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  1. Was tired yesterday, and made a huge wall of text that was hard to read. So just some simple, short ideas for now. Even putting aside the current controversy over at steam workshop, Bethesda has gone more and more on the casual route. So maybe something like a spiritual successor to Morrowind (First person RPG, The same dialogue system where you "unlock" new words, and a similar but improved skill and attribute system (more on that later). Factions that have rivalries with eachother. Spell crafting. Quests more like they were in Oblivion than the ones in Morrowind or Oblivion. Suggested setting: arabian desert in a fantasy world. Hardly (if ever?) used, and I think it has some potential. Most people upon hearing this will just think "oh, great, lots of sand everywhere as far as the eye can see. BORING", but it can actually be quite interesting and varied. Aside from having some djungle, savannah, oasis and ruins, there are some more interesting places even in the real world. Google "salt desert" for some breathtaking views. Yes, places likte that do exist, they are not photoshoped. Would suggest some more unusual races like the dwarves and elves, and something like Huldras, djinns, insectoids, undead. Ideas for plot (very rough): You wake up to someone calling to you, and find out you are on a ship. The crew tell you that they found you lost at sea and pulled you up, but you need to work to earn your keep. Tutorial starts, with different smaller tasks with smaller moral choices (this part becomes important later), and determine your class. As you work, you learn from other NPCs that the ship is delivering a mystic artifact, a magic mirror of unknown origin. Then later one night, you once again wake up to a voice. But this sounds more mystical, and calls for you to the captains cabin where the magic mirror is. You go towards it, when you see your mirror image smile and jumps out to possess you. Captain comes in wondering what is happening, but you lose control over your character and kill him. The rest of the crew then turn hostile, and you have to kill them ll on your own, while the demon's voice is mocking you inside your head. When everyone else is dead, you get a splitting headache, and the demon jumps out, looking like an exact copy of you. The demon readies to attack you, when he suddenly seems to have trouble controling his own powers. He reaches out for you, knocking you down, and everything turns black. When you awaken you are in a dark room, brought in for questioning by the local authorities. Apparently the ship you were on crashed into the shore of a small village while you were unconscious, and everyone is wondering what happened there, as everyone was massacred but you. Later as you work and travel the world, you encounter people who act like they already know you. Most of them seems to hate you for something you have supposedly done. Your doppelganger? Soon people are sent out to kill you, and you are forced to look for the demon in order cleanse your name. The twist? After you left the tutorial on the ship, you started playing as the demon. The one you think is the demon through the majority of the game is actually the "original" PC that you created during the tutorial. And those moral choices I mentioned in the beginning? Those affect how the villain turns out. Just... they got a bit paranoid when they met you, and something broke in them. Someone who started playing as "lawful good" for example, might become an overzealous knight that only cares about the written law. Basically, you design your own antagonist at the start, and you dont even know it until the end of the game. No matter what you do, they all have a bone to pick with the demon too, so there is always a reason for conflict. Skill and attribute system: Lets face it, it sucked in Morrowind, and Oblivion. Skyrim simply gave up on trying to fix it. But otherwise I liked the idea that every character turns out slightly different depending on your journey. The problem was that you had to level up in a very specific order to get the full 5 attribute points on each level up, while getting endurance up as soon as possible. Only endurance did not give you any retroactive benefits, and so no matter what kind of character you were making, you wanted to max endurance as soon as possible. So, my suggestion to fix this? Each time you level up you are ALWAYS given, no more, no less, +3,+2, and +1 bonus points that you can allocate freely between attributes. The catch is that all attributes, not just health, are increased exponentially as a propotion of what you previously had in that attribute, prior to level up. Which means that the bonus attribute points you get at lv 1 to lv 2 are much, much more valuable than the same you get when you level up from lv 29 to lv 30. But as it increases exponentially, you dont see the final benefit until you reach end level. Of course, this system also means that your attributes increases slightly each time you level up on its own, even if you never put in a single point there. But at a much smaller rate. Skills should be pretty much be separated from attributes, and an increase in swordmanship should increase things like attack rate, instead of pure damage. A skill in magic just determines the chance of spell failure (as in morrowind). Otherwise they work just like in TES, from 1 to 100, with a linear progression. I have also looked a bit on the unreal engine myself, and noticed how you can set weight on each physical object, affecting how easily it is knocked around, etc. What if we had a similar system as in Vindictus (for those who have played that), that the items you can lift in the world is dependant on your strength sttributes. A cave collapsed with a huge boulder blocking the exit? No problem, I will just lift it and throw it away.
  2. If you want me to, I would be willing to take a look at it. Call me weird, but this is one of the parts about modding I enjoy. Upload it as an .obj and I will take a whack at it.
  3. Hi :) I have had a certain idea ever since I played the quest "frostflow abyss", in skyrim. For those who dont know, at the very end you can choose to grant a persons last wish, and doing this gives you a very small, passiv, permanent buff ("Sailor's Repose", which makes all healing spells 10% more effective). There is however no mention of this last wish in your journal, and no quest arrow. Its just something you would normally do if you read through everything and felt compelled enough to go through all the extra work without any promise of reward. So that got me thinking, what if the game was filled with small stuff like this? Something similar to the mod "achieve that", but having all the numbers hidden. It is only when you actyally get the "achievement" that you get to know why you obtained it. To make some examples: Run from full to empty stamina bar a 100 times = Athlete perk, stamina gets a 10% increase. Fall down to 5% health = Survivor, combat health regeneration increases with 25%. Set 10 innocent bunnies on fire = Pyromaniac, fire spells and enchantments do 10% more damage. Jump repeatedly 50 times without break = Up, up and away! 20% increase in jumpheight. Walk 200 m without trying to run, and not being encumbered= Thinker, 10% mana regeneration. Killing all 3 prisoners during the dar brotherhood jining quest = Cold blooded, 5% increased chance of triggering deathblows. Kill Astrid = Gotcha good, adds 5/s bleeding damage to all weapons. These are all just some quick examples, but it would be a certain perk system, BESIDES the normal perksystem. You might even want to plan your build around some hidden perks you stumbled upon as they stack upon eachother.
  4. I want to say yes. I mean you should to be able as long as you place the debug.messagebox() before or after the the setting the stage. So (altering the example from http://www.creationkit.com/SetCurrentStageID_-_Quest ): MainQuestProperty.SetCurrentStageID(i) Debug.MessageBox("Blah Blah Blah") You might have to tinker around with it (like add an if statement to check to see if the stage is that so the message won't trigger early) but in theory it might be possible. I would make a test mod and just make some arbitrary quest to test it out. Ah, thanks a lot. @Matthiaswagg, I looked through the forums for immersive quests, but as I am still trying to get more familiar with the toolset I thought I would first make a quest of my own, one who I previously threw in the trashcan because it was breaking the 4th wall. But it might be a good opportunity to experiment a bit with the toolset. Might post some of the other quest ideas I have later on your board as well, as soon as I have cleaned up my notes a bit. But thats the reason why you have yet to hear from me.
  5. Haha... Hahahaha! where have you been all my life? XD Thanks, I will take a look :)
  6. Hi there. One of the things I really hated about skyrim was the lack of interesting quests that Oblivion had, and its overabundance of copy pasted "Hey, you! Random stranger I have never seen before. I lost this [insert random item name here] inside this [insert random cave name here] full of walking corpses for no reason. Now go and fetch it for me". Which is why I now hope to fix this by simply creating a large number of smaller sidequests of a certain quality in a large number enough to overshadow these "copypasted quests", as I like to call them. Unfortunately, I am more experienced with making custom armor (and that was for DA:O), so I would appreciate some advice on some concerns I have: 1) Is it realistically feasible to make these quests be given from "vanilla" npcs, without having the NPC suddenly switch over from her old voice to a new one? Or is it better to simply make completely new NPCs give out these quests? I'm not sure how much a voiceactor is prepared to put up with in rerecording all the old lines of an NPC... 2) Is it possible to make new pop-up messages each time your journal updates like it did in Oblivion?
  7. Hi there. Illusion has always been one of my favorites in the TES games, but one glaring problem I have had with it is that it is only useful when the enemy is lv x or lower, and assuming that he is, it quickly goes from useless to overpowered. WHat I therefore would like to request is to do away with the whole "frenzies/calms enemies at level x or lower", with "has x % chance to affect the target". That is, REGARDLESS whether the target is lv 1 or 50. And the chance for this should be dependant on your skill level, while the kind of spell only affects the area. That way when you first start out with only a skill of say, 15, and you have the novice spell for frenzy, it only has 15% chance to affect the target. So to affect a signle enemy you would have to recast the spell several times until it finally works. Once you have a higher tier spell with a larger area you will find a lot more use of it at a lower skill level, because if you throw a spell in an area that contains 10 enemies, then it is likely that at least ONE will be affected even with just 15 %.
  8. You talking about this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEZtiDrxh-E It doesn't give you a workable wireframe, both animation wise and regarding the polycount. Not to mention that it isn't a real "head", or even face for that matter. it's basically just a 3d object of a piece of tissue where your face is protruding. Even with a 3d editing software, it would be more work involved in converting that kind of model into a workable playerhead, than it would be to simply start from scratch. You are better off taking a photo of your front and side,and hoping that someone takes the time to model the head for you.
  9. Ok, opened the case and looked how much space I actually have for it. It doesn't look too bad spacewise, although the card I linked earlier would probably still be too big. I might very well be able to fit it in there, but then it would squeeze some black, thin cable. I have no idea what it does, but somehow I think that I would rather leave it alone. Especially since I read somewhere in another forum that this particular card I linked earler is in fact 11 inches long, not 10.5. 9.5 inches should be ok though (It would have to go through a loop of smaller cables bundled together, but thankfully it's a pretty wide space there, so I don't think it would be a problem then, even if it might manage to slightly touch eachother?). Currently thinking about this card now: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127675 , 9.53 inches in length (It's hard to find any good cards that aren't larger than that apparenty. If someone know of any other alternative I'm all ears though). I would then also change the powersupply to 600 W. Might this be doable, or am I completely lost? Edit: You can ignore this topic. It still works better than my old one, if only slightly (and I can still run everything on ultra, except the witcher 2 where I need to run on "high" instead, so I will wait until it's actually needed to upgrade. Hopefully the price has lowered a bit by then too.
  10. I see... So if I get this correctly, what I need to look at is1) The physical size (didn't see that they DID mention the size of it in the description before), and 2) The power supply. Is there anything else than that I need to take into account? Also, I might as well ask then: Is there any graphics card you would recomment that DOES fit in this computer that doesn't cost more than 750 dollars? I'm looking at the "advanced search" options, but can't find anything regarding size, aside from "slot width". Another question is, can I excange the power supply too, if that seems to limit my options? (as you might have noticed, I have barely touched the inside of a computer for anything else than using a hoover for the dust from time to time).
  11. So, my 7-year old computer recently broke, and I was forced to get a new one relatively fast. Problem is, the graphic card is a bit mediocre (a NVIDIA GeForce GT 640), and it doesn't have an SSD drive, which is why I thought I would add new ones myself afterwards. Unfortunately, I have never done this before (except one failed attempt several years ago, when I was quite young), which is why I would like to ask the following, before I order something that turns out to just be a waste of money: How do I know that these new items will actually "fit" physically inside the computer? Reason I ask this is because I remember that the last time I attempted something like this (as mentioned above), the new graphics card turned out to be far too large to actually fit inside. Is this just my memory being wrong, or is there something you need to look at? For example, I'm currently looking at this card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130794 But how do I know that it works on my HP ENVY h8-1444eo?
  12. Thanks for the answers. It doesn't contain any files that I can't live without, but it could still save me many months of work. And it's just some files that I want to move to my new computer, afterwards I might as well consider it uselss. I will look into the USB to Sata/Pata adapters, since those seems to be exactly what I was looking for.
  13. After 7 years of faithful service, my old computer finally entered her final sleep ;_; (Stonedead, I was working with it when it suddenly just shut down itself, and can since then not start it at all anymore.) Unfortunately, I still had a lot of files there which I would like to keep, hence my quesion here to you is: Is it possible to just take out the c-disk from my old computer, and transfer it to my new one? And if so, what is the easiest way to go about it?
  14. In that case you can, once again, use this site: http://dragonage.wikia.com/ Just search for what you want, and you can read, among other things, the item's ID. For example, I can search for "templar armor" there, I click the relevant search result, and see that the ID for this item is "gen_im_arm_cht_mas_tmp_a". http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Templar_Armor_(Origins) EDIT: You apparently need to copy paste the site above, since the hyperlink doesn't react to the "(origin)" part apparently.
  15. You can read how to activate the console here: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1110/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D1110 Note that what you write in the console command is by deafult invisible, but this mod makes it possible for you to actually see what you write: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1110/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D1110 Also, do you use a non-english keyboard? Because if so, the button you use to bring up the console can vary greatly. I use a swedish keyboard myself, and thus have to, instead of just pressing the tilde key as everyone else, press the following buttons like this: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/amycus89/Capture1.jpg (Note that you can ignore this last part as long as you use an english keyboard). I can also add that this last part still holds true if you try to access the console in Neverwinter Nights. That's how I found out what I had to do on my keyboard, otherwise I would never have been able to guess it.
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