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Posts posted by NeoRider7



    If you encounter problems installing mods or engines for working with mods (Patcher, Redirector, Utilities, etc.),
    then most likely the problem lies in the following:


    1) .Net Framework 3.5.
    Make sure that "Windows .Net Framework 3.5" is installed on your computer or its functions are activated.


    2) the files in the Planetbase directory are marked as read-only.
    The problem many people have with installing the Patcher is that some files in the Planetbase directory are marked read-only.
    Thus, Mod Patcher (Patcher-1) cannot do its job.
    The solution is to go into the Planetbase directory, then select everything (both directories and files) and go to "properties".
    You will see in the properties that the "Attribute" field is marked in black.
    So click on the box until it's empty (no black checkmark), then click apply, then in the new window, answer "do this for all files and subdirectories".
    Close "properties" and check again.
    IF the Attribute field is cleared (read-only unchecked), you can re-apply the Patcher, this time it will work.
    For those who get black windows when launching Patcher-1, the best thing to do is to uninstall, clear the "planetbase" entry with regedit, and then properly reinstall.
    Then check the attributes of files and directories for the possibility of overwriting (uncheck "read-only" in the properties) until overwriting is allowed in all folders and files of the game, then you can run Mod Patcher.


    3) Addresses of directories and files are not in English.
    If you do not have a Steam version of the game: if the file location contains letters other than English (for example, Russian letters), experiment with installing the game in another directory without long file addresses and only English letters in the names.


    4) Antivirus or operating system settings.
    Occasionally it happens that an antivirus, some program or operating system interrupts the execution of programs for working with mods.
    Check your antivirus settings and disable all other programs while patching.
    Try patching again and make sure the patching process is complete.
    Perhaps the operating system or some kind of antivirus program is preventing the Patcher from doing its job normally.
    When opening the file, give all permissions in the operating system, make it run as administrator.

  2. Self-sufficient mods are those mods for which you do not need to install separate engines (platforms) for mods (additional software).

    Usually these are mods that already contain embedded software inside them. For example, such software as in the mod engine from JPFarias.
    Pluses of these mods:
    - for their work, you do not need to install additional software with the mod engine (platform).
    Cons of these mods:
    - most likely a similar mod will not work with other mods at the same time.

    - If the game has been updated, then such mods no longer work on new versions of the game.


    In this tutorial, you can find an example of a self-contained\standalone cheat-mod:

    "Cheat-Mode": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1983401261

    and here:

    "List of Mods": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981754832


    There are custom mods that are not described on the Nexusmods website.
    Such mods were made for old versions of the game and they do not work with new versions of the game and with other mods.

    Perhaps, when developing a new mod, it will be useful to look at the capabilities of such custom mods and their source code.

    Some old standalone mods were able to do things that the mods currently featured on the Nexusmods site can't do.


    Below is a list with a description of some self-contained mods:


    1) Planetbase Hack (v1.0.2 stable) (cheat mod source code)


    Description of the author of the mod:

    "Tools used: ILSpy + Reflexil plugin
    I have made a post on the second page with all the changes made to the original DLL in this hack."



    • Spawn Resources
    • Spawn Colonists
    • Trigger Events (Solarwinds / Dust Storms etc...)
    • Unlock Tech and Goals
    • Increase map size by 4
    • Build without the need of a link to another building
    • Increased maximum constructions from 200 to 20000
    • Console UI

    "The code below are the modifications I made to the original dll.

    I cba to post a step by step instruction.
    Programmers should be able to follow this.

    Inside the class Planetbase.GuiMenuSystem add the following

    Inside the same class Planetbase.GuiMenuSystem modify the init function".


    Map size is increased by 4 times.

    Building limit is increased from 200 to 20000.
    You can now build without the need of a link to another construction.

    I did already add the buttons to enable or disable these features.

    I've added a GUI for the console.

    Download file: this and https://www.mpgh.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1041129&p=11070709&viewfull=1#post11070709

    Press the console button in the top left corner to toggle the console on or off.
    To see the available console commands type in "help".

    Description on the Steam forum:

    "Planetbase trainer" https://steamcommunity.com/app/403190/discussions/0/483367798515096667/


    2) Planetbase Custom (6 Oct, 2016)


    Screenshot-1: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775521996

    Screenshot-2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775521954

    Screenshot-3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=783274069

    - Custom code can be turned on and off

    - Gameplay is capable of 8x speed
    - Medical Cabinet holds 8 Medical Supplies instead of 4
    - Meal Maker makes 5 meals instead of 3
    - Minor changes in AI status levels allows them to work a little longer before needing sleep,food,etc.
    - Manufacturing limits changed, can now limit each bot seperately.


    Updated file can be downloaded here: /http://goo.gl/LxR2jT the file has to overwrite the Assembly-CSharp.dll located at {Steam library}\steamapps\common\Planetbase\Planetbase_Data\Managed

    Screenshot-1: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775521996

    Screenshot-2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775521954

    Screenshot-3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=783274069


    3) Cheat-Mode (IseAssasins) (2017.08.20)


    Video: https://youtu.be/GVikb4MWdVY?t=143 , https://youtu.be/qSEI_24vlJs?t=30

    Screenshot-1: https://i.playground.ru/p/iN14_JWal7SMhggFKIwTrg.png.webp?800-auto

    Screenshot-2: https://i.playground.ru/p/rbRfcao8xNdFO1KDgVk0FA.png.webp?800-auto

    Description of the author of the mod:

    This cheat mod adds two buildings, one of them is "Magic building" which is internal. (i.e. the room).

    This cheat mod adds two buildings, one of them is Magic buylding which is internal. (that is, this is a room).

    The second Airstrip building (outdoor building) endlessly produces electricity and water, and is also a landing pad for the ship that is called in a special menu.

    The arrival of the ship can be ordered only after the construction of the "Airstrip" building.

    In the ship menu, you can call up a menu in which you can select either goods or people or technology.


    4) Cheat-Mode (Alex Peretyatko) [1.21] (January 8, 2017)


    Screenshot-1: https://i.playground.ru/p/Hqka_oLy2aATCJFrfJgAGw.png.webp?800-auto

    Screenshot-2: https://i.playground.ru/p/-gVLCsjBX2pL2iByZMjqvw.png.webp?800-auto

    Screenshot-3: https://i.playground.ru/p/DvONlRRdb5QM0IWj-MolzQ.png.webp?800-auto

    Screenshot-4: https://i.playground.ru/p/IzUi9Ysc-Kh50aEUk4p0ZQ.png.webp?800-auto

    Screenshot-5: https://i.playground.ru/p/J18ly7eNW05jP-P1F0uA1Q.png.webp?800-auto


    Description of the author of the mod:

    In the menu of closed buildings, another building called Cheat MOD should appear.

    After installing this building, items such as: Cheat spawn colonists are opened, this item will make it possible to spawn as many colonists and robots as you like.

    The next item is the Cheat warehouse, it gives us such opportunities as: setting the maximum energy balance, water balance, oxygen balance, wind strength.

    The second tab is a plus sign in the upper left corner of the cheat mod.
    With it, you can set the maximum values ââââof the indicators of visitors, colonists, and robots.

    The third one allows you to set the value of resources.

    The fourth makes it possible to unlock technologies.


    5) Cheat-Mode [v.1.1.0(2016.03.27)] {WladV}



    6) Cheat-Mode [1.1.0.beta.15.mod (2016.03.21)] {WladV}


    Screenshot-1: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-11

    Screenshot-2: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-12

    Screenshot-3: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-7

    Screenshot-4: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-17

    Screenshot-5: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-9

    Screenshot-6: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-2

    Screenshot-7: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-13

    Screenshot-8: https://www.playground.ru/planetbase/cheat/planetbase_chit_mod_cheat_mode_1_1_0_beta_15_mod_2016_03_21_wladv-815213#gallery-0-15


    7) Cheat-Mode v.2 (2016.02.25) {WladV}


    Screenshot-1: https://i.playground.ru/p/KyYLCzxJAmoSCzeO7Sv3ew.jpeg

    Screenshot-2: https://i.playground.ru/p/FakGOpMyv1x3FWl5PIjwBg.jpeg

    Screenshot-3: https://i.playground.ru/p/V8Bkat5R6QuH-WBXoizF9A.jpeg

    Screenshot-4: https://i.playground.ru/p/5LOOCzSMTANugLjhGyqxhg.jpeg

    Screenshot-5: https://i.playground.ru/p/UmSL7ML5fK-2cDtS9zyr1Q.jpeg

    Screenshot-6: https://i.playground.ru/p/iiNy3ECHiH1n-wxCyCB3yw.jpeg

    Screenshot-7: https://i.playground.ru/p/TERyZGty4PFFdc9eb-BtZw.jpeg


    8 ) Cheat-Mode [1.0.11b] {WladV} (February 23, 2016)


    Screenshot-1: https://i.playground.ru/p/kTAeR-AVSF2hB9IIUxcmTQ.jpeg




    Video about cheat mods:


    A) "Planetbase - Cheat Mod" (Aug 2 2016)


    File: https://mega.nz/#!upglAIbZ!ot3xR6OcfL20UxYsR7J--zI5gTuD86eHthM-eo61Sis


    B) "Planetbase - Cheat Mod, Update" â2 (Jan 11 2017)


    File: https://mega.nz/file/OwBjnQDJ#UQFmx_7LSdyo6i4b5Sgcc0GZsyArXRP6COLU0X46Uxs


    C) "Cheats on PlanetBase / Cheat Panel / Cheat Menu / Cheat Planetbase"

    Video: https://youtu.be/GVikb4MWdVY

    File: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/MjpR5stM3Gnose




    Additional Information:


    You can learn more about this topic in these guides below.
    About about mods, about cheat mods, about trainers and much more.


    Guide - Cheat-Mode: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1983401261


    Guide - F.A.Q. Mods, Cheats, Trainers for Planetbase: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981488180


    Guide - Cheats and Trainers: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1983103713


    Guide - Leveling terrains with a cheat mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1983467709


    Guide - List of Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981754832


    Guide - If you have any questions while creating a MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2044971158


    An article with useful information about mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/articles/9

  3. Have you managed to run the Planetbase game on your android device?
    In any case, so far there was no information that from those mods that are presented here on the site, that there could be something unsafe.
    Based on the feedback left by the players, almost all mods work well.

  4. I want to share the information that was sent to me on the topic of solving problems with the work of the Patcher for the game Planetbase:


    "The problem of all the people come because some files in the Planetbase directory are flagged as "read only".
    So the Mod Patcher cannot do his job.
    The solution is to go inside the Planetbase directory then there to select all (both directories and files) and to look for "properties".
    You will see that the Attribute box is checked in black.
    So click the box until it become free then click "Apply" then answer in the new windows "do this for all files and subdirectories".
    Close the property and check again.
    IF the Attribute box is clear then you can re-apply the mod patcher, this time it will work.

    For those people who got black windows, the best is to un-install, to clean "planetbase" entry with regedit and then to reinstall properly.
    Then check the attributes until it is all clear then patch with Mod Patcher. "

  5. Ideas for new Mods:


    Do you have a desire to make a good new mod?

    The community of players has long been hungry for new mods! ;-)


    Online resources with collections of ideas and suggestions:

    1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1999352524
    3. Planetbase > Workshop >
    4. Planetbase > Discussions >
    5. NexusMods


    Also, if you have an idea or suggestion for creating a mod, you can write about it below.


  6. A full list of games similar to the game "Planetbase" you can see here:


    1) Guide "Space colonization & survival Games" - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1994216417


    2) Group in Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SpaceExperience
    This group contains the largest and most structured list of games and programs about space.
    Here you will find everything that exists to feel like in space, see VR space, build a colony,
    feel the harsh conditions for survival, control a rocket and repair it, arrange a battle in space, see 3D maps of planets and universes,
    and much other.
    List of strategies: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SpaceExperience/discussions/0/4594180031251817483/


    3) Curator of games about space in Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37277628-Space-Experience/
    Reviews on all space games.
    A huge number of lists and categories.
    The most complete information both among those games that have already been released and among the new products.
    List of strategies: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37277628-Space-Experience/list/58660/

    Here you can choose a space-themed game to your liking.
    Also, here is information about all distributions of games and sales.



  7. ...

    Thing is, I never got that problem with Patch 2.
    I'm getting this problem via challenges that I created...

    Hi, WanderA101!

    Did you manage to solve your problem?

    I never had any problems installing the patcher.

    By the way, did you install Redirector? The redirector must also be installed when you install Patcher-1.


    You also write that you installed Patcher-2 earlier. I did not work with patcher-2. Can you send Patcher-2 file so that I can see what this program is?



  8. You can find out more about creating mods in Planetbase here:


    1) Where to find ANSWERS and INFORMATION on Planetbase? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1997926719


    2) a lot of mods appeared


    3) The list of mods and their description in Russian see here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981754832

    How to install mods?
    A) [Eng] Instructions for installing mods - "Planetbase Mods to add to your game" - https://steamcommunity.com/app/403190/discussions/0/3182216552764118049/
    (the text includes a list of mods from 2017, the list there is incomplete)


    B) VIDEO-Installation Instructions for mods -
    "Planetbase: How to Download Mods"




    How to make Mods yourself:


    1) How to make mods - "Modding using the Planetbase Framework" -


    2) Planetbase-Framework
    author: solidDoWant
    create a Request (Issues): https://github.com/solidDoWant/Planetbase-Framework/issues
    add solidDoWant on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheiInTEAM/
    write solidDoWant on Discord: https://discord.gg/qufsVms


    3) Utility library
    Planetbase modding utilities library - https://github.com/Tahvohck/Planetbase-CommunityUtils
    "Modding Roadmap and Updates"- https://steamcommunity.com/app/403190/discussions/0/385428943467513841/
    Trello https://trello.com/b/y9mEYjdS/planetbase-modding


    4) Wiki for programmers who want to create mods
    Posted by: João Farias




    5) Planetbase Modding in TRELLO https://trello.com/b/y9mEYjdS/planetbase-modding



    6) Guide "What would you like to improve in the game?"

  9. The Planetbase game was released in 2015, but so far it is actively played and the community of players is large.
    A lot of players want to see the development of the game continue.

    Due to the fact that the game developer has stopped releasing updates, now the game is mainly updated by the players and programmers from the community of players.

    If someone can show the source code of the game, this will greatly help the community and the game will be significantly updated and improved.

    Let me know if anyone has source code or parts of it!



    This can be useful for decompiling code:
    1) ".NET Reflector"
    2) ILSpy (ILSpy + Reflexil plugin)

  10. Everything works for the GOG \ Steam \ Torrent \ ... versions of the game Planetbase 1.3.6.
    On the nexusmods website, two patchers are now available for playing Planetbase. One of them works, the second does not work.
    Use the correct patcher, which was the very first and which still works great on all versions of the game Planetbase.


    Here is the link to the correct patcher:
    Planetbase Mod Patcher - https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/1


    You also need to use the correct Redirector.
    Here is a link to the correct redirector suitable for the correct Patcher: https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/3


    You can read more about this in the following guides:


    You can find out more about creating mods in Planetbase here:


    1) Where to find ANSWERS and INFORMATION on Planetbase? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1997926719


    2) a lot of mods appeared


    3) The list of mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981754832



    How to install mods?


    A) [Eng] Instructions for installing mods - "Planetbase Mods to add to your game" - https://steamcommunity.com/app/403190/discussions/0/3182216552764118049/
    (the text includes a list of mods from 2017, the list there is incomplete)


    B) VIDEO-Installation Instructions for mods -
    "Planetbase: How to Download Mods"


    How to make Mods yourself:


    1) How to make mods - "Modding using the Planetbase Framework" -


    2) Planetbase-Framework

    author: solidDoWant
    create a Request (Issues): https://github.com/solidDoWant/Planetbase-Framework/issues
    add solidDoWant on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheiInTEAM/
    write solidDoWant on Discord: https://discord.gg/qufsVms


    3) Utility library
    Planetbase modding utilities library - https://github.com/Tahvohck/Planetbase-CommunityUtils

    "Modding Roadmap and Updates" - https://steamcommunity.com/app/403190/discussions/0/385428943467513841/

    Trello https://trello.com/b/y9mEYjdS/planetbase-modding


    4) Wiki for programmers who want to create mods
    Posted by: João Farias




    5) Planetbase Modding in TRELLO https://trello.com/b/y9mEYjdS/planetbase-modding



    6) Guide "What would you like to improve in the game?"

  11. The idea is very cool! This greatly diversifies the game!
    But I am afraid that this rather laborious task may turn out to be. I wonder what mod developers will say.
    Below I will come photos of Rovers.
    A) Rover from the Martian with Matt Damon movie:
    1) link1
    2) link2
    3) link3
    4) link4

    5) link5-Big1 Big2, Big3

    6) link6-Giant_Trailer
    7) link7-Trakker
    8 ) link8-RoverRV900_and_many_items
    9) link9-florent_lebrun

    B) There are a lot of options for rovers here:
    Mars Rovers: (many rover options)

    C) These rovers should be much easier to draw:
    1) Tesla Cybertruck on Mars
    2) rover-BBI
    3) long-rover
    4) Concept art for The Martian by Oleg Zherebin
    5) MARS - rover - Oscar Cafaro - 01, For National Geographic
    6) MARS - rover trailer - Oscar Cafaro - 02, For National Geographic
    7) audi
    8 ) Mars 9 Rover, Igor Sobolevsky
    9) Roberto Robert - Mars Rover
    10) NASA Unveils Mars Rover Concept
    11) Atlas
    12) Easy rover

  12. As far as I know, there is no such mod at the moment.
    But personally, I normally play without a pause button. I think this is a matter of experience and the amount of time in the game. After a lot of attempts, you learn to play quickly without a pause button.
    Although, I know that there are a lot of people who want to make the Pause button :-)

  13. Sounds interesting.
    Could you develop your idea and write more detailed mechanics of the game with hydrogen?

    In order for a programmer to write a Mod for a game, please write a more detailed technical task for the job.

  14. This is an interesting idea for a mod.

    There are trainers thanks to which the seller in the game sells everything for free. But it turns out then too easy game.
    And here if you would make such a mod as you wrote above, then it should become interesting.

  15. Hi daboyadjian!

    I will answer in order to your questions:

    1) Mods and Patch work!
    I now have the latest version of the game 1.3.6. and everything is fine with the mods.
    And I want to note that with Mods the game is much more pleasant and interesting!


    2) about torrent versions.
    - Answering in one word: yes, it works on torrents too.
    - answering in more detail:
    The fact is that there are a huge number of versions and layout options for the game on torrents.
    To answer your question, I downloaded several different versions of the torrent.
    On the game version 1.2. one mod stopped working. - https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/23?tab=posts&BH=0
    On the game version 1.3.6. all my mods work!
    Just in case, I will give a link to the torrent with which the testing was conducted. And with this torrent testing was successful, all the mods have earned.
    - torrent link to the game 1.3.6 on which the patch was tested.
    https://torrent-igruha.org/?do=download&id=14549 This torrent is based on the GOG version of the game.


    I note that I bought a game in Steam. By the way, now the game is very cheap there, a symbolic price for such a game.


    3) Why didn't Mods work for you?
    The fact is that there are 2 patches for working with mods.
    You just used the wrong patch.
    It was necessary to use Patch number 1 https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/1, which was the very first to be done. It both worked initially, and it still works.
    Also in the Patch in the kit you need to install the Redirector:
    And after that all mods on almost all versions of the game should work for you.



    Your mistake was that you installed patch number 2:
    This patch has now stopped working.
    Why it doesn’t work: my opinion is that this Patch number 2: I need an additional file similar to the “Redirector”.
    A file called "ReDirector Fix" at https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/34


    But something happened and the developer of mod2 deleted this file and deleted himself from the site. (This is my opinion, maybe everything was a little different).

    The difference between Patch2 and Patch1 is that Patch2 additionally provided visualization on the boot screen about which Mods were connected to the game. Now this visualization is not, unfortunately.
    But with Patch1 all mods continue to work!



    4) It would be great if Patch2 worked again.
    4.1) It is possible that someone left on their hard drive a "ReDirector Fix" file. Many people managed to download a file before this file was deleted from the site.
    If such people who have this file missing go to this site again - send this file and please help the community!


    4.2) Perhaps somewhere else on the Internet it is possible to find the missing file.
    For example, on the Github site you need to search. Perhaps the author of Patch2 laid out the code there.


    By the way, I found on a github a file called "ReDirector Fix"
    But I don’t understand the Github and I can’t understand whether this file or not.


    4.3) It is possible to re-patch Patch2. Such a patch that will show which particular mods are connected to the game, and which are not.
    If someone has done this before, then for sure it will be possible to do it again.


    5) Total: so that all mods work for you:
    - install the game. (I am using the latest version 1.3.6).
    - install Patch1 https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/1
    - Install the Redirector: https://www.nexusmods.com/planetbase/mods/3
    - then install all other Mods.
    - enjoy the game with cool mods and have fun! :-)

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