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About RuinWing

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  1. I would absolutely love it if this mod was created. I prefer the androgynous body-type rather than the 'gendered' body-types that are currently available.
  2. Go to the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread in the Oblivion Mod Talk section. They might be able to help you find what you're looking for.
  3. Pretty please with sugar on top? :smile: ...Or at least point me to a tutorial on how to upgrade morrowind meshes for oblivion. All I can find are tutorials and converters on downgrading oblivion meshes for morrowind. :pinch:
  4. I was wondering if someone could convert this morrowind hair for oblivion?
  5. Oh. Well, thanks for the info! Now I know why I haven't seen the concept of a whip weapon. :thanks:
  6. Could someone create a sword that could transform into a chain-whip? Just like Ivy's blade in the Soul Calibur series. Here is a pic of what it should look like: http://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters2/ivy-sc2fix3.jpg
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