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Posts posted by Darkstorne

  1. 1 hour ago, Radioactivelad said:

    This is your take away from this conversation, not mine.

    It remains as I said, the only substantial arguments against a Paid Mods program are based entirely in doomsaying that it's going to kill casual/free modding because some such and other.

    To be fair, a big part of the frustration has always been Bethesda's implementation too. The last time they integrated paid mods they only gave mod authors 25% of the sale. I'd be VERY curious to see what they're offering this time around, but can't seem to find any information on their sign-up page about what the revenue split is here. I wonder why...

  2. You know the drill. You spend hours, days even, putting together a new installation, and then when you finally start "playing" your game the most insignificant objects can really stand out and hurt your eyeballs.


    This bush in the reach looks like it's glowing. I installed the ENB particle patch to make sure it wasn't already fixed there, but no luck. So now I'm trying to figure out what the texture path is so I can replace it. I'm good at making plant textures, and figure a gorse bush would work really well here by keeping to the colour scheme, fitting the size, and making sense in the environment. But I'm useless at figuring out which texture file I need to replace :tongue:


    Any help tracking this monstrosity down would be really appreciated :yes:





  3. So, my initial reaction was "AHHHH CHANGE!" like most people posting in here, but rather than posting immediately I gave myself time to get used to it and learn what I appreciate and what I dislike.


    For the most part, I really think it's a good redesign. It's mostly the same as before, but with a fresh coat of paint. I get that some people are confused by what the point of a redesign was if it's mostly the same but just looks slightly confusing to regular users of the old site who knew exactly where every single button was, but that does also mean they'll adjust fairly quickly at least. Something I really like is the "Hot Files" display, since it now has room for more files than before (always good to get a better snapshot of new popular mods) and I really like how the top two mods get a big display.


    The only aspect I particularly don't like is the "News and Updates" section at the bottom of the front page. It makes the front page far too long, and will no doubt contribute to people feeling the site is cluttered. Even more confusing is there's an "Updates" tab on the top bar which isn't clickable like all the other tabs are. I'd change that top tab to read "News and Updates", make it clickable, and move the News section from the main page over there to its own dedicated tab. That's no more out of the way than it currently is (being right at the bottom of the main page) and frees up the main page a lot. I'd then improve the "Media" section on the front page to mirror the Mods section above it, so that it has a "Top Images" highlight section identical in layout to the "Hot Mods" section. That would help break up the page from being a long stream of small image boxes all the way down regardless of subheading, as it is now, and would also make great screenshots more rewarding.


    But mostly, good job and thanks :happy:

  4. I've got a fairly heavily modded game, and I've just found a new mod-added Stormcloak location called Pargran Village along the north coast between Dawnstar and Winterhold. I have absolutely no idea which mod added this location, and the searches I've made for Pargran Village mods all show a forested village of the same name as part of a TES Arena homage mod. Not the same one. Any idea which mod has added the one I'm seeing? It's quite a nicely designed place, I just have no idea how it got into my game :P

  5. There was a great little mod for Oldrim that, at the end of the College questline, allowed you to pass on the role of Archmage and suggest Tolfdir instead. Someone with a wealth of experience, not just with magic (he's considered one of the greatest alteration masters in Tamriel) but I mean experience with the College itself, its people, and its history, as well as being able to commit the time to actually STAY at the College rather than gallivanting across Skyrim (and now Bruma, and one day soon all of Cyrodiil). I felt like this was a fantastic option to add to the game, for those of us who like to roleplay as characters who aren't all powerful demi gods, capable of being Archmage and Dragonborn and Nightingale and Harbinger of the Companions and Vampire Lord and assassins of kings all at once.


    A port or similar remake for SE would be awesome to see :happy:

  6. Oh wow, amazing news! This will open up so many possibilities. Thank you :)


    On a UI-related note, is it potentially possible to overhaul the Pip Boy menus in Fallout 4 then? Kind of like how SkyUI overhauled Skyrim's menus for inventory etc? Not a request, just wondering if it's possible, because the Pip Boy is quite possibly the worst and most cumbersome menu design in the history of video games and it genuinely makes me angry every time I have to use it :P

  7. A reply =D I have not! I'm brand new to using the CK. I'll try and figure out how to do this tonight and get back to you. Thanks for the tip!


    EDIT: It worked! Typing in the code for the land texture allowed me to edit the grass settings for it back to vanilla. What an awesome tool SSE Edit is. Thank you very much for the help Kroekr <3

  8. I've been working on a landscaping mod over the past few days, testing in-game periodically to make sure it's all working fine, but after my latest progress the mod now causes an infinite loading screen while the game tries to load the main menu. Any idea what might be causing this? I'm hoping there are some "common issues" that lead to this. I'd been working on ground textures around Falkreath during my last session, but I'd been doing that yesterday as well and the mod was working just fine then, so I'm not really sure what I've done to damage it.


    So far I've tried cleaning the mod in SSE Edit, and I've tried running it with no other active mods in case of conflicts. No luck yet.


    Thanks for reading :happy:



    Tried reloading the mod in the CK to have a look around for the problem and it won't load there either. Hangs after I click "yes to all" at the below error message. I edited some of the grass types that spawn on the pineforest02 texture and it seems like it doesn't like one of them. So, since I can't load the mod to simply edit that grass type out of the list of grasses that can spawn (that would be too easy I guess?) does anyone know how I can figure out which grass this code corresponds to, so I can check for errors in the nif and/or texture it uses?





    Needs to be a forth option. Like them but just a few less than a million. So those that don`t like a gaggle of followers around also have vanilla style inns, all nice and empty? Yes you could use a populating mod that spawns vanilla npc`s and fills up the empty spaces. i have a couple that do this. Plus you can,as I have, down loaded a bunch of unique and interesting to look at followers, some with dialogue. Then I merged them and hey look Inns and places with lots of interesting npc`s. I like to have a couple around for adventuring. So I pick a couple at some town and adventure till I am at another town and swap them for a couple more. Adds a bit of variety to the game.


    No need actually. I just wanna see the reaction of people against millions of useless follower mods. x the follower, y the follower, z the follower etc etc etc...


    Actually they are not useless, because they are popular, ppl download and upvote them. that means there is demand and modders will continue to create millions of other follower mods.


    Agreed, but popularity doesn't mean quality though. People download and upvote mods like Schlongs of Skyrim in the hundreds of thousands. I guess there's a market for any old nonsense, and the vast majority of follower mods definitely cater to a similar target audience as SoS (oh look, another anime-faced scantily clad female follower).


    I'm a HUGE fan of follower mods that put in the effort to create interesting, unique, voiced characters that fit into the game world. Interesting NPCs, Inigo, and Aurlyn are great examples. Sadly the vast majority of follower mods are just white noise.

  10. Is there a mod that simply increases the max number of followers that can follow us around at once? By default we can only have one follower.


    I see a lot of follower mods on the SE Nexus like AFT, iAFT, EFF, that increase the follower limit... but they also go full-on crazy and overhaul the follower system so much that they inevitably conflict with other popular mods I use like Interesting NPCs and My Home is Your Home. I also found this mod that sounds like it does what I want (simpy makes the limit 100, no other changes to the follower systems) but the comments make it clear the mod is completely broken and never worked in the first place. Finally, there's this mod for Oldrim that does exactly what I want (increases follower limit to 10, that's all) but it requires SKSE so no SE port is possible.


    Why doesn't this kind of mod exist for SE yet? Seems strange that we have so many complex and complete overhauls of the follower system, yet we don't have a simpler mod that simply bumps up the vanilla follower limit to keep things as compatible as possible...

  11. Sadly I don't use the bridge as the entrance. I use the main road, just outside the building Preston's crew adopt as their HQ. Everything between that entrance and the bridge is farming and just open land, and everything behind the entrance is buildings. It's fully walled with two huge buildings either side of the road, so moving the big main entrance would mean completely remodelling :(


    I think I'll try leaving these cells for several in-game days and building somewhere else for a while. Hopefully the navmeshing sorts itself out. It's so weird that it can't figure out this entire main road section through Sanctuary is fine to walk on, with no objects in the way. I adore this Settlement system and hate it at exactly the same time :P

  12. I used a mod that adds new bridges and walkways for building with, and decided to build a bridge over my main entrance to Sanctuary. It was pretty high, like 15ft above ground level, so assumed there would be no issues with navmeshing. Problem is, it caused massive navmesh issues. Possibly because the new bridges weren't navmeshed? Even though it was high up NPCs including companions refused to walk under it, and since it's the only entrance/exit no-one could enter or leave the main Settlement anymore (annoying because I built farm fields right outside it, so it used to be heavily used.


    I deleted the bridge and thought that would fix it, but for some reason the navmeshing issue persists. I now have a completely open entrance, no bridge, and NPCs still refuse to cross the section the bridge used to be built over. I've even tried building a floor with vanilla items across the path, but that still isn't enough to make anyone use the entrance.


    Is there anything I can do to clear up this navmesh issue, or is this settlement completely screwed now? :ermm:

  13. Skyrim SE massively improved draw distance with a new ugrids setting that Sheson discovered while looking into a new DynDOLOD. It basically draws all large objects in the specified cell distance, without drawing small objects and NPCs like standard ugrids tweaks did before. You can even crank the setting way up beyond default values for gorgeous distant visuals.


    Image comparison and details here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/690/?

  14. Googling around but I can't find anything concrete on this. But there ARE landscape texture packs on the Nexus that aren't shiny now, so a solution must be known.


    Basically, I just want to know what needs to change from original Skyrim texture mods to make them not shiny. I have Photoshop, and I'm happy to go through the textures (normal maps, I guess?) one by one and save them in a working format.

  15. Drama with low god rays is usually pixelated looking light/blur around objects, particularly your character. Haven't tested in SSE but in F4 it's either Ultra, or no god rays at all...

    I was worried about that as well, but just tested on low and it's actually really impressive. There's zero pixellation, no blur, but the accuracy of the light shafts suffer. So, for example, if you were in the Rift, looking up through the leaves of an Aspen tree, on ultra you'd see perfectly cut light shafts around every individual leaf. On low, the light shafts are more... rounded (?) at their base, with gaps between the leaves and when the light shafts start. Those gaps are blended though, so it's still a really nice effect.


    Basically it probably looks more realistic in foggy weather (when you're more likely to see godrays as well), but less realistic in strong daylight. Kind of like how super crisp shadow resolutions might look impressive technically, but blurry shadows are much more realistic. It'll come down to personal preference in the end, but at least there's no pixellation here. Just less accuracy.

  16. Yeah I know what you mean. I'm saying it won't matter. If enough people want what the mod did, someone else will take over or make something similar from scratch. It's only a matter of time, and we have the better part of a decade :)

  17. I know what you mean.


    But some mod of OG may never be ported.

    That's fine. Beth are working on a new IP and confirmed TES6 isn't in development. That means (assuming a very short dev cycle of three years per game) we have a minimum of 5 more years before TES6 is released, most likely 6 or 7 years. It's been 5 years since Skyrim released and look how many mods there are. We've got at least all that time again for SSE, probably longer.


    Many mods won't be ported, but many new mods will be created. The discussions in this thread are almost identical to the discussions that were going on when Oblivion and Skyrim launched.


    "No point playing Oblivion. Modded Morrowind looks better! Modded Morrowind has dynamic shadows and 3D water waves! The grass moves as you walk through it!"


    "No point playing Skyrim. Modded Oblivion looks better! Modded Oblivion has OBGE for ambient occlusion, depth of field, and gorgeous water reflections. And it has RAEVWD for insane distant object LOD!"


    It's a constant cycle, and when TES6 is releasing you can be sure people will be claiming there's no point in it because modded Skyrim SE is the most beautiful and content rich game there is, ever was, and ever will be. For now, we have a 64bit engine, vast improvements to performance, hundreds of characters allowed on screen, rain occlusion, no z fighting, better water flow, gorgeous shadows, and some stunning volumetric lighting. That's a phenomenal base to build on, and you'll likely see mods for SSE that just won't be stable on old Skyrim.


    ENB will probably come in time. Boris often goes back and forth on these things. Luckily we have ReShade 3 until then :)

  18. Glad it works for you. I have Skyrim installed on the same drive as NMM, so that works fine, but Fallout 4 installed on a different drive. NMM installs the esp files properly, but I have to manually move the textures, meshes, etc over from the virtual install to the proper game directory.

  19. Bloody hell guys. Can you STOP with all the colossal updates to NMM that completely change the way it functions, making it either unusable or fooling us into thinking it will reinstall our mods just fine but will actually just screw them up completely.


    I'm just going to head back to manual installations like the Oblivion days and hope I can wrap my head around all the NMM/FOMOD bundled mods that are standard these days...

  20. Are you guys using multiple HDD/SSD drives? If NMM is installed on one drive, while the game it's modding is installed on a different drive, it can't install mods properly.


    It would be useful if it could at least detect the game is in a different location and then TELL people their mods won't install properly, instead of pretending to install everything just fine when it's a well known issue that has screwed people over for years now...

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