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About JohnnyCoffey

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  1. but my issue is that I am unable to create triangles. I am hitting that A button, nothing happens. I have made some navmeshes in my previous mods so I know the basics.
  2. Alrighty. Placable water works just fine but another problem popped out. The water is just too blue. I found out it is completely reflecting sky so I tried to disable sky reflecting in water settings but nothing changed. I also found out that I cant create Navmeshes. dont know why but i cannot join the navmesh verticles together. it simply isnt working at all. I read somewhere I should never try to autogenerate navmeshes since it will break the entire world space. But despite these issues and the render distance problem is everything working so far. So thank you so much for help :)
  3. Oh, so thats it. I have to increase the "view distance" in .INI. Also my water (not the placable one) renders invisible in game. I searched for clues on the internet, as always, but no help. I bet I am doing something wrong... so many errors,,, I am very desperate because everyone is already so pumped up for Fallout: Chicago... I dont want to disappoint them.
  4. I have also discovered that I cant see half of the map because of the render distance. Is there a way to increase it?
  5. It works! I am finally able to edit world space :) I deleted placable water and raised world space water to optimal level :) Now... how can I delete those unused cells? GECK dont want to let me delete them.
  6. Oh, thats great it can be fixed <3 Well... this in my first world space mod so I am not surprised it have that many errors :) Well since I was not able to edit worldspace I had to use placable water.... and use refraction to the objects with contact with water. Yes... silly :/ The landspace is indeed way bigger than it should be but I wasnt able to delete that too becuase of that crash issue. Hah... not very good start with Fallout: Chicago project :( I am gonna try that F03edit fix right now! I will let you know if it worked Sir :)
  7. Yes it only appears when mod is loaded Yes I am indeed talking about that "World - World spaces" dropbox I have placed a door in there and connected it to the interior cell I have made. I can "coc" to that interior cell but when I try to use the door which should take me to my world space its not working at all... it keeps loading. I have only edited landscape (manually), put objects in there (rocks, cliffs, trees, buildings...) and generated LODs .bak doesnt help too. I can send .esp - https://www.mediafire.com/file/2vx1387gibyzdg7/WorldSpace.esp/file I am not including those few custom weapons since they were placed only in not-conflicting interior aaTESTING is the name of interior
  8. Nothing helps... It keeps freezing when I click that "Worldspaces" tab. Also I cant possibly reach my worldspace in game. It keeps loading and loading but never loads. Is there something I hav eto do to be able to actually load the worldspace in game?
  9. I opened GECK, made new worldspace. Set weather, waterheight, land height and stuff but forgot to set water noise. Then I jumped into worldspace creation. When I had basic terrain set up I wanted to raise the water level bit higher becuase it was very low. But I could not open worldspace editor ever again. All I did was basically putting objects into render widnow... basic level design. I also found out that my worldspace is kinda struggling to load in-game. When I want to enter it, it starts loading the wolrd but never stops. It bocomes infinite loading loop. Is there something I have to do in order to make my worldspace accessable? Its pretty small worldspace. Just a ravine with Chicago Enclave military base in there.
  10. My problem is I can not even OPEN the worldspace edit window because whole GECK freeze permanently. Should I edit something in GECK .INIs to prevent this from happening?
  11. But I dont know what is causing it. Thats the problem
  12. Hello. I am making my own worldspace, just for fun most likely. My worldspace will contain water so I wanted to raise the water levels properly and set the water "noise" textures but GECK freeze when I tried to open "Worldspaces" tab. Am I doing something wrong? I dont want to start from beginning, its pretty complex already. If its not possible to "fix" is there some way to bypass it? Maybe via FO3Edit? I doubt its the problem of my computer since its pretty powerful Intel Core i3 9100 MSI Radeon RX 570 Armor OC 8GB 1x Patriot DDR4 8GB I have tried using FOMM editor, GECK extender and so on but nothing worked. I hope someone can help me :/
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