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About Roborabbit

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    Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Metro 2033, Witcher Series

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  1. Thanks for the reply Caramellcube! Unfortunately the script that you posted still didn't work for me. However the information you posted was very helpful and allowed me to solve the issue, I prefer the solution that I came up with over my original idea anyway :D Originally I had tried to make the crane be activated when the player press an electrical switch, I was trying to make it so that if the gate was down and the button was pressed then the gate would open and vice versa. However I still don't know how to do this, as what you posted should have worked... but it didn't lol To fix it, instead of using a electrical switch I chose to use a terminal. In the terminal menu I added two menu options to appear when the player used the terminal. 1. Open Gate 2. Close Gate I then attached code to each option in the "Item Result Script" For Opening the Gate I used this: Ref myLink Set myLink to getLinkedRef myLink.Playgroup Forward 1 For Closing the Gate: Ref myLink Set myLink to getLinkedRef myLink.Playgroup Backward 1 This creates an empty Reference called "myLink" it then 'fills' the empty reference with reference of the item that the terminal is linked to ( I had to do this because it kept telling me that JYCrane was not a reference, so I let it the stubborn geck find it for itself :] ) Playgroup Forward and Backward are self explanatory. Thanks for the Reply Caramell, your information was very helpful :] I suppose this could be adapted to a button aswell, if I still wanted to use an electrical switch the code would probably be something like this: scn (insert script name here) short doonce Begin OnActivate if ( doonce == 0 ) Ref myLink set myLink to getLinkedRef myLink.Playgroup Forward 1 else Ref myLink set myLink to getLinkedRef myLink.Playgroup Backward 1 endif End Lol, absolutely no idea if that works - just a stab in the dark at what might work with a switch... Edit::: Just tried that code to see if would work for a switch and this time the geck accepts it, but in-game it does nothing : / oh well, I was just curious - my terminal still works perfectly.
  2. I'm working on a little project, trying to make a town. However I have run into a bit of an issue. I am using the Crane that is used at the Citadel as my gate, however it won't play the animation when I activate it. I want it to be able to be closed and opened by the player using an activator. I have tried to code it myself, but I don't know enough about coding and so my attempts have merely been trying to spot the bit that allows the player to open the citadel gate and adjust it to fit my own needs :/ If any one can help I would appreciate it greatly! Here is what I have tried: This was copied directly from the original code used for the crane at the Citadel, I changed the Reference Id for CitCraneRef to JYCraneRef and now I receive an error saying that "State" is an unknown variable or function... ScriptName JunkYardCraneScript short doonce ;used to activate Citadel Crane to open gate as the player Begin OnTrigger if ( doonce == 0 ) if isActionRef Player == 1 if ( JYCraneRef.State != 1 ) JYCraneREF.Playgroup Forward 1 set JYCraneRef.State to 1 endif endif endif End
  3. Hmm, if there is anyone that could do this, it would be Tytanis. I recommend adding it to his idea thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/483261-tytanis-ultimate-mod-idea-thread/page__hl__tytanis
  4. Sounds pretty awesome! I have an iphone though :verymad: -> :wallbash: -> :facepalm: Would like to see an iphone version. Also, I hope you get paid for every person that downloads it, you deserve it for the effort you put into it!
  5. L.O.L So your neighbour is giving these to you as a gift and you intend to make a profit out of it? o.O ... o.O Any of the "say $200" going to the man who put in the time and effort to make it? On a side note: If you put it up on ebay, you could probably get more than $200 for it.
  6. Smoother Version: Unfortunately making it smoother allows the reflection to be shown better, and the reflection is now causing some pixelation (its no where near as bad as the original, but it much more noticeable than the lumpier muddy version that I add pictures of above). http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/1379/screenshot922n.jpg http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/5179/screenshot912p.jpg http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/205/screenshot902.jpg http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/5214/screenshot892.jpg
  7. Ok, so after much testing and fiddling I have fixed the horrible blocky reflections, I am still modifying it however. Just thought I'd post an update with pictures to show what I have done. This version I have kept the concept of mud rather than water, so it is lumpy. I will try and make a smoother version to simulate spilt water - but personally I like this version better. http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/6280/screenshot93j.jpg http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/1370/screenshot92q.jpg http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/1079/screenshot91k.jpg http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/3172/screenshot90d.jpg http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/609/screenshot89z.jpg Furthermore, I must add that at the moment these files are massive - 4096 x 4096 10 - 20mb's per file (thats compressed with mipmaps) I didn't notice any performance or loading time difference at all on my machine. I will try scaling these versions down, its easier to work with larger files.
  8. I found the textures. whroughground.dds whroughground_n.dds whroughgroundwet.dds whroughgroundwet_n.dds whroughgroundmud.dds The whroughgroundmud.dds is the file that has the reflective water/mud in it. However, I have tried changing the texture and making new normal maps and yet the horrible pixelation that can be seen in the reflection of the mud is still there. So the problem must be in the alpha layer, still testing.
  9. I have been searching tirelessly for that texture, if I could find the damn thing I could try fixing it. Anyone know which texture it is?
  10. Anyone know what the .dds file is called for the map poster? The one that looks like this: (This is a higher resolution copy, the in-game version is lower quality) http://playstationlifestyle.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Skyrim-Map-685x462.jpg Planning on increasing the detail and resolution of it, but cannot for the life of me find the damn file lol.
  11. When will it be ready to upload to the Nexus ?! It looks FREAKIN AWESOME! I honestly cant wait to play it, That is if you are going to upload it - which I really hope you do ^_^ Really Really Nice work, Congratulations! :thumbsup:
  12. What I Have done so far: http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot168.jpg Front View http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot166.jpg Back View http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot170.jpg Water tower house http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot176.jpg Wilson house part 1 http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot175.jpg Wilson house part 2 http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot163.jpg Standing on the plank http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx239/robocontrols/ScreenShot177.jpg Every light can be turned off. That is what I have done so far any feedback would be much appreciated *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* !!!!!NOTE!!!!! Green world is not required for this mod to work, but it is compatible with it. The junk yard looks more 'junky' without the trees. If anyone would like to see screen shots of the mod without greenworld tell me I will be glad to put them up. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Sorry to those that thought I hadn't created it yet, I did try to add these pics earlier but they wouldn't work. @BadPenney I had that problem when I first started. There were so many cars and nearly all of them were exploding ones. Gave me quite a shock to first load it up and see a massive explosion, so big that it actually blew the navmesh apart ie. first there was terrain that you could walk on, (big explosion) and then there was nothing just a big square in the terrain that you could not walk on? Pretty weird. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to comment! :)
  13. Very nice, would you be able to make the interior inside it so there are no loading times just a door to open I will furnish it. Doesn't matter would just be good.
  14. Thanks BadPenny, don't suppose you want to help? if not that alright just looking for someone to do quests or give me a good tutorial.
  15. The junk yard is a WIP I have not released it yet I want to know what people think and know if anyone would like to help with some things for example: additional content quests Scripting (Advanced) And ideas. NOTE: Green world is not needed for this mod, the mod looks and works perfectly fine without it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE JUNK YARD The junk yard will be a small community built by the people you will have to complete requests to gain entrance and then more to gain their trust to their valuable fort. After you gain their trust the leader will offer you one of two houses both houses will be different and I may add the option of adding a hard quest to get the other that you don't choose. Nearly every area is reachable through ladders, doors and ramps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What the mod will include (in a nutshell) Large and small quests (Need help with this part) New npcs to interact with, npcs will have full dialogue and scheduled AI (possibly voice acting if someone wants to do this) Player houses with lots of fun triggers and scripts to keep you entertained for hours! Hopefully a boat system that the player can drive (with wasd keys!) and a system where they can get a lift to a dock in different location along the Potomac Any ideas that are put forth which are doable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Characters (created so far) Walter: A maintenance man, Walter lives alone in the sewer tending to the piping that can be found down there. Although Walter lives in a sewer he has a very cozy place (with extreme scripting!) and enjoys spending his free time playing the violin or forging important letters. Walter has used his plumbing and electrical skills to create a very unique and interesting home. Whether its nuka cola bottle that have been modified to be water features or a bed curtain that can be mechanically closed and opened Walter has it all. A nice feature is the ability to set what ever lighting tone you feel like as every light in his house has the ability to be turned on or off creating lots of possible combination's of lighting. Walter is very nice but it will take a little while to gain his trust, the reward of gaining his trust you get to live in his house as well!. Dave? (forgotten his name at this moment in time): Dave controls the water tower he lives up there keeping an eye on the maintenance of the purifier. He like Walter also has a nice setup not as much scripting but still nice. Dave spends all of his time up here and enjoys models and of course fixing and building things. You can climb up and visit him and he loves visitors as he rarely gets any at all... ever. That is all the characters that I have created for now if you have any requests or you would like to see your character in this mod then please tell me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What I need and want. The big one is IDEAS I also need help so if you want to help out just tell me, you can help me by: Making meshes, I can make meshes but not very well so it would be nice to have a couple new monster bosses for the quests etc. Scripting Advanced, for any ideas people might have and some that I have. I need someone to make quests and I will learn from your work :) Nav meshing, I'm a beginner navmesher so this project really strains my skills. If you are not particularly good at any of these or you have other attributes (voice acting etc.) and want to help and contribute tell me I would really appreciate any help I can get. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all for now folks ;)
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