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Posts posted by benzzodude

  1. Do the permissions state that you may change/alter/modify the file (usually as long as credits are given)? If not, have you contacted the mod author to gain permission?

    Yes, the author has stated in the Permissions and credits tab that creating conversions/patches/translations for their mod is okay as long as credit is provided.

  2. I really miss the Fallout 1 and 3 (the vault suits were different but the armored parts were the same) style armored vault suit and was hoping somebody would make one (male and female versions) for Fallout 4. Thanks.

  3. So after upgrading my PC (I'm running an i7 4790k, GTX 970, 16gb RAM) Fallout 4 would run like a charm for the most part (fps drops in only a couple of exterior locations), but now about a month later I'm experiencing FPS drops in more places than before, and the game will also stutter pretty badly when near lots of trees coupled with shadows. Tried lowering settings like Godrays, shadow quality and distance etc with no difference made. I also tried verifying the integrity of the game cache. Nothing.


    Any advice here would be appreciated. Thanks.

  4. So I'd like to make an evil female character with the face of Alice Morgan from the BBC show Luther, but I'm rubbish at face sculpting. If anyone is willing to make her as a preset mod or character save that'd be awesome. Will attach images for reference. Thanks.


    Sorry if I've gone against the forum rules in any way here, I'm new so I might have missed something.

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