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  1. Okay guys, I've gotten help from Emma herself and this is what she told me basically, I've edited it a bit more to let in a bit of detail: 1. Create a subfolder on your desktop. 2. Unzip the mod to the sub-folder (use winzip and right click and select the ‘extract to...’ then select the new sub-folder you created on your desktop). 3. Double-click on the sub-folder. Once you open your new sub-folder there should be these items inside: meshes folder, textures folder, icons folder (or just the pictures of the icons) and an ESP-file, the thing that looks like a Swiss army knife with a sword.) Drag and drop the meshes folder into your Morrowind/datafiles directory. It will automatically combine with your existing meshes folder (Select ‘yes‘ when it asked if you want to replace your current one, don‘t worry, it‘ll keep everything else you put in there from before so no need to concern yourself over that.) Now, take the textures folder and drag-n-drop it into you Morrowind/datafiles directory. Now, do the same with the Icons folder(or place the pictures into the icons folder). Finally, place the ESP-file in your Morrowind/datafiles directory. Thanks to Emma and everyone else on this forum that helped me with my problem. Emma also stated that this should work with every other mod you're trying to use.
  2. Model Load Error: Meshes\BG\BG_B_N_WElf_M_Head01.NIF cannot load file in Meshes\BG\BG_B_N_WElf_M_Head01.NIF. Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF. Model Load Error: Meshes\BG\BG_B_N_WElf_M_Head02.NIF cannot load file in Meshes\BG\BG_B_N_WElf_M_Head02.NIF. Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF. This is what the warnings txt says about it...this is about the Rhedd heads, something just like it (different names) from emma's also pops up, I'm going to check Emma's site to see about her mods, Malchik told me she could help with that (thanks).
  3. Yes. Reinstall the mod, since you might have inadvertently broken it. Best to play it safe. Basically, you've got wires crossed about how to "activate" mods for play. You select mods for play from the "Data Files" option that appears when you start the game. (It's just underneath "Play".) You don't use the CS at all. Here's what happens: Insert the Morrowind CD. You'll get the splash screen. DO NOT CLICK "PLAY". Click "DATA FILES" instead. You'll get a dialog box with a listing of all properly installed mods on the left. Double-click those mods you want to play with. You'll see an X appear beside them. When you've selected all that you want, Click OK. Now you can click "Play". I've done ann that before, I'm not having troubles with that any longer, but when I do press "yes" to ignore the error message, Malchik, it shuts morrowind down... Thanks for trying to help and understand how retarded my computer seems to be =/
  4. :excl: Well, I've tried it and well, this new mod I want won't work either. After I save it as an active file and not a plugin, when I go to the data file to check it off before I start playing, it's still marked as a plugin, is it suppose to say active file and not plug in? perhaps that's my problem... same errors keep popping up still.
  5. Many thanks to you on my part as well, I'll look into her site when I find it. *Bowness*
  6. >:( This is really bothering me, I’ve placed the meshes into the mesh folder and the textures into their folder from the “emma’s wood elf heads” file I downloaded and placed the plug-in data file in the data files area. Yes, I’ve activated it in the construction set and saved it yet the damned thing still won’t work... Any suggestions?
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