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About teklanika

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    Oblivion, BC2

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  1. SkyUI is the only one; think that could be it? I've never had issues with it before but I suppose it's possible.
  2. This issue has just now started plaguing me, and I don't exactly know what is causing it. I have over 70 mods, but the majority of them are simply texture replacements. Basically, when I try to open my Skills menu to add a point or check my build, I simply get a black screen. The animation that causes you to look up into the stars will play, but then all I see is black. SOMETIMES it will work, if I sit there and spam it over and over. Other than that, the only way I can see my skills is if I just leveled up and need to add points to my health/magicka/stamina. If I leave a perk point unspent, I can't even go into the menu to spend it until I level up again. This is really pissing me off. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue? I am using Skyboost R3, which is what I originally thought the problem might be. However, I've since removed it and the problem persists, even on a new character. I can't imagine any of my other mods are causing this, because they don't mess with the Skills menu.
  3. 1. They are working on Steam Workshop as a FAVOR to us. They thought it was a cool thing to integrate so they are working hard on it. I for one am excited about the possibilities. 2. We are not ENTITLED to their source files NOR the Creation Kit. These things are a GIFT that they allow us to use freely. I can count, on one hand, the number of companies that allow such a kit to be released without any money involved. Where the hell is all this entitlement crap coming from? Just because a game has bugs, doesn't mean you are entitled to get the SDK to "fix" it. Give me a break.
  4. People need to stop going by Oblivion when talking about how Elder Scrolls races should look. Oblivion's, "faces" were an anomaly. They were absolutely horrendous creations of the equally awful middleware, "FaceGen." TES4 was completely lost in terms of artistic direction, so THANK GOD TES5 doesn't take after it. Skyrim got all Elven races SPOT ON. They went back to their roots (Morrowind), and only changed what they had to---giving the elves a completely revamped but entirely sincere beauty. Man feels like Man. Orc feels like Orc---and for once (since Morrowind) Elf feels like Elf.
  5. Illusion is the most powerful magic in Vanilla Skyrim. Make sure you have the ability to Dual Cast your Illusion spells; after that everything should be a cakewalk. The reason I say this is because, once you have a few points in Illusion, there should be NOTHING you cannot calm/fear/fury. I made a brand new character, a mage, and took him down the path of pure Illusion magic. He is currently level 11, and can calm/fear/fury a Giant, a mammoth, any and all bandits, and anything else in the game basically. (minus dragons, of course) If you're looking for fighting tips, here you go: 1. Make sure you've purchased Calm/Fear/Fury. 2. Hotkey all 3 spells. 3. When entering a fight, pick out the strongest enemy you see. (for example, the Bandit Chief among two other bandits) 4. Dual Cast FURY on him, and avoid any interaction with ANY of the other enemies until; 5. The enemy you cast FURY on begins attacking his teammates. 6. Sit back and allow them to kill each other, feel free to refresh FURY on your main target (same thing as #4, avoid any confrontation with the enemy until he begins to ignore you and fight his teammates) 7. When the only enemy left standing is the Bandit Chief, simply cast CALM on him. 8. From here, you have many options---FEAR him so he won't fight back as you attack him, CALM him to regenerate mana quicker, or anything else you want to do. These are some of the things I do when fighting using Illusion. Just make sure you have the right perk points in Illusion. You need all the perks that allow you to cast on higher level enemies, as well as Dual Casting. Dual Casting is key, and this is why---If calm only works on a level 9, then when DUAL CASTED it will work on level 20. (2.2x more than the original cast) Hope this helps.
  6. I use a Silver Greatsword for killing undead, upgraded to Flawless. Just pick up Art of the Blacksmith, a mod on The Nexus. You can upgrade all items that were previously missing from Vanilla Skyrim. Horned Scale Armor, Silver swords, Skyforge Steel Daggers, etc etc. There are quite a few missing recipes and this mod aims to fix them all. (I think it already has)
  7. The Creation Kit is a gift from Bethesda to the player---I don't understand the hostility and anger associated with its release. Would you yell at your parents/wife to hurry up and give you your Christmas gift? If you're not insane or a jerk, the answer is likely a NO. It's a GIFT, not an entitlement. So why get so upset with Bethesda when they're hard at work trying to finish your gift? Just chill out and make some texture mods or something. That, or get a life!
  8. I have a warrior type character using Wolf Armor on Master, and I do just fine. I'm not forced into being ranged or sneaky; I use sword and board and dual wield without issue. I only have 1 point in Smithing. However, I do agree with your main point---there should be a tad more variation in late-game play. I suspect there will be a remedy to this following the release of the Creation Kit.
  9. There are many other modeling programs out there that are free, for 30 days if not more. 3D Coat, for example---works pretty well.
  10. Lol... your memory isn't the bottleneck. In fact, having more than 4-6 gigs of decent DDR3 RAM is a complete waste outside special cases. (i.e. CGI, high res photo editing, video editing) Skyrim only uses a tad over 2 gigs in the MOST EXTREME cases, texture mods included. Your bottleneck is that AMD processor.
  11. There is A LOT out there. Just use google---there are plenty of forums out there with the exact info you're looking for. The Construction Set Wiki, for example, is a great website to get you started. Then there is The Nexus, as well as the Steam forums.
  12. Two options: 1. Use a Hexadecimal Code Editor like Skyedit to create a "dirty" mod, which will forcefully add the item into the game. 2. Wait for the Creation Kit to be released. This is the same tool used by Bethesda to create the game. They release it for free with all Elder Scrolls games.
  13. How is 2 months significant in ANY way? Most people (from what I gather) believe Steamworks is slowing the release down, meaning Bethesda doesn't have a day set in stone. It will be released when it's ready. Not a minute sooner...
  14. Not a single period in your entire post. Wow. Try verifying the integrity of the game files via Steam. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling Skyrim. If that doesn't work, possible driver issue causing an issue with the game? I don't know. Never heard of this problem before with Vanilla Skyrim; only modded. Edit: Nevermind you figured it out.
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