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About Maleficus04

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    I'm not sure about favorite, but most memorable would be Morrowind.

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  1. Make sure you look for the version of Lenny's Mod loader that was updated on Monday. I found a few in a few places that seemed like it would be up to date, but was definitely behind a bit.
  2. Try this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2349/?
  3. Personally, I haven't had much luck using those cash registers on any surface. The mod author recommends using another mod that allows for more precise placement of objects, but the other mod is a bit more tedious to use than I'd prefer to deal with. However, Homemaker, which should be something you try out anyway, has placeable rugs that you can use for merchants. They stand slightly behind them at the moment, so they won't be right in front of whatever object you place the rug behind, but they should still easily be in range to barter with.
  4. I think I might be able to figure this out myself, but just in case... bump
  5. It's actually pretty easily doable. All that's required is to change the speed modifier on whichever auto receivers you wanted to increase the rate of fire on. I would assume that it wouldn't conflict with any other mods that didn't directly alter that/those mods, but I can't be certain. Edit: I'm just now realizing when this was posted and wondering why it was bumped for a non-related (sort of) reason. Ah, well. But like I said, definitely something that could be done with the current version of FO4Edit.
  6. I've been trying to figure out the how to work with FO4Edit for a while and this particular thing is frustrating the hell out of me. I've been able to add and subtract certain effects to/from perks, but I just can't get figure out the whole magic effect thing. So... Can anyone make a (or give an existing) perk the bleed effect from the "Wounding" legendary mod? I put the mod on practically every weapon I use, simply for the sake of adding an element of realism, even though it's not always the best choice. If I had a perk that added the effect to ALL of the guns I use, (also, possibly the stagger effect, if you feel particularly charitable) then I could mod my guns with the legendary mods I'd actually like to put on them and still have my dash of realism. I have no doubt whatsoever that I'll be able to accomplish this once I have a better interface to work with, but for anyone who thinks they could do it with FO4Edit now, I'd really appreciate and enjoy the hell out of you/it. I figure a good perk to add it to would be V.A.N.S., since it's something that's practically useless now and would avoid changing anything useful.
  7. Sure thing. It'll have to wait a few hours (work), but I'll try that out tonight. Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this, I kind of forgot about it. Anyhow, I tried it with the prefab wood and metal. Then I tried with an actual floor, walls and ceiling, (including a 2 story corridor) with both wood and metal. It was the exact same with all of them: when I stood at the end, I could see rain about 4-5 blocks down from me, but none in between myself and that block. If I moved closer, the rain that was clipping through would move farther away. It's seems to have a set distance in relation to the player with that setup.
  8. I assume you mean a legit piece of equipment and not just an ability to use it outside of power armor, right? I'm sure that will be a thing as soon as the editor is out (or possibly sooner, if someone just takes the jetpack mesh off of the power armor as a standalone), but there are also a few mods that allow the functionality at least. There's a ring of jetpack mod, and then there's a mod or two that allows you to mod a jetpack into your armor. The third person animation isn't working correctly for either (you basically just go stiff and flames come out of your feet) but the ability is there until we get something better. Edit: Here are the mods, in case anyone wanted to try them: Ring of Jetpack http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2416/? Personal Jetpack Armor Upgrade http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3554/?
  9. It's not a settings thing aside from the one setting that you can choose. It seems to depend on the roof type you use and whether or not there are multiple stories. For instance, none of my buildings with metal roofs show rain, but my single-story wood roofs do. The first floor of my 2 story wooden buildings (where the upstairs floor is the downstairs ceiling) don't show rain, but the upstairs does. I assume it's supposed to be realistic, what with all of the holes in the wooden rooftops, but it's still a bit annoying. Also, and this may only be with the mod I'm using (True Storms) but I also notice that in some places, it completely depends on what direction I'm facing. You can see rain under something that you shouldn't while facing some North to West or something, but not South to East (just an example). Edit: Actually, a little bit of rain seems to get through the metal roofs as well. Just much less compared to the wooden ones.
  10. It seems like this would work for you. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5287/? It says it's compatible with most retextures as well.
  11. Strong is by far the most annoying companion to leave at a settlement you stay at frequently. The best solution I can give right now is to try this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2349/? It will apply to all npcs and not just Strong, but personally, I prefer not to hear anyone yammer on when I'm not specifically trying to talk to them. Edit: Just wanted to point out, in case it's not mentioned in the mod description, this does not stop environmental commentary. So, your companions will still comment on environmental and social changes.
  12. I'm hoping for something like this as well. At the very least, a "scrap all completely useless scrap" button. I feel like it might be easier to differentiate the yellow (useless) scrap items from the ones that could be reused (radio, couches, workbenches) and still help a hell of a lot. Either way would be a nice change. Though, I feel like this will require the editor in order to accomplish.
  13. The range at which bullets magically disappear? I haven't the slightest idea, unfortunately. I definitely remember it being an issue in previous games, but I don't remember what game settings affect it. Pretty sure it was an issue in skyrim as well, so there may be similar tweaks that can be done for Fallout 4. Aside from that, I'm not sure what can be done until the editor is out.
  14. Well, first off. I didn't try to snipe from quite that far and, unfortunately, there are issue beyond the range system that could come into play at that range. Like invisible hit boxes blocking a shot. But a fully modded sniper would've been about the same range you had on yours. Were you getting hit markers from your shots or did it seem like the bullet just wasn't making it? Either way, I'll do some tests from extreme ranges later on, but it'll won't be until later on in the evening. I found that the range of the gun (215 for hunting rifle) has no impact on shooting outside of VATS. No hit markers, and the target didn't even realize he was being shot at. As you said, there is more going on than just the range of the firearm. Yeah, that's what I figured. My main issue was actually getting hit markers at longer ranges, but having them do 0 damage and the npc also not even realizing they were being shot. I guess the range you were at was past that even. I'm sure someone will make a fix for there being a range where bullets just disappear. Until then, I do believe the ranges where you can still get a hit marker are indeed affected by the range stat, in terms of damage drop off.
  15. Well, first off. I didn't try to snipe from quite that far and, unfortunately, there are issue beyond the range system that could come into play at that range. Like invisible hit boxes blocking a shot. But a fully modded sniper would've been about the same range you had on yours. Were you getting hit markers from your shots or did it seem like the bullet just wasn't making it? Either way, I'll do some tests from extreme ranges later on, but it'll won't be until later on in the evening.
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