get the same error message as above [(12,9): Init is not a function or does not exist].

  4. @ketaroz I'm extremely hesitant about massive bonuses for a single item. The bonuses for a single article of clothing are set at intentionally low levels because I have to consider the entire set of clothing (shirt, boots, armwear, hats) when worn together. I felt like a +12 bonus maximum for a whole set of clothing was good, because I didn't want clothing to replace the speech skill/perks. Of course, if you think the maximum bonus of a set of clothing should be higher, I'm interested. I may put up a poll and see whats most popular.


    Scripting is giving me a massive headache right now. I need to figure out how to get perks working before I can properly flesh out the scope of the mod. Here's where I'm at so far.


    I've set up a Perk: 1Az_SRP_Z1_Testperk1


    1Az_SRP_Z1_Testperk1 in Perk Entries uses a Spell(ability), 1Az_SRP_Z1_E_Testperk1 which goes to to the magic effects that buff debuff stats.


    I've created a quest and script. The problem is when compiling the script, I get errors. Below is what the script looks like and the error log.



    Scriptname SRPstart extends Quest


    Spell Property 1AZ_SRP_E_Z1_TestEffect1 auto


    Event OnInit()

    Game.getplayer().addperk(1AZ_SRP_E_Z1_TestEffect1, 0)





    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

    Compiling "SRPstart"...

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SRPstart.psc(3,15): no viable alternative at input '1'

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SRPstart.psc(3,44): mismatched input '\\r\\n' expecting STATE

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SRPstart.psc(6,34): missing RPAREN at 'AZ_SRP_E_Z1_TestEffect1'

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SRPstart.psc(6,57): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ','

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SRPstart.psc(6,60): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')'

    No output generated for SRPstart, compilation failed.


    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

    Failed on SRPstart


    This and the resumption of classes is really weighing me down a bit. I'd appreciate if anyone could figure out whats going wrong here.

  5. This was the best result I could have asked for. My original intent was to link CE stat changes to perks. This opens the door to apply this mod not only to clothing but armors as well, as well as perks which activate under specific conditions. All of these changes mean I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board and put the pieces back together.


    I think the last thing that would truly make this mod special is if there was some way to prevent a player from changing clothes during combat. This would prevent people from wearing fine clothes for a speech bonus and immediately donning their Daedric Armor when trouble stirs up. I am looking into the Jobs of Skyrim mod to see if I can also apply a 'time penalty', where doing a job/action costs time.


    Also need to figure out if perks can be disabled/toggled off after they are enabled without scripts.

  6. I've just figured out what you've tried to explain. It seems like Perks are not only easier to implement, but avoid the potential overwrites other mods might make on top of CE. The problem is I don't see a way of automatically activating the perk. If I set a perk to be a 'trait', will this allow the perk to be activated without adding anything to the perk tree? Do I need to run a script/enchantment/spell to activate the perks ingame?
  7. I actually would love to find a solution that fulfills the aim of the mod, preserves its depth but not take up the enchantment slot. The use of the enchantment slot prevents me from extending the mod into the realm of armors. I think if I were able to use one of the proposed alternatives and can include the stat changes to armors I could lower the buffs given to clothing across the board.


    @kryptopyr I'm looking into the perks/magic/enchantment lists in the Creation Kit and I'm having trouble locating the Custom Fit perk, I am interested in seeing if the mod can indeed utilize perks, ensuring nobodies enchanting experience is miffed.


    @jack013 As I am new to modding, I've only copied the system the Bandolier mod employs. I don't quite understand how the second enchantment/custom enchanting you're talking about works. Will this allow me to alter stats and clothing descriptions but allow players to further enchant their clothing, or is it just to simplify the modding process? If its the latter, a link to an existing tutorial or guide/wiki page detailing would be excellent. Though I am more concerned whether or not the method I'm using is inefficient and the methods you are talking about are better for performance/compatibility.


    UPDATE: I've looked into the Perks list and I think it looks promising. I can see how I can bring over the values into a perk like an enchantment. The problem is I don't know how you can tie a perk to a piece of clothing. If that part can be solved, the only other problem with the move, no flavorful descriptions can probably be done through other means.


    UPDATE2: I've figured it out, but correct me if I'm wrong here. For example, attribute 'Noticed' has +2 speech and -2 sneak. To apply this to clothing x, I create a keyword and add this keyword to the Magic Effect and Clothing Editor ID keywords bank. Result: clothing x has +2 speech and -2 sneak.


    If this is viable, I may have to reconsider the scope of the mod.

  8. RIght now my concern is maximum compatibility. After I'm done with the Vanilla Skyrim clothing I will look and see if there are any DLC items which can be supported. I am looking into creating a version of a unqiue variant of CE for the mod, Skyrim Medieval Economy which to my knowledge adds a boatload of variants.
  9. Hello, Nexus users. I am in the process of creating my first full modification here and I would like to have your input on every aspect of it. Everything from the mission statement, implementation, balancing, suggestions or recommendations.




    :Mission Statement:

    One thing that has always bothered me about Skyrim is that you don’t have any reason to wear clothing. Statistically you may as well be naked, there’s no reason to take off your armor when you’ve acquired some. Clothing Expanded seeks to change that by having every non-enchanted, non-armored piece of Skyrim clothing affect the stats of non-combat skills.





    I have separated clothing into six different classes: Elite/Rich, Average, Poor, Destitute, and Suspicious. Each class of clothing provides some kind of advantage other classes of clothing don’t have or can’t match. I wish to keep this mod balanced by matching huge stat bonuses with just as large stat penalties alongside it. Using the Bandoliers mod as inspiration, everything is based around enchantments.


    Elite Clothing: Large bonus to speech, penalties to sneak and crafting.

    Fine Clothing: Bonus to enchanting and speech. Penalties to sneak and smithing.

    Average clothing: Provides small bonuses to speech and crafting.

    Poor clothing: Provides bonus to speech and sneaking skills, but a penalty to crafting.

    Destitute clothing: Large bonus to sneaking skills but comes with a huge penalty to speech.

    Suspicious: Sneaking bonus, speech penalty.


    These class types aren’t the end of the story, I assign each skill a set of attributes which are laid out in a spreadsheet. The values are typed in and a number comes out. This way, there is statistical variety with clothes in the same class. This system was also created because I hope to make mod specific versions of this mod in the future.


    Google Docs Spreadsheet (Still converting from MS Excel): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Amhl0hlaDMXfdE84Zkh1Q3BKNE5VLXhUVEtFSWt4YWc&output=html



    Thanks to the Bandolier mod, the mod will be done entirely with enchants and won’t have any silly script shenanigans. I have 12 different stat modifiers, a positive and negative for each of the six skills modified. These stats are hidden and a 13th stat, a base Magic Resist magic effect is made for every individual clothing item. This M. Resist effect allows me to have a custom item description, which amalgamates the dozen of attribute points into a cohesive description. It’s been important to me to prevent flooding the ‘Active Effects’ screen with 48 magic effects!





    I am entertaining two description types. One which is a colorful description and the other a to the point explanation of the stats the clothing affects. Please tell me which approach you prefer.


    :Testing the Limits of CE:

    I’ve personally assembled ‘best of’ sets to see the maximum stats one can get with CE clothing alone and have found the best sets provide up to 12 points for a single skill. As I have had no feedback, I am blind whether or not these bonuses are way too big or not and could use feedback.


    Because this mod uses enchantments, you won’t be able to further enchant unarmored clothing.

    I need to know if Thalmor Boots/Gloves should be excluded from the mod. They are unarmored clothing but I remember the lengths folks have gone to acquire enchanted Thalmor Cloaks.



    At the moment, I can only think that this mod may unbalance the game a bit and was made with hardcore mods and economy mods in mind. I have no idea what happens if you’ve enchanted clothing and enable this mod. As this mod is still being built, if you think there are any serious issues with the way this mod is being built, or worried about balance please let me know so the alpha release isn’t a disaster.

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