I would love if talismans were less rng-based and were instead a system that allowed for players to craft / upgrade talismans, allowing for more customization, experimentation, and enjoyment. Praying for good RNG isn't as fun as working hard for a reward, and cheating isn't fun imo. My ideas for this system are: 1. All talismans which are legal should be craftable: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iBgTZttW-ECbRUy_9zm_FFuiQbi9LT93KuY-2iK5t_g/edit#gid=1221988895 2. Higher tier skills should be more expensive. 3a. Skills which have an associated decoration should require that decoration as a crafting material to make a talisman. eg: Wex2 talisman should require 2 tenderizer lv2 decorations 3b. Skills which do not have an associated decoration should require relevant monster parts (chain crit comes from astalos, gaismagorm, or gold rathian for example) These skills tend to be very good, so it would make sense for them to cost tails, plates, mantles, or gems/orbs 4. Decoration slots should cost Melding nectar / honey / pudding, since these wouldn't have a use with no need for melding Slot 1 should cost 1 melding pudding per level (a lv4 deco in slot 1 would cost 4 pudding, a lv3 would cost 3, etc.) Slot 2 should cost 1 melding honey per level (only lv2 deco or lv1 deco is valid here, so either costs 2 honey or 1 honey) Slot 3 should cost 1 melding nectar (only lv1 deco is valid in slot 3) 5. If possible, it would be nice to be able to upgrade existing charms players have received thru melding, but not necessary.