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About TheManWithoutAPlan69

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  1. I reverted back to the pre-updated version, but for some reason it still uses the global grid whenever I select a new snap reference. What version of the CK and FO4 are you guys using where the movement grid gets adjusted to whatever your snap reference is?
  2. LMAO, I respect that. Alright, I'll revert back to the pre-updated version and see how that goes. Thanks for the help though, I appreciate it
  3. Thanks for the replies! Tried restarting a few times, but sadly didn't work. I also tried to manually select the snap reference, but even when I apply a snap reference in Preferences it still uses the global grid. I'm starting to think it's a bug in the CK. I did get the Next Gen update for Fallout 4. I read somewhere that it caused problems for some people, but I didn't think it could cause issues in the Creation Kit as well. Are you guys using the next gen version for Fallout 4 and the CK?
  4. It's the same issue with other objects, not just SCOLs. I tried with a variety of references with different orientations, but it always used the global grid no matter the snap reference.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to toggle a reference snap with SHIFT+Q. The CK recognizes the new reference, but still uses the global grid when I try to move objects around. Is there any way where I can set the grid to also align with the new reference snap? Thanks!
  6. I've been trying to make a drawbridge that works similar to elevators (push button to make a platform rotate). Standard elevators have the SimpleElevatorMaster (or even the SimpleElevatorPackin) that includes the Elevator Master and all the necessary custom links to the button, elevator helper and platform. However, that's only useful for platforms that need to go up and down and won't be compatible with platforms that need to rotate ~90 degrees. I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a drawbridge that's activated by a button too similar to these elevators. Essentially I need a platform that will rotate up and down 90 degrees if a button is pressed. The 'hinge' part would stay in the exact same place, but the opposite end of the platform would move up and down. Would anyone have a script to do that or is there a workaround with the vanilla scripts in the Creation Kit? Thanks in advance!
  7. I noticed I can't load my mod with the current 32 bit CK so I can't generate LIP files anymore. Is there a workaround for this, or are they working on an updated version of this? If there's some kind of workaround, how would I go about doing this? I read somewhere to revert to an older version, but I'm a complete beginner, so I have no clue how to begin doing that.
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