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  1. Hey guys, I might be late in asking this, as i have no clue how modded ME3 still is currently, but has there been anyone who could mod-fix the hands on the navy blues? Both Anderson and Shepard have creepy shriveled elderly looking hands. I've seen a mod that swapped a dress to a leather jacket and had a hands fix, but it didn't apply to the navy blues. Would there be anyone out there who's able to fix this very immersion-breaking bug somehow? I love my femshep in uniform, but i hate to see her have hands as if she was in her 70's or 80's.
  2. Hello, I don't know if this has been mentioned before in any topic yet, but it would be nice have a mod that changes the vanilla paperdoll into the pitgall one. There is a working mod for Fallout 3 (http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/9987). Also, a working replacer for Fallout NV, with a diffrent paperdoll, the cowgirl replacer (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41005). I have tried manually swapping the pit gall dds files into the cowgirl folder, then installing with NMM. This works to a certain degree, but the paperdoll is completely scrambeled. Among the Official PipBoy Readius images, i found one that has the pit gall working fine (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/images/36646-1-1289580475.jpg). Any idea how this was made possible and if so possible to upload a solution for this? Many thanks
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